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voyages of dr[1]. doolittle(都利特尔的航行)-第23节

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     I was tremendously interested to see how a ship could be steered into a 

port at night with nothing but light…houses and a compass to guide you。 It 

seemed   to   me   that   the   Doctor   missed   all   the   rocks   and   sand…bars   very 


     We got into that funny little Cornish harbor about eleven o'clock that 

night。   The   Doctor   took   his   stowaways   on   shore   in   our   small   row…boat 

which   we  kept   on   the   deck   of the  Curlew  and   found   them  rooms   at   the 

hotel there。 When he got back he told us that Mrs。 Luke had gone straight 

to bed and was feeling much better。 

     It was now after midnight; so we decided to stay in the harbor and wait 

till morning before setting out again。 

     I was glad to get to bed; although I felt that staying up so tremendously 

late was great fun。 As I climbed into the bunk over the Doctor's and pulled 

the blankets snugly round me; I found I could look out of the port…hole at 

my   elbow;   and;   without   raising   my   head   from   the   pillow;   could   see   the 

lights of Penzance swinging gently up and down with the motion of the 

ship at anchor。 It was like being rocked to sleep with a little show going on 

to amuse you。 I was just deciding that I liked the life of the sea very much 

when I fell fast asleep。 

                         THE FOURTH CHAPTER 

                           OUR TROUBLES CONTINUE 

     THE next morning when we were eating a very excellent breakfast of 

kidneys and bacon; prepared by our good cook Bumpo; the Doctor said to 


     〃I   was   just   wondering;   Stubbins;   whether   I   should   stop   at   the   Capa 

Blanca Islands or run right across for the coast of Brazil。 Miranda said we 

could expect a spell of excellent weather nowfor four and a half weeks at 


     〃Well;〃 I said; spooning out the sugar at the bottom of my cocoa…cup; 


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〃I should think it would be best to make straight across while we are sure 

of good weather。 And besides the Purple Bird…of…Paradise is going to keep 

a lookout for us; isn't she? She'll be wondering what's happened to us if we 

don't get there in about a month。〃 

     〃True; quite true; Stubbins。 On the other hand; the Capa Blancas make 

a   very  convenient   stopping   place   on   our   way   across。   If   we   should   need 

supplies or repairs it would be very handy to put in there。〃 

     〃How long will it take us from here to the Capa Blancas?〃 I asked。 

     〃About six days;〃 said the Doctor〃Well; we can decide later。 For the 

next two days at any rate our direction would be the same practically in 

either case。 If you have finished breakfast let's go and get under way。〃 

     Upstairs I found our vessel surrounded by white and gray seagulls who 

flashed and circled about in the sunny morning air; looking for food…scraps 

thrown out by the ships into the harbor。 

     By about half past seven we had the anchor up and the sails set to a 

nice   steady   breeze;   and   this   time   we   got   out   into   the   open   sea   without 

bumping into a single thing。 We met the Penzance fishing fleet coming in 

from the night's fishing; and very trim and neat they looked; in a line like 

soldiers; with their red…brown sails all leaning over the same way and the 

white water dancing before their bows。 

     For the next three or four days everything went smoothly and nothing 

unusual   happened。       During   this   time   we   all  got  settled  down     into  our 

regular jobs; and in spare moments the Doctor showed each of us how to 

take our turns at the wheel; the proper manner of keeping a ship on her 

right course; and what to do if the wind changed suddenly。 We divided the 

twenty…four hours of the day into three spells; and we took it in turns to 

sleep our eight hours and be awake sixteen。 So the ship was well looked 

after; with two of us always on duty。 

     Besides that; Polynesia; who was an older sailor than any of us; and 

really knew a lot about running ships; seemed to be always awake except 

when she took her couple of winks in the sun; standing on one leg beside 

the   wheel。 You   may  be   sure   that   no one   ever   got   a   chance   to   stay  abed 

more than his eight hours while Polynesia was around。 She used to watch 

the ship's clock; and if you overslept a half…minute; she would come down 


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to the cabin and peck you gently on the nose till you got up。 

     I very soon grew to be quite fond of our funny black friend Bumpo; 

with   his   grand   way  of   speaking   and   his   enormous   feet   which   some   one 

was always stepping on or falling over。 Although he was much older than I 

was and had been to college; he never tried to lord it over me。 He seemed 

to   be   forever   smiling   and   kept   all   of   us   in   good   humor。   It   wasn't   long 

before I began to see the Doctor's good sense in bringing himin spite of 

the fact that he knew nothing whatever about sailing or travel。 

     On the morning of the fifth day out; just as I was taking the wheel over 

from the Doctor; Bumpo appeared and said; 

     〃The salt beef is nearly all gone; Sir。〃 

     〃The   salt   beef!〃   cried   the   Doctor。   〃Why;   we   brought   a   hundred   and 

twenty pounds with us。 We couldn't have eaten that in five days。 What can 

have become of it?〃 

     〃I don't know; Sir; I'm sure。 Every time I go down to the stores I find 

another hunk missing。 If it is rats that are eating it; then they are certainly 

colossal rodents。〃 

     Polynesia     who    was    walking     up  and    down    a  stay…rope    taking    her 

morning exercise; put in; 

     〃We   must   search the   hold。 If this is   allowed to   go on   we will   all be 

starving before a week is out。 Come downstairs with me; Tommy; and we 

will look into this matter。〃 

     So   we   went   downstairs   into   the   store…room  and   Polynesia   told   us   to 

keep   quite   still   and   listen。  This   we   did。 And   presently   we   heard   from   a 

dark corner of the hold the distinct sound of someone snoring。 

     〃Ah; I thought so;〃 said Polynesia。 〃It's a manand a big one。 Climb in 

there; both of you; and haul him out。 It sounds as though he were behind 

that   barrelGosh!   We   seem   to   have   brought   half   of   Puddleby   with   us。 

Anyone would think we were a penny ferry…boat。 Such cheek! Haul him 


     So Bumpo and I lit a lantern and climbed over the stores。 And there; 

behind the barrel; sure enough; we found an enormous bearded man fast 

asleep with a well…fed look on his face。 We woke him up。 

     〃Washamarrer?〃 he said sleepily。 


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     It was Ben Butcher; the able seaman。 

     Polynesia spluttered like an angry fire…cracker。 

     〃This is the last straw;〃 said she。 〃The one man in the world we least 

wanted。 Shiver my timbers; what cheek!〃 

     〃Would it not be advisable;〃 suggested Bumpo; 〃while the varlet is still 

sleepy;  to   strike   him  on   the   head   with   some   heavy  object   and   push   him 

through a port…hole into the sea?〃 

     〃No。   We'd   get   into   trouble;〃   said   Polynesia。   〃We're   not   in   Jolliginki 

now;   you   knowworse   luck!Besides;   there   never   was   a   port…hole   big 

enough to push that man through。 Bring him upstairs to the Doctor。〃 

     So we led the man to the wheel where he respectfully touched his cap 

to the Doctor。 

     〃Another      stowaway;     Sir;〃  said   Bumpo      smartly。   I  thought    the  poor 

Doctor would have a fit。 

     〃Good morning; Captain;〃 said the man。 〃Ben Butcher; able seaman; at 

your service。 I knew you'd need me; so I took the liberty of stowing away… 

…much   against   my   conscience。   But   I   just   couldn't   bear   to   see   you   poor 

landsmen set out on this voyage without a single real seaman to help you。 

You'd   never   have   got   home   alive   if   I   hadn't   comeWhy   look   at   your 

mainsail; Sirall loose at the throat。 First gust of wind   come along;  and 

away goes your canvas overboardWell; it's all right now I'm here。 We'll 

soon get things in shipshape。〃 

     〃No; it isn't all right;〃 said the Doctor; 〃it's all wrong。 And I'm not at all 

glad to see you。 I told you in Puddleby I didn't want you。 You had no right 

to come。〃 

     〃But Captain;〃 said the able seaman; 〃you can't sail this ship without 

me。   You   don't   understand   navigation。   Why;   look   at   the   compass   now: 

you've let her swing a point and a half off her 

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