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voyages of dr[1]. doolittle(都利特尔的航行)-第20节

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page had no map; it just told you that it was printed in Edinburgh in 1808; 

and a whole lot more about the book。 The next page was the Solar System; 

showing the sun and planets; the stars and the moon。 The third page was 

the chart of the North and South Poles。 Then came the hemispheres; the 

oceans; the continents and the countries。 

     As the Doctor began sharpening his pencil a thought came to me。 

     〃What if the pencil falls upon the North Pole;〃 I asked; 〃will we have 

to go there?〃 

     〃No。 The rules of the game say you don't have to go any place you've 

been to before。 You are allowed another try。 I've been to the North Pole;〃 


… Page 73…

                        THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

he   ended   quietly;   〃so   we   shan't   have   to   go   there。〃   I   could   hardly   speak 

with astonishment。 

     〃YOU'VE BEEN TO THE NORTH POLE!〃 I managed to gasp out at 

last。 〃But I thought it was still undiscovered。 The map shows all the places 

explorers   have   reached   to;   TRYING   to   get   there。   Why   isn't   your   name 

down if you discovered it?〃 

     〃I promised to keep it a secret。 And you must promise me never to tell 

any one。 Yes; I discovered the North Pole in April; 1809。 But shortly after 

I got there the polar bears came to me in a body and told me there was a 

great deal of coal there; buried beneath the snow。 They knew; they said; 

that human beings would do anything; and go anywhere; to get coal。 So 

would   I   please   keep   it   a   secret。   Because   once   people   began   coming   up 

there to start coal…mines; their beautiful white country would be spoiled 

and there was nowhere else in the world cold enough for polar bears to be 

comfortable。 So of course I had to promise them I would。 Ah; well; it will 

be   discovered   again   some   day;   by   somebody   else。   But   I   want   the   polar 

bears to have their play…ground to themselves as long as possible。 And I 

daresay it will be a good while yetfor it certainly is a fiendish place to 

get   toWell   now;   are   we   ready?Good!  Take   the   pencil   and   stand   here 

close to the table。 When the book falls open; wave the pencil round three 

times and jab it down。 Ready?All right。 Shut your eyes。〃 

     It was a tense and fearful momentbut very thrilling。 We both had our 

eyes shut tight。 I heard the atlas fall open with a bang。 I wondered what 

page   it   was:   England   or Asia。   If   it   should   be   the   map   of Asia;   so   much 

would depend on where that pencil would land。 I waved three times in a 

circle。 I began to lower my hand。 The pencil…point touched the page。 

     〃All right;〃 I called out; 〃it's done。〃 

                       THE TWELFTH CHAPTER 

                           DESTINY AND DESTINATION 

     WE   both   opened   our   eyes;   then   bumped   our   heads   together   with   a 

crack in our eagerness to lean over and see where we were to go。 


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                         THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

     The atlas lay open at a map called; Chart of the South Atlantic Ocean。 

My pencil…point was resting right in the center of a tiny island。 The name 

of   it  was   printed    so  small   that   the  Doctor    had    to  get  out   his  strong 

spectacles to read it。 I was trembling with excitement。 

     〃Spidermonkey   Island;〃   he   read   out   slowly。   Then   he   whistled   softly 

beneath his   breath。 〃Of   all the extraordinary  things! You've hit   upon the 

very  island   where   Long Arrow   was last   seen   on   earth   I   wonderWell; 

well! How very singular!〃 

     〃We'll go there; Doctor; won't we?〃 I asked。 

     〃Of course we will。 The rules of the game say we've got to。〃 

     〃I'm so glad it wasn't Oxenthorpe or Bristol;〃 I said。 〃It'll be a grand 

voyage; this。 Look at all the sea we've got to cross。 Will it take us long?〃 

     〃Oh;   no;〃   said   the   Doctor〃not   very。   With   a   good   boat   and   a   good 

wind we should make it easily in four weeks。 But isn't it extraordinary? Of 

all the   places in   the world   you picked out that   one with   your eyes   shut。 

Spidermonkey   Island   after   all!Well;   there's   one   good   thing   about   it:   I 

shall be able to get some Jabizri beetles。〃 〃What are Jabizri beetles?〃 

     〃They  are   a   very  rare   kind of beetles   with peculiar habits。  I   want   to 

study them。 There are only three countries in the world where they are to 

be   found。   Spidermonkey   Island   is   one   of   them。   But   even   there   they   are 

very scarce。〃 

     〃What is this little question…mark after the name of the island for?〃 I 

asked; pointing to the map。 

     〃That means that the island's position in the ocean is not known very 

exactlythat it is somewhere ABOUT there。 Ships have probably seen it in 

that neighborhood; that is all; most likely。 It is quite possible we shall be 

the   first  white    men    to  land   there。   But  I  daresay   we    shall   have   some 

difficulty in finding it first。〃 

     How like a dream it all sounded! The two of us sitting there at the big 

study…table;   the   candles   lit;   the   smoke   curling   towards   the   dim   ceiling 

from the Doctor's pipethe two of us sitting there; talking about finding an 

island in the ocean and being the first white men to land upon it! 

     〃I'll bet it will be a great voyage;〃 I said。 〃It looks a lovely island on 

the map。 Will there be black men there?〃 


… Page 75…

                         THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

     〃No。 A peculiar tribe of Red Indians lives on it; Miranda tells me。〃 

     At   this   point   the   poor   Bird…of…Paradise   stirred   and   woke   up。   In   our 

excitement we had forgotten to speak low。 

     〃We   are   going   to   Spidermonkey   Island;   Miranda;〃   said   the   Doctor。 

〃You know where it is; do you not?〃 

     〃I   know   where   it   was   the   last   time   I   saw   it;〃   said   the   bird。   〃But 

whether it will be there still; I can't say。〃 

     〃What do you mean?〃 asked the Doctor。 〃It is always in the same place 


     〃Not     by   any   means;〃     said   Miranda。     〃Why;     didn't   you    know? 

Spidermonkey Island is a FLOATING island。 It moves around all over the 

placeusually  somewhere   near   southern   South America。   But   of   course   I 

could surely find it for you if you want to go there。〃 

     At   this   fresh   piece   of   news   I   could   contain   myself   no   longer。   I   was 

bursting to tell some one。 I ran dancing and singing from the room to find 


     At the door I tripped over Dab…Dab; who was just coming in with her 

wings full of plates; and fell headlong on my nose; 

     〃Has the boy gone crazy?〃 cried the duck。 〃Where do you think you're 

going; ninny?〃 

     〃To   Spidermonkey   Island!〃   I   shouted;   picking   myself   up   and   doing 

cart…wheels   down   the   hall〃Spidermonkey   Island!   Hooray!And   it's   a 

FLOATING island!〃 

     〃You're     going   to  Bedlam;     I  should    say;〃  snorted    the  housekeeper。 

〃Look what you've done to my best china!〃 

     But I was far too happy to listen to her scolding; and I ran on; singing; 

into the kitchen to find Chee…Chee。 


… Page 76…

                       THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

                            PART THREE 

                          THE FIRST CHAPTER 

                                 THE THIRD MAN 

    THAT same week we began our preparations for the voyage。 

    Joe; the mussel…man; had the Curlew moved down the river and tied it 

up along the river…wall; so it would be more handy for loading。 And for 

three   whole   days   we   carried   provisions   down   to   our   beautiful   new   boat 

and stowed them away。 

    I was surprised to find how roomy and big she was inside。 There were 

three little cabins; a saloon (or dining…room) and underneath all this; a big 

place called the hold where the food and extra sails and other things were 


    I  think Joe   must have   told   everybody  in   the  town   about   our   coming 

voyage; because there was always a regular crowd watching us when we 

brought the things down to put aboard。 And of course sooner or later old 

Matthew Mugg was bound to turn up。 

    〃My Goodness; Tommy;〃 said he; as he watched me carrying on some 

sacks of flour; 〃but that's a pretty boat! Where might the Doctor be going 

to this voyage?〃 

    〃We're going to Spidermonkey Island;〃 I said proudly。 

    〃And be you the only one the Doctor's taking along?〃 

    〃Well; he has spoken of wanting to take another man;〃 I said; 〃bu

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