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voyages of dr[1]. doolittle(都利特尔的航行)-第18节

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respectfully while the judge left the Court。 For the trial of Luke the Hermit; 

that   famous   trial   which   to   this   day  they  are   still   talking   of   in   Puddleby; 

was over。 

     In the hush while the judge was leaving; a sudden shriek rang out; and 

there;    in  the  doorway     stood    a  woman;     her   arms   out…stretched     to  the 


     〃Luke!〃 she cried; 〃I've found you at last!〃 

     〃It's his wife;〃 the fat woman in front of me whispered。 〃She ain't seen 

'im in fifteen years; poor dear! What a lovely re…union。 I'm glad I came。 I 

wouldn't have missed this for anything!〃 

     As soon as the judge had gone the noise broke out again; and now the 

folks gathered round Luke and his wife and shook them by the hand and 

congratulated them and laughed over them and cried over them。 

     〃Come along; Stubbins;〃 said the Doctor; taking me by the arm; 〃let's 

get out of this while we can。〃 

     〃But aren't you going to speak to Luke?〃 I said〃 to ask him if he'll 

come on the voyage?〃 

     〃It wouldn't be a bit of use;〃 said the Doctor。 〃His wife's come for him。 

No man stands any chance of going on a voyage when his wife hasn't seen 

him in   fifteen years。  Come along。  Let's get   home to   tea。 We   didn't   have 

any lunch; remember。 And we've earned something to eat。 We'll have one 

of those mixed meals; lunch and tea combined with watercress and ham。 

Nice change。 Come along。〃 

     Just   as   we   were   going   to   step   out   at   a   side   door   I   heard   the   crowd 


     〃The   Doctor!   The   Doctor!   Where's   the   Doctor?   The   Hermit   would 

have     hanged    if  it  hadn't  been    for  the   Doctor。   Speech!     Speech!The 


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                        THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 


    And a man came running up to us and said; 

     〃The people are calling for you; Sir。〃 

     〃I'm very sorry;〃 said the Doctor; 〃but I'm in a hurry。〃 

     〃The   crowd   won't   be   denied;   Sir;〃   said   the   man。   〃They   want   you   to 

make a speech in the marketplace。〃 

     〃Beg them to excuse me;〃 said the Doctor〃with my compliments。 I 

have an appointment at my housea very important one which I may not 

break。 Tell Luke to make a speech。 Come along; Stubbins; this way。〃 

     〃Oh   Lord!〃   he   muttered   as   we   got   out   into   the   open   air   and   found 

another crowd waiting for him at the side door。 〃Let's go up that alleyway… 

…to the left。 Quick!Run!〃 

    We took to our heels; darted through a couple of side streets and just 

managed to get away from the crowd。 

     It   was not   till   we   had   gained   the   Oxenthorpe   Road   that   we dared   to 

slow down to a walk and take our breath。 And even when we reached the 

Doctor's   gate   and   turned   to   look   backwards   towards   the   town;   the   faint 

murmur of many voices still reached us on the evening wind。 

     〃They're still clamoring for you;〃 I said。 〃Listen!〃 

     The murmur suddenly swelled up into a low distant roar; and although 

it was a mile and half away you could distinctly hear the words; 

     〃Three cheers for Luke the Hermit: Hooray!Three cheers for his dog: 

Hooray!Three cheers for his wife: Hooray!Three cheers for the Doctor: 

Hooray! Hooray! HOO…R…A…Y!〃 

                          THE NINTH CHAPTER 

                       THE PURPLE BIRD…OF…PARADISE 

    POLYNESIA was waiting for us in the front porch。 She looked full of 

some important news。 

     〃Doctor;〃 said she; 〃the Purple Bird…of…Paradise has arrived!〃 

     〃At   last!〃   said   the   Doctor。   〃I   had   begun   to   fear   some   accident   had 

befallen her。 And how is Miranda?〃 


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                         THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

     From  the   excited   way  in   which the   Doctor   fumbled   his   key  into   the 

lock I guessed that we were not geing to get our tea right away; even now。 

     〃Oh;   she   seemed   all   right   when   she   arrived;〃   said   Polynesia〃tired 

from her long journey of course but otherwise all right。 But what DO you 

think? That mischief…making sparrow; Cheapside; insulted her as soon as 

she came into the garden。 When I arrived on the scene she was in tears and 

was all for turning round and going straight back to Brazil to…night。 I had 

the hardest work persuading her to wait till you came。 She's in the study。 I 

shut Cheapside in one of your book…cases and told him I'd tell you exactly 

what had happened the moment you got home。〃 

     The Doctor frowned; then walked silently and quickly to the study。 

     Here we found the candles lit; for the daylight was nearly gone。 Dab… 

Dab   was   standing   on   the   floor   mounting   guard   over   one   of   the   glass… 

fronted   book…cases   in   which   Cheapside   had   been   imprisoned。 The   noisy 

little sparrow was still fluttering angrily behind the glass when we came 


     In the centre of the big table; perched on the ink…stand; stood the most 

beautiful   bird   I   have   ever   seen。   She   had   a   deep   violet…colored   breast; 

scarlet     wings    and    a   long;    long    sweeping      tail  of   gold。    She    was 

unimaginably  beautiful   but   looked   dreadfully   tired。 Already   she   had   her 

head under her wing; and she swayed gently from side to side on top of 

the ink…stand like a bird that has flown long and far。 

     〃Sh!〃     said   Dab…Dab。      〃Miranda     is  asleep。    I've  got   this   little  imp 

Cheapside   in   here。   Listen;   Doctor:   for   Heaven's   sake   send   that   sparrow 

away before he does any  more   mischief。 He's nothing but a vulgar   little 

nuisance。 We've had a perfectly awful time trying to get Miranda to stay。 

Shall   I   serve   your   tea   in   here;   or   will   you   come   into   the   kitchen   when 

you're ready?〃 

     〃We'll     come     into   the  kitchen;    Dab…Dab;〃       said   the   Doctor。     〃Let 

Cheapside out before you go; please。〃 

     Dab…Dab opened the bookcase…door and Cheapside strutted out trying 

hard not to look guilty。 

     〃Cheapside;〃   said   the   Doctor   sternly;   〃what   did   you   say   to   Miranda 

when she arrived?〃 


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                       THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

     〃I didn't say  nothing;  Doc; straight   I  didn't。 That   is;  nothing   much。  I 

was picking up crumbs off the gravel path when she comes swanking into 

the garden; turning up her nose in all directions; as though she owned the 

earthjust because she's got a lot of colored plumage。 A London sparrow's 

as good as her any day。 I don't hold by these gawdy bedizened foreigners 

nohow。 Why don't they stay in their own country?〃 

     〃But what did you say to her that got her so offended?〃 

     〃All I said was; 'You don't belong in an English garden; you ought to 

be in a milliner's window。 That's all。〃 

     〃You ought to   be   ashamed   of   yourself;  Cheapside。   Don't   you   realize 

that this bird has come thousands of miles to see me only to be insulted 

by your impertinent tongue as soon as she reaches my garden? What do 

you mean by it?If she had gone away again before I got back to…night I 

would never have forgiven you Leave the room。〃 

     Sheepishly; but still trying to look as though he didn't care; Cheapside 

hopped out into the passage and Dab…Dab closed the door。 

    The Doctor went up to the beautiful bird on the ink…stand and gently 

stroked its back。 Instantly its head popped out from under its wing。 

                         THE TENTH CHAPTER 


    WELL;       Miranda;〃     said  the   Doctor。    〃I'm  terribly   sorry   this  has 

happened。 But you mustn't mind Cheapside; he doesn't know any better。 

He's a city bird; and all his life he has had to squabble for a living。 You 

must make allowances。 He doesn't know any better。〃 

    Miranda   stretched   her   gorgeous   wings   wearily。   Now   that   I   saw   her 

awake and moving I noticed what a superior; well…bred manner she had。 

There were tears in her eyes and her beak was trembling。 

     〃I wouldn't have minded so much;〃 she said in a high silvery voice; 〃if 

I hadn't been so dreadfully worn outThat and something else;〃 she added 

beneath her breath。 

     〃Did you have a hard time getting here?〃 asked the Doctor。 


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                        THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

     〃The   worst   passage   I   ever   made;〃   said   Miranda。   〃The   weatherWell 

there。 What's the use? I'm here anyway。〃 

     〃Tell me;〃 said the Doctor as though he had been impatiently w

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