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小说: 张海迪-美丽的英语 字数: 每页4000字

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  B: I guess you’re just wasting your breath then。 Time means nothing to John。 
  talk something over指的是discuss,比如: 
  Tom talked his plan over with his father before he bought the car。 
  on time指的是not before or late of the time arranged,比如说: 
  The train left on time。 
  till one is blue in the face不是说某个人的脸发紫了,而是说,until one can say no more in trying to convincing someone of something,比如: 
  Jane argued with Bill until she was blue in the face。 
  in time to指的是be at a place at the right time to do something; soon enough,比如: 
  We got to Washington in time for the cherry blossoms。 
  out of the question指的是impossible; beyond consideration; unthinkable,比如说: 
  Your suggestion that we go swimming is out of the question; it’s much too cold today。 
  waste one’s breath 指的是 speak uselessly, to no purpose: 
  If you tell Jack not to go, you’ll just be wasting your breath; he’ll go anyway。 
  I know the answer, but I cant put my finger on it。 
  I dont believe Sallys pregnant。 Its just coffee talk, just gossip。 
  I’m a little ahead of time, I know, but it would be better to wait here rather than miss the train。 
  Kathy never has time to be bored。 She’s as busy as a bee from morning to night。 
  I like to live here because people here call a spade a spade, and they have a sense of humor。 
  Carol James had done her homework before the tour started, and she knew where to go。 
  A silver…tongued salesman sold me this car, but I cant drive! 
  You’d better get your things together。 There’s no time to lose。 
  The movie stars always wanted to be in the spotlight。 
  He sailed through his examinations and graduated at the top of his class。 
  He talked my ear off all afternoon but didn’t really say a thing。 
  He doesn’t know what he’s talking about—why, he’s all wet about the issue。 
  我觉得,比短语和成语更难掌握的是俚语(slang)和俗语(colloquial expression)。我从不以为俚语和俗语是老百姓的话,不登大雅之堂。其实,在正式的场合,人们说话的时候都挺胸直背,字斟句酌,而在日常生活中,俚语和俗语却是经常使用的。俚俗语言源于人们的日常生活,听起来亲切自然,真实有趣,在日常交谈中要是能恰如其分地使用俚语,说不定还会拉近人与人之间的距离,使交流变得更融洽和生动。 
  当然,俚语比起成语来或许更难理解,比如,有一次我收到美国芝加哥一个女性残疾人康复中心寄来的杂志Resourceful Women,在一篇论述残疾妇女就业权利的文章里,就有这样一段话。 
  When you encounter such an unfair treatments and you think your rights are harmed, and then circle your wagons。 
  我怎么也想不明白这句话的意思,“circle your wagons”?为什么要把车子圈起来呢?我查阅了能找到的所有成语词典,却还是没明白为什么要把车子圈起来。我只好给我的美国朋友Judi Rogers发e…mail,请她告诉我什么是circle your wagons。 Judi几乎立刻就回复了我的信,她很详细地作了解释。原来,这是美国西部开发时期的一个用语。那时候,人们纷纷涌向西部去开发,向西行进的车队浩浩荡荡,但是行进中的车队却常常遭遇强盗的袭扰和抢劫,遇到这种情况,车队的人们就把车子围成一个圈,构成一个临时工事,从里向外射击。 
  So “circle your wagons ” means to prepare a defense and counter…attack。 
  Now, professional women do not always look at the glass ceilings。 They try to break through it。 
  后来,也是Judi Rogers告诉我,glass ceilings具有象征的意义。美国社会表面上宣扬男女平等,但是实际上,对女性的种种歧视和不平等却无处不在。职业妇女在工作中很难得到职务提升的机会,虽然她们才华横溢,能力很强,但她们与高级职务之间就像隔着玻璃天花板一样,可望而不可及。尽管近年来美国有一些杰出女性进入了社会的高层,在大公司的CEO中,声誉卓著的女性不乏其人,甚至还有个别的进入了政府的权力机构,但从总体上说,对女性的歧视和不平等仍然存在。最近的一期Resourceful Women上,有文章指出,针对妇女的家庭暴力(domestic violence)在增加,长期以来对残疾女性的性歧视和性压迫(sexual oppression)并没有消除,很多残疾女性开展了争取生育权利(reproductive rights)的斗争。看来,glass ceilings在美国还会继续存在下去。 
  glass ceilings不仅存在于社会和职业领域,在英语学习中不是同样存在吗?我们总是想学好英语,学了很多教材,背单词,记语法,听磁带,写作文,考等级,可结果却还是和自己的期望有很大差距,我们与美丽的梦想之间好像总是隔着一层玻璃天花板,什么时候才能breaking through the glass ceilings,让我们的英语得心应手呢? 
  成语和俚语固然能使交流变得生动活泼,可是,如果学得不精,或者不求甚解,甚至望文生义,也许就会引起误解。记得有一次,我和德国莱比锡大学的朋友恩斯特·弗里德里希在网上聊天,我们谈到了“the meaning of life”这个话题,我们谈论了一个晚上: 
  Haidi: As to the meaning of life, I agree with Rousseau, Gandhi and Einstein, i。e。, the meaning of life is to love, help and serve other people。 I believe this will be agreed to by most of the people。 
  Ernst: Except me。 I consider that Freud, Kafka and Sartre were right。 They claimed that the human life is meaningless, because life and death are all natural processes, and Freud even advocated that life and death were all instincts of human beings。 
  Haidi: As advanced and well evolved creatures, human beings are not merely natural, they are also (and more important) rational。 They have their views of the world, of the universe, and on this basis, they build their own ideals。 
  Ernst: The ideals of human beings are all mixed up, and have never been realized。 From the primitive society to the contemporary world, all their ideals, no matter how beautiful and persuasive they had been, perished in the merciless wars。 So, talking about the meaning of life is nonsense。 
  Haidi: What you’ve said is perhaps of some sense, but since the new century has begun, it turns over a new leaf for human society。 
  Ernst: Not any sense of new, I’m afraid。 I would rather be in the old times, because all things are more familiar and customized。 
  Haid: Oh, sorry。 I have a phone call。 Let us stop here, but I’ll stick to my guns。 
  (海迪:哦,对不起,来电话了。我们就聊到这儿吧,但是我将会stick to my guns。) 
  Ernst: What? You’ll stick your guns at me? Fortunately I’m online, otherwise… 
  Haidi: Ha…ha…ha! I know you’ve misunderstood me。 “I’ll stick to my guns” means I’ll hold on to my views。 
  (海迪:哈哈哈!我知道你会误解我的话。“I’ll stick to my guns”,意思是说,我将坚持我的观点。) 
  Ernst: Ah…Well, I’ll stick to my guns too… 
  (恩斯特:啊——好吧,那我也stick to my guns!) 

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