wind sand and stars st.antoine de saint-exupery-第9节
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terday that we began to pitch our camp in this country of laboratories and power stations; that we took possession of this new; this still unfinished; house we live in。 Everything round us is new and different … our concerns; our working habits; our relations with one another。 Title: Wind; Sand; and Stars
Author: Antoine de Saint…Exupery
Translator: Lewis Galantiere
Publisher: Harcourt Brace Javanovich; New York; 1967
Date first posted: February 2000
Date most recently updated: January 2006
XML markup by Wesman 02/23/2000。
Wind Sand and Stars
Antoine de Saint…Exupery
The Elements
When Joseph Conrad described a typhoon he said very little about towering waves; or darkness; or the whistling of the wind in the shrouds。 He knew better。 Instead; he took his reader down into the hold of the vessel; packed with emigrant coolies; where the rolling and the pitching of the ship had ripped up and scattered their bags and bundles; burst open their boxes; and flung their humble belongings into a crazy heap。 Family treasures painfully collected in a lifetime of poverty; pitiful mementoes so alike that nobody but their owners could have told them apart; had lost their identity and lapsed into chaos; into anonymity; into an amorphous magma。 It was this human drama that Conrad described when he painted a typhoon。
Every airline pilot has flown through tornadoes; has returned out of them to the fold … to the little restaurant in Toulouse where we sat in peace under the watchful eye of the waitress … and there; recognizing his powerlessness to convey what he has been through; has given up the idea of describing hell。 His descriptions; his gestures; his big words would have made the rest of us smile as if we were listening to a little boy bragging。 And necessarily so。 The cyclone of which I am about to speak was; physically; much the most brutal and overwhelming experience I ever underwent; and yet beyond a certain point I do not know how to convey its violence except by piling one adjective on another; so that in the end I should convey no impression at all … unless perhaps that of an embarrassing taste for exaggeration。
It took me some time to grasp the fundamental reason for this powerlessness; which is simply that I should be trying to describe a catastrophe that never took place。 The reason why writers fail when they attempt to evoke horror is that horror is something invented after the fact; when one is re…creating the experience over again in the memory。 Horror does not manifest itself in the world of reality。 And so; in beginning my story of a revolt of the elements which I myself lived through I have no feeling that I shall write something which you will find dramatic。
I had taken off from the field at Trelew and was flying down to odoro…Rivadavia; in the Patagonian Argentine。 Here the crust of the earth is as dented as an old boiler。 The high…pressure regions over the Pacific send the winds past a gap in the Andes into a corridor fifty miles wide through which they rush to the Atlantic in a strangled and accelerated buffeting that scrapes the surface of everything in their path。 The sole vegetation visible in this barren landscape is a plantation of oil derricks looking like the after…effects of a forest fire。 Towering over the round hills on which the winds have left a residue of stony gravel; there rises a chain of prow…shaped; saw…toothed; razor…edged mountains stripped by the elements down to the bare rock。
For three months of the year the speed of these winds at ground level is up to a hundred miles an hour。 We who flew the route knew that once we had crossed the marshes of Trelew and had reached the threshold of the zone they swept; we should recognize the winds from afar by a grey…blue tint in the atmosphere at the sight of which we would tighten our belts and shoulder…straps in preparation for what was ing。 From then on we had an hour of stiff fighting and of stumbling again and again into invisible ditches of air。 This was manual labor; and our muscles felt it pretty much as if we had been carrying a longshoreman's load。 But it lasted only an hour。 Our machines stood up under it。 We had no fear of wings suddenly dropping off。 Visibility was generally good; and not a problem。 This section of the line was a stint; yes; it was certainly not a drama。
But on this particular day I did not like the color of the sky。
The sky was blue。 Pure blue。 Too pure。 A hard blue sky that shone over the scraped and barren world while the fleshless vertebrae of the mountain chain flashed in the sunlight。 Not a cloud。 The blue sky glittered like a new…honed knife。 I felt in advance the vague distaste that acpanies the prospect of physical exertion。 The purity of the sky upset me。 Give me a good black storm in which the enemy is plainly visible。 I can measure its extent and prepare myself for its attack。 I can get my hands on my adversary。 But when you are flying very high in clear weather the shock of a blue storm is as disturbing as if something collapsed that had been holding up your ship in the air。 It is the only time when a pilot feels that there is a gulf beneath his ship。
Another thing bothered me。 I could see on a level with the mountain peaks not a haze; not a mist; not a sandy fog; but a sort of ash…colored streamer in the sky。 I did not like the look of that scarf of filings scraped off the surface of the earth and borne out to sea by the wind。 I tightened my leather harness as far as it would go and I steered the ship with one hand while with the other I hung on to the longeron that ran along…side my seat。 I was still flying in remarkably calm air。
Very soon came a slight tremor。 As every pilot knows; there are secret little quiverings that fore…tell your real storm。 No rolling; no pitching。 No swing to speak of。 The flight continues horizontal and rectilinear。 But you have felt a warning drum on the wings of your plane; little intermittent rappings scarcely audible and infinitely brief; little cracklings from time to time as if there were traces of gunpowder in the air。
And then everything round me blew up。
Concerning the next couple of minutes I have nothing to say。 All that I can find in my memory is a few rudimentary notions; fragments of thoughts; direct observations。 I cannot pose them into a dramatic recital because there was no drama。 The best I can do is to line them up in a kind of chronological order。
In the first place; I was standing still。 Having banked right in order to correct a sudden drift; I saw the landscape freeze abruptly where it was and remain jiggling on the same spot。 I was making no headway。 My wings had ceased to nibble into the outline of the earth。 I could see the earth buckle; pivot…but it stayed put。 The plane was skidding as if on a toothless cogwheel。
Meanwhile I had the absurd feeling that I had exposed myself pletely to the enemy。 All those peaks; those crests; those teeth that were cutting into the wind and unleashing its gusts in my direction; seemed to me so many guns pointed straight at my defenseless person。 I was slow to think; but the thought did e to me that I ought to give up altitude and make for one of the neighboring valleys where I might take shelter against a mountainside。 As a matter of fact; whether I liked it or not I was being helplessly sucked down towards the earth。 Title: Wind; Sand; and Stars
Author: Antoine de Saint…Exupery
Translator: Lewis Galantiere
Publisher: Harcourt Brace Javanovich; New York; 1967
Date first posted: February 2000
Date most recently updated: January 2006
XML markup by Wesman 02/23/2000。
Wind Sand and Stars
Antoine de Saint…Exupery
The Plane and the Planet
The airplane has unveiled for us the true face of the earth。 For centuries; highways had been deceiving us。 We were like that queen who determined to move among her subjects so that she might learn for herself whether or not they rejoiced in her reign。 Her courtiers took advantage of her innocence to garland the road she traveled and set dancers in her path。 Led forward on their halter; she saw nothing of her kingdom and could not know that over the countryside the famished were cursing her。
Even so have we been making our way along the winding roads。 Roads avoid the barren lands; the rocks; the sands。 They shape themselves to man's needs and run from stream to stream。 They lead the farmer from his barns to his wheat…fields; receive at the thresholds of stables the sleepy cattle and pour them forth at dawn into meadows of alfalfa。 They join village to village; for between villages marriages are made。
And even when a road hazards its way over the desert; you will see it make a thousand detours to take its pleasure at the oases。 Thus; led astray by the divagations of roads; as by other indulgent fictions; having in the course of our travels skirted so many well…watered lands; so many orchards; so many meadows; we have from the beginning of time embellished the picture of our prison。 We have elected to believe that our planet was merciful and fruitful。
But a cruel light has blazed; and our sight has been shar