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voyages of dr[1]. doolittle(都利特尔的航行)-第19节

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there。 What's the use? I'm here anyway。〃 

     〃Tell me;〃 said the Doctor as though he had been impatiently waiting 

to say  something   for   a   long time:   〃what   did   Long Arrow   say  when   you 

gave him my message?〃 

     The Purple Bird…of…Paradise hung her head。 

     〃That's the worst part of it;〃 she said。 〃I might almost as well have not 

come   at   all。   I   wasn't   able   to   deliver   your   message。   I   couldn't   find   him。 

LONG         ARROW;         THE       SON      OF      GOLDEN          ARROW;         HAS 


     〃Disappeared!〃 cried the Doctor。 〃Why; what's become of him?〃 

     〃Nobody       knows;〃    Miranda      answered。     〃He   had   often   disappeared 

before; as I have told youso that the Indians didn't know where he was。 

But it's a mighty hard thing to hide away from the birds。 I had always been 

able   to   find   some   owl   or   martin   who   could   tell   me   where   he   wasif   I 

wanted to know。 But not this time。 That's why I'm nearly a fortnight late in 

coming to you: I kept hunting and hunting; asking everywhere。 I went over 

the whole length and breadth of South America。 But there wasn't a living 

thing could tell me where he was。〃 

     There was a sad silence in the room after she had finished; the Doctor 

was frowning in a peculiar sort of way and Polynesia scratched her head。 

     〃Did you ask the black parrots?〃 asked Polynesia。 〃They usually know 


     〃Certainly I did;〃 said Miranda。 〃And I was so upset at not being able 

to   find   out   anything;   that   I   forgot   all   about   observing   the   weather…signs 

before I started my flight here。 I didn't even bother to break my journey at 

the Azores;   but   cut   right   across;   making   for   the   Straits   of   Gibraltar   as 

though it were June or July。 And of course I ran into a perfectly frightful 

storm in mid…Atlantic。 I really thought I'd never come through it。 Luckily I 

found a piece of a wrecked vessel floating in the sea after the storm had 

partly died down; and I roosted on it and took some sleep。 If I hadn't been 

able to take that rest I wouldn't be here to tell the tale。〃 

     〃Poor   Miranda!   What   a   time   you   must   have   had!〃   said   the   Doctor。 

〃But tell me; were you able to find out whereabouts Long Arrow was last 


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                         THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 


     〃Yes。 A  young   albatross   told   me   he   had   seen   him   on   Spidermonkey 


     〃Spidermonkey Island? That's somewhere off the coast of Brazil; isn't 


     〃Yes; that's it。 Of course I flew there right away and asked every bird 

on the islandand it is a big island; a hundred miles   long。 It seems   that 

Long Arrow   was   visiting   some   peculiar   Indians   that   live   there;   and   that 

when     last  seen   he   was   going   up   into  the   mountains     looking    for  rare 

medicine…plants。 I got that from a tame hawk; a pet; which the Chief of the 

Indians keeps for hunting partridges with。 I nearly got caught and put in a 

cage for my pains too。 That's the worst of having beautiful feathers: it's as 

much   as   your   life   is   worth   to   go   near   most   humansThey   say;   'oh   how 

pretty!' and shoot an arrow or a bullet into you。 You and Long Arrow were 

the only two men that I would ever trust myself nearout of all the people 

in the world。〃 

     〃But was he never known to have returned from the mountains?〃 

     〃No。 That was the last that was seen or heard of him。 I questioned the 

sea…birds around the shores to find out if he had left the island in a canoe。 

But they could tell me nothing。〃 

     〃Do   you   think   that   some   accident   has   happened   to   him?〃   asked   the 

Doctor in a fearful voice。 

     〃I'm afraid it must have;〃 said Miranda shaking her head。 

     〃Well;〃 said John Dolittle slowly; 〃if I could never meet Long Arrow 

face to face it would be the greatest disappointment in my whole life。 Not 

only that; but it would be a great loss to the knowledge of the human race。 

For; from what you have told me of him; he knew more natural science 

than all the rest of us put together; and if he has gone without any one to 

write it down for him; so the world may be the better for it; it would be a 

terrible thing。 But you don't really think that he is dead; do you?〃 

     〃What else can I think?〃 asked Miranda; bursting into tears; 〃when for 

six whole months he has not been seen by flesh; fish or fowl。〃 


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                        THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

                      THE ELEVENTH CHAPTER 

                                    BLIND TRAVEL 

     THIS news about Long Arrow made us all very sad。 And I could see 

from the silent dreamy way the Doctor took his tea that he was dreadfully 

upset。 Every once in a while he would stop eating altogether and sit staring 

at   the   spots   on   the   kitchen   table…cloth   as   though   his   thoughts   were   far 

away;   till   Dab…Dab;   who   was   watching   to   see   that   he   got   a   good   meal; 

would cough or rattle the pots in the sink。 

     I did my best to cheer him up by reminding him of all he had done for 

Luke   and   his   wife  that afternoon。 And   when that didn't seem  to   work;   I 

went on talking about our preparations for the voyage。 

     〃But you see; Stubbins;〃 said he as we rose from the table and Dab… 

Dab and Chee…Chee began to clear away; 〃I don't know where to go now。 I 

feel sort of lost since Miranda brought me this news。 On this voyage I had 

planned going to see Long Arrow。 I had been looking forward to it for a 

whole     year。  I  felt  he  might   help   me   in  learning   the   language    of  the 

shellfishand perhaps in finding some way of getting to the bottom of the 

sea。   But   now?He's   gone!   And   all   his   great   knowledge   has   gone   with 


     Then he seemed to fall a…dreaming again。 

     〃Just to think of it!〃 he murmured。 〃Long Arrow and I; two students 

Although I'd never met him; I felt as though I knew him quite well。 For; in 

his waywithout any schoolinghe has; all his life; been trying to do the 

very   things   which   I   have   tried   to   do   in   mine And   now   he's   gone!A 

whole world lay between usAnd only a bird knew us both!〃 

     We went back into the study; where Jip brought the Doctor his slippers 

and   his pipe。 And   after   the   pipe   was   lit   and   the   smoke   began   to   fill   the 

room the old man seemed to cheer up a little。 

     〃But you will go on some voyage; Doctor; won't you?〃 I asked〃even 

if you can't go to find Long Arrow。〃 

     He looked up sharply into my face; and I suppose he saw how anxious 

I was。 Because he suddenly smiled his old; boyish smile and said; 


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                         THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

     〃Yes;   Stubbins。   Don't   worry。   We'll   go。  We   mustn't   stop   working   and 

learning;   even   if   poor   Long   Arrow   has   disappearedBut   where   to   go: 

that's the question。 Where shall we go?〃 

     There were so many places that I wanted to go that I couldn't make up 

my mind right away。 And while I was still thinking; the Doctor sat up in 

his chair and said; 

     〃I tell you what we'll do; Stubbins: it's a game I used to play when I 

was   youngbefore   Sarah   came   to   live   with   me。   I   used   to   call   it   Blind 

Travel。 Whenever I wanted to go on a voyage; and I couldn't make up my 

mind where to go; I would take the atlas and open it with my eyes shut。 

Next;    I'd  wave    a  pencil;   still  without   looking;    and   stick   it  down    on 

whatever page had fallen open。 Then I'd open my eyes and look。 It's a very 

exciting   game;   is   Blind   Travel。   Because   you   have   to   swear;   before   you 

begin;  that   you   will   go to   the   place   the   pencil touches;  come   what   way。 

Shall we play it?〃 

     〃Oh;   let's!〃   I   almost   yelled。   〃How   thrilling!   I   hope   it's   China   or 

Borneoor Bagdad。〃 

     And in a moment I had scrambled up the bookcase; dragged the big 

atlas from the top shelf and laid it on the table before the Doctor。 

     I knew every page in that atlas by heart。 How many days and nights I 

had lingered over its old faded maps; following the blue rivers from the 

mountains to the sea; wondering what the little towns really looked like; 

and how wide were the sprawling lakes! I had had a lot of fun with that 

atlas; traveling; in my mind; all over the world。 I can see it now: the first 

page had no map; it just told you that it was printed in Edinburgh in 1808; 

and a whole lot more about the 

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