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voyages of dr[1]. doolittle(都利特尔的航行)-第36节

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saw the strange mountain pictured in the letter。 In shape it was the perfect 

image   of   a   hawk's   head;   and   was;   as   far   as   we   could   see;   the   second 

highest summit in the island。 


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                        THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

     Although we were all out of breath from our climb; the Doctor didn't 

let us rest a second as soon as he had sighted it。 With one look at the sun 

for direction; down he dashed again; breaking through thickets; splashing 

over brooks; taking all the short cuts。 For a fat man; he was certainly the 

swiftest cross…country runner I ever saw。 

     We floundered after him as fast as we could。 When I say WE; I mean 

Bumpo and myself; for the animals; Jip; Chee…Chee and Polynesia; were a 

long way aheadeven beyond the Doctorenjoying the hunt like a paper… 


     At length we arrived at the foot of the mountain we were making for; 

and we found its sides very steep。 Said the Doctor; 

     〃Now we will separate and search for caves。 This spot where we now 

are; will be our meeting…place。 If anyone finds anything like a cave or a 

hole where the earth and rocks have fallen in; he must shout and hulloa to 

the rest of us。 If we find nothing we will all gather here in about an hour's 

timeEverybody understand?〃 

     Then we all went off our different ways。 

     Each   of   us;   you   may   be   sure;   was   anxious   to   be   the   one   to   make   a 

discovery。 And   never   was   a   mountain   searched   so   thoroughly。   But   alas! 

nothing could we find that looked in the least like a fallen…in cave。 There 

were   plenty  of   places   where   rocks   had   tumbled   down   to   the   foot   of   the 

slopes;   but   none   of   these   appeared   as   though   caves   or   passages   could 

possibly lie behind them。 

     One by one; tired and disappointed; we straggled back to the meeting… 

place。 The Doctor seemed gloomy and impatient but by no means inclined 

to give up。 

     〃Jip;〃    he   said;   〃couldn't    you    SMELL       anything    like   an   Indian 


     〃No;〃 said Jip。 〃I sniffed at every crack on the mountainside。 But I am 

afraid my nose will be of no use to you here; Doctor。 The trouble is; the 

whole air is so saturated with the smell of spider…monkeys that it drowns 

every other scentAnd besides; it's too cold and dry for good smelling。〃 

     〃It is certainly that;〃 said the Doctor〃and getting colder all the time。 

I'm afraid the island is still drifting to the southward。 Let's hope it stops 


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                         THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

before     long;  or   we   won't   be   able   to  get  even    nuts  and   fruit  to  eat 

everything in the island will perishChee…Chee; what luck did you have?〃 

     〃None;   Doctor。   I   climbed   to   every   peak   and   pinnacle   I   could   see。   I 

searched every hollow and cleft。 But not one place could I find where men 

might be hidden。〃 

     〃And   Polynesia;〃   asked   the   Doctor;   〃did   you   see   nothing   that   might 

put us on the right track?〃 

     〃Not a thing; DoctorBut I have a plan。〃 

     〃Oh   good!〃   cried   John   Dolittle;   full   of   hope   renewed。   〃What   is   it? 

Let's hear it。〃 

     〃You   still   have   that   beetle   with   you;〃   she   asked〃   the   Biz…biz;   or 

whatever it is you call the wretched insect?〃 

     〃Yes;〃 said the Doctor; producing the glass…topped box from his pocket; 

〃here it is。〃 

     〃All right。 Now listen;〃 said she。 〃If what you have supposed is true 

that is; that Long Arrow had been trapped inside the mountain by falling 

rock; he probably found   that beetle   inside the   caveperhaps many  other 

different beetles too; eh? He wouldn't have been likely to take the Biz…biz 

in with him; would he?He was hunting plants; you say; not beetles。 Isn't 

that right?〃 

     〃Yes;〃 said the Doctor; 〃that's probably so。〃 

     〃Very well。 It is fair to suppose then that the beetle's home; or his hole; 

is in that placethe part of the mountain where Long Arrow and his party 

are imprisoned; isn't it?〃 

     〃Quite; quite。〃 

     〃All right。 Then the thing to do is to let the beetle goand watch him; 

and   sooner   or   later   he'll   return   to   his   home   in   Long Arrow's   cave。 And 

there we will follow himOr at all events;〃 she added smoothing down her 

wing…feathers       with   a  very    superior    air;  〃we   will   follow   him    till  the 

miserable bug starts nosing under the earth。 But at least he will show us 

what part of the mountain Long Arrow is hidden in。〃 

     〃But he may fly; if I let him out;〃 said the Doctor。 〃Then we shall just 

lose him and be no better off than we were before。〃 

     〃LET him fly;〃 snorted Polynesia scornfully。 〃A parrot can wing it as 


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                         THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

fast as a Biz…biz; I fancy。 If he takes to the air; I'll guarantee not to let the 

little devil out of my sight。 And if he just crawls along the ground you can 

follow him yourself。〃 

     〃Splendid!〃   cried   the   Doctor。  〃Polynesia;   you have   a   great brain。   I'll 

set him to work at once and see what happens。〃 

     Again we all clustered round the Doctor as he carefully lifted off the 

glass lid and let the big beetle climb out upon his finger。 

     〃Ladybug; Ladybug; fly away home!〃 crooned Bumpo。 〃Your house is 

on fire and your chil〃 

     〃Oh; be quiet!〃 snapped Polynesia crossly。 〃Stop insulting him! Don't 

you suppose he has wits enough to go home without your telling him?〃 

     〃I thought perchance he might be of a philandering disposition;〃 said 

Bumpo humbly。 〃It could be that he is tired of his home and needs to be 

encouraged。 Shall I sing him 'Home Sweet Home;' think you?〃 

     〃No。 Then he'd never go back。 Your voice needs a rest。 Don't sing to 

him: just watch himOh; and Doctor; why not tie another message to the 

creature's leg; telling Long Arrow that we're doing our best to reach him 

and that he mustn't give up hope?〃 

     〃I will;〃 said the Doctor。 And in a minute he had pulled a dry leaf from 

a bush near by and was covering it with little pictures in pencil。 

     At last; neatly fixed up with his new mail…bag; Mr。 Jabizri crawled off 

the Doctor's finger to the ground and looked about him。 He stretched his 

legs; polished his nose with his front feet and then。 moved off leisurely to 

the westward。 

     We   had   expected   him   to   walk   UP  the   mountain;   instead;   he   walked 

AROUND   it。   Do   you   know   how   long   it   takes   a   beetle   to   walk   round   a 

mountain? Well;  I   assure   you   it   takes   an unbelievably  long   time。 As   the 

hours dragged by; we hoped and hoped that he would get up and fly the 

rest; and let Polynesia carry on the work of following him。 But he never 

opened   his   wings   once。   I   had   not   realized   before   how   hard   it   is   for   a 

human being to walk slowly enough to keep up with a beetle。 It was the 

most   tedious   thing   I   have   ever   gone through。 And   as   we   dawdled   along 

behind;     watching     him   like   hawks    lest  we    lose  him    under    a  leaf  or 

something; we all got so cross and ill…tempered we were ready to bite one 


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                         THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

another's heads off。 And when he stopped to look at the scenery or polish 

his nose some more; I could hear Polynesia behind me letting out the most 

dreadful seafaring swear…words you ever heard。 

     After he had led us the whole way round the mountain he brought us 

to the exact spot where we started from and there he came to a dead stop。 

     〃Well;〃 said   Bumpo   to   Polynesia;  〃what do   you   think   of the beetle's 

sense now? You see he DOESN'T know enough to go home。〃 

     〃Oh; be still; you Hottentot!〃 snapped Polynesia。 〃Wouldn't YOU want 

to   stretch   your   legs   for   exercise   if   you'd   been   shut   up   in   a   box   all   day。 

Probably his home is near here; and that's why he's come back。〃 

     〃But   why;〃   I   asked;   〃did   he   go   the   whole   way   round   the   mountain 


     Then the three of us got into a violent argument。 But in the middle of it 

all the Doctor suddenly called out; 

     〃Look; look!〃 

     We turned and found that he was pointing to the Jabizri; who was now 

walking UP the mountain at a much faster and more business…like gait。 

     〃Well;〃   said   Bumpo   sitting   down   wearily;   〃if   he   is   going   to   walk 

OVER the mountain and back; for more exercise;  I'll wait for him  here。 


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