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voyages of dr[1]. doolittle(都利特尔的航行)-第26节

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… Page 95…

                        THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

     〃Pepito de Malaga;〃 said Don Enrique; 〃one of the greatest names; one 

of the bravest men; in all Spain。〃 

     〃Very well;〃 said the Doctor; 〃I have a proposal to make to you。 I have 

never fought a bull in my life。 Now supposing I were to go into the ring 

to…morrow with Pepito de Malaga and any other matadors you choose; and 

if I can do more tricks with a bull than they can; would you promise to do 

something for me?〃 

     Don Enrique threw back his head and laughed。 

     〃Man;〃 he said; 〃you must be mad! You would be killed at once。 One 

has to be trained for years to become a proper bullfighter。〃 

     〃Supposing I were willing to take the risk of thatYou are not afraid; I 

take it; to accept my offer?〃 

     The Spaniard frowned。 

     〃Afraid!〃 he cried; 〃Sir; if you can beat Pepito de Malaga in the bull… 

ring I'll promise you anything it is possible for me to grant。〃 

     〃Very good;〃 said the Doctor; 〃now I understand that you are quite a 

powerful man in these islands。 If you wished to stop all bullfighting here 

after to…morrow; you could do it; couldn't you?〃 

     〃Yes;〃 said Don Enrique proudly〃I could。〃 

     〃Well that is what I ask of youif I win my wager;〃 said John Dolittle。 

〃If I can do more with angry bulls than can Pepito de Malaga; you are to 

promise me that there shall never be another bullfight in the Capa Blancas 

so long as you are alive to stop it。 Is it a bargain?〃 

     The Spaniard held out his hand。 

     〃It is a bargain;〃 he said〃I promise。 But I must warn you that you are 

merely throwing your life away; for you will certainly be killed。 However; 

that   is  no   more   than   you    deserve   for   saying   that  bullfighting    is  an 

unworthy   sport。   I   will   meet   you   here   to…morrow   morning   if   you   should 

wish to arrange any particulars。 Good day; Sir。〃 

     As the Spaniard turned and walked into the shop with the bed…maker; 

Polynesia; who had been listening as usual; flew up on to my shoulder and 

whispered in my ear; 

     〃I; have a plan。 Get hold of Bumpo and come some place where the 

Doctor can't hear us。 I want to talk to you。〃 


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                        THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

     I nudged Bumpo's elbow and we crossed the street and pretended   to 

look into a jeweler's window; while the Doctor sat down upon his bed to 

lace   up   his   boots;   the   only   part   of   his   clothing   he   had   taken   off   for   the 


     〃Listen;〃 said Polynesia; 〃I've been breaking my head trying to think 

up some way we can get money to buy those stores with; and at last I've 

got it。〃 

     〃The money?〃 said Bumpo。 

     〃No; stupid。 The ideato make the money with。 Listen: the Doctor is 

simply bound to win this game to…morrow; sure as you're alive。 Now all 

we have to do is to make a side bet with these Spaniards they're great on 

gamblingand the trick's done。〃 

     〃What's a side bet?〃 I asked。 

     〃Oh I know what that is;〃 said Bumpo proudly。 〃We used to have lots 

of them at Oxford when boat…racing was on。 I go to Don Enrique and say; 

'I bet you a hundred pounds the Doctor wins。' Then if he does win; Don 

Enrique pays me a hundred pounds; and if he doesn't; I have to pay Don 


     〃That's the idea;〃 said   Polynesia。  〃Only  don't say  a   hundred   pounds: 

say    two…thousand     five…hundred     pesetas。  Now     come    and  find   old  Don 

Ricky…ticky and try to look rich。〃 

     So we crossed the street again and slipped into the bed…maker's shop 

while the Doctor was still busy with his boots。 

     〃Don Enrique;〃 said Bumpo; 〃allow me to introduce myself。 I am the 

Crown Prince of Jolliginki。 Would you care to have a small bet with me on 

to…morrow's bullfight?〃 

    Don Enrique bowed。 

     〃Why certainly;〃 he said; 〃I shall be delighted。 But I must warn   you 

that you are bound to lose。 How much?〃 

     〃Oh   a   mere   truffle;〃   said   Bumpo〃just   for   the   fun   of the   thing;   you 

know。 What do you say to three…thousand pesetas?〃 

     〃I agree;〃 said the Spaniard bowing once more。 〃I will meet you after 

the bullfight to…morrow。〃 

     〃So that's all right;〃 said Polynesia as we came out to join the Doctor。 


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                         THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

〃I feel as though quite a load had been taken off my mind。〃 

                          THE EIGHTH CHAPTER 

                               THE GREAT BULLFIGHT 

     THE   next   day   was   a   great   day   in   Monteverde。   All   the   streets   were 

hung   with   flags;   and   everywhere   gaily   dressed   crowds   were   to   be   seen 

flocking   towards   the   bull…ring;   as   the   big   circus   was   called   where   the 

fights took place。 

     The news of the Doctor's challenge had gone round the town and; it 

seemed; had caused much amusement to the islanders。 The very idea of a 

mere     foreigner    daring    to   match    himself    against    the   great   Pepito    de 

Malaga!Serve him right if he got killed! 

     The Doctor had borrowed a bullfighter's suit from Don Enrique; and 

very   gay   and   wonderful   he   looked   in   it;   though   Bumpo   and   I   had   hard 

work getting the waistcoat to close in front and even then the buttons kept 

bursting off it in all directions。 

     When we set out from the harbor to walk to the bull…ring; crowds of 

small   boys   ran   after   us   making   fun   of   the   Doctor's   fatness;   calling   out; 

〃Juan   Hagapoco;   el   grueso   matador!〃   which   is   the   Spanish   for;   〃John 

Dolittle;   the   fat   bullfighter。〃   As   soon   as   we   arrived   the   Doctor   said   he 

would like to take a look at the bulls before the fight began; and we were 

at   once   led   to   the   bull   pen   where;   behind   a   high   railing;   six   enormous 

black bulls were tramping around wildly。 

     In a few hurried words and signs the Doctor told the bulls what he was 

going to do and gave them careful instructions for their part of the show。 

The   poor   creatures   were   tremendously   glad   when   they   heard   that   there 

was   a   chance   of   bullfighting   being   stopped;   and   they   promised   to   do 

exactly as they were told。 

     Of   course   the   man   who   took   us   in   there   didn't   understand   what   we 

were doing。 He merely thought the fat Englishman was crazy when he saw 

the Doctor making signs and talking in ox tongue。 

     From   there   the   Doctor   went   to   the   matadors'   dressing…rooms   while 


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                         THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

Bumpo and I with Polynesia made our way into the bull…ring and took our 

seats in the great open…air theatre。 

     It was a very gay sight。 Thousands of ladies and gentlemen were there; 

all   dressed   in   their   smartest   clothes;   and   everybody   seemed   very   happy 

and cheerful。 

     Right at the beginning Don Enrique got up and explained to the people 

that the first item on the program was to be a match between the English 

Doctor and Pepito de Malaga。 He told them what he had promised if the 

Doctor should win。 But the people did not seem to think there was much 

chance of that。 A roar of laughter went up at the very mention of such a 


     When   Pepito   came   into   the   ring   everybody   cheered;   the   ladies   blew 

kisses and the men clapped and waved their hats。 

     Presently a large door on the other side of the ring was rolled back and 

in galloped one of the bulls; then the door was closed again。 At once the 

matador became very much on the alert。 He waved his red cloak and the 

bull   rushed   at   him。   Pepito   stepped   nimbly   aside   and   the   people   cheered 


     This   game   was   repeated   several   times。   But   I   noticed   that   whenever 

Pepito got into a tight place and seemed to be in real danger from the bull; 

an   assistant   of   his;   who   always   hung   around   somewhere   near;   drew   the 

bull's attention upon himself by waving another red cloak。 Then the bull 

would chase the assistant and Pepito was left in safety。 Most often; as soon 

as   he   had   drawn   the   bull   off;   this   assistant   ran   for   the   high   fence   and 

vaulted out of the ring to save himself。 They evidently had it all arranged; 

these matadors; and it didn't seem to me that they were in any very great 

danger from the poor clumsy bull so long as they didn't slip and fall。 

     After about ten minutes of this kind of thing the small door into the 

matadors' dressing…room opened and the Doctor strol

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