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voyages of dr[1]. doolittle(都利特尔的航行)-第11节

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that you thought of?〃 

     〃Well;  I   thought;〃 said  I;  〃that perhaps   you   would   come   and   see   my 

mother and father and tell them that if they let me live here with you and 

work hard; that you will teach me to read and write。 You see my mother is 

awfully   anxious   to   have   me   learn   reading   and   writing。   And   besides;   I 

couldn't be a proper naturalist without; could I?〃 

     〃Oh; I don't know so much about that;〃 said the Doctor。 〃It is nice; I 

admit; to be able to read and write。 But naturalists are not all alike; you 

know。   For   example:   this   young   fellow   Charles   Darwin   that   people   are 

talking about so much nowhe's a Cambridge graduatereads and writes 

very well。 And then Cuvierhe used to be a tutor。 But listen; the greatest 

naturalist of them all doesn't even know how to write his own name nor to 

read the A B C。〃 

     〃Who is he?〃 I asked。 

     〃He    is  a  mysterious     person;〃    said  the   Doctor〃a    very    mysterious 

person。 His name is Long Arrow; the son of Golden Arrow。 He is a Red 


     〃Have you ever seen him?〃 I asked。 


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                         THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

     〃No;〃   said   the   Doctor;   'I've   never   seen   him。   No   white   man   has   ever 

met him。 I fancy Mr。 Darwin doesn't even know that he exists。 He lives 

almost entirely with the animals and with the different tribes of Indians 

usually somewhere among the mountains of Peru。 Never stays long in one 

place。 Goes from tribe to tribe; like a sort of Indian tramp。〃 

     〃How   do   you   know   so   much   about   him?〃   I   asked〃if   you've   never 

even seen him?〃 

     〃The Purple Bird…of…Paradise;〃 said the Doctor〃 she told me all about 

him。   She   says   he   is   a   perfectly   marvelous   naturalist。   I   got   her   to   take   a 

message to him for me last time she was here。 I am expecting her back any 

day now。 I can hardly wait to see what answer she has brought from him。 

It   is  already   almost   the   last  week    of  August。    I  do  hope    nothing    has 

happened to her on the way。〃 

     〃But why do the animals and birds come to you when they are sick?〃 I 

said〃Why don't they go to him; if he is so very wonderful?〃 

     〃It seems that my methods are more up to date;〃 said the Doctor。 〃But 

from what the Purple Bird…of…Paradise tells me; Long Arrow's knowledge 

of natural history must be positively tremendous。 His specialty is botany 

plants and all that sort of thing。 But he knows a lot about birds and animals 

too。 He's very good on bees and beetlesBut now tell me; Stubbins; are 

you quite sure that you really want to be a naturalist?〃 

     〃Yes;〃 said I; 〃my mind is made up。〃 

     〃Well you know; it isn't a very good profession for making money。 Not 

at all; it isn't。 Most of the good naturalists don't make any money whatever。 

All   they  do   is   SPEND   money;   buying   butterfly…nets   and   cases   for   birds' 

eggs   and   things。   It   is   only   now;   after   I   have   been   a   naturalist   for   many 

years; that I am beginning to make a little money from the books I write。〃 

     〃I don't care about money;〃 I said。 〃I want to be a naturalist。 Won't you 

please come and have dinner with my mother and father next ThursdayI 

told them I was going to ask youand then you can talk to them about it。 

You see; there's another thing: if I'm living with you; and sort of belong to 

your house and business; I shall be able to come with you next time you 

go on a voyage。〃 

     〃Oh; I see;〃 said he; smiling。 〃So you want to come on a voyage with 


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                        THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

me; do you?Ah hah!〃 

     〃I want to go on all your voyages with you。 It would be much easier 

for   you   if   you   had   someone   to   carry   the   butterfly…nets   and   note…books。 

Wouldn't it now?〃 

     For a long time the Doctor sat thinking; drumming on the desk with 

his fingers; while I waited; terribly impatiently; to see what he was going 

to say。 

     At last he shrugged his shoulders and stood up。 

     〃Well; Stubbins;〃 said he; 〃I'll come and talk it over with you and your 

parents next Thursday。 Andwell; we'll see。 We'll see。 Give your mother 

and father my compliments and thank them for their invitation; will you?〃 

     Then I tore home like the wind to tell my mother that the Doctor had 

promised to come。 

                    THE THIRTEENTH CHAPTER 

                               A TRAVELER ARRIVES 

     THE next day I was sitting on the wall of the Doctor's garden after tea; 

talking   to   Dab…Dab。   I   had   now   learned   so   much   from   Polynesia   that   I 

could    talk   to  most   birds   and   some    animals    without    a  great   deal  of 

difficulty。   I   found   Dab…Dab   a   very   nice;   old;   motherly   birdthough   not 

nearly so clever and interesting as Polynesia。 She had been housekeeper 

for the Doctor many years now。 

     Well; as I was saying; the old duck and I were sitting on the flat top of 

the   garden…wall   that   evening;   looking   down   into   the   Oxenthorpe   Road 

below。 We were watching some sheep being driven to market in Puddleby; 

and   Dab…Dab   had   just   been   telling   me   about   the   Doctor's   adventures   in 

Africa。 For she had gone on a voyage with him to that country long ago。 

     Suddenly I heard   a curious distant noise down the  road; towards   the 

town。 It sounded like a lot of people cheering。 I stood up on the wall to see 

if I   could   make   out   what   was coming。   Presently  there   appeared   round   a 

bend a great crowd of school…children following a very ragged; curious… 

looking woman。 


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     〃What in the world can it be?〃 cried Dab…Dab。 

     The children were all laughing and shouting。 And certainly the woman 

they were following was most extraordinary。 She had very long arms and 

the most stooping shoulders I have ever seen。 She wore a straw hat on the 

side of her head with poppies on it;   and her skirt was so long for her  it 

dragged on the ground like a ball…gown's train。 I could not see anything of 

her   face   because   of   the   wide   hat   pulled   over   her   eyes。   But   as   she   got 

nearer to us and the laughing of the children grew louder; I noticed that her 

hands were very dark in color; and hairy; like a witch's。 

     Then all of a sudden Dab…Dab at my side startled me by crying out in a 

loud voice; 

     〃Why; it's Chee…Chee!Chee…Chee come back at last! How dare those 

children tease him! I'll give the little imps something to laugh at!〃 

     And she flew right off the wall down into the road and made straight 

for the children; squawking away in a most terrifying fashion and pecking 

at their feet and legs。 The children made off down the street back to the 

town as hard as they could run。 

     The strange…looking figure in the straw hat stood gazing after them a 

moment and then came wearily up to the gate。 It didn't bother to undo the 

latch but just climbed right over the gate as though it were something in 

the way。 And then I noticed that it took hold of the bars with its feet; so 

that it really had four hands to climb with。 But it was only when I at last 

got a glimpse of the face under the hat that I could be really sure it was a 


     Chee…Cheefor it was hefrowned at me suspiciously from the top of 

the gate; as though he thought I was going to laugh at him like the other 

boys    and   girls。  Then    he  dropped     into  the   garden    on  the   inside  and 

immediately started taking off his clothes。 He tore the straw hat in two and 

threw it down into the road。 Then he took off his bodice and skirt; jumped 

on them savagely and began kicking them round the front garden。 

     Presently   I   heard   a   screech   from   the   house;   and   out   flew   Polynesia; 

followed by the Doctor and Jip。 

     〃Chee…Chee!Chee…Chee!〃 shouted the parrot。 〃You've come at last! I 

always told the Doctor you'd find a way。 How ever did you do it?〃 


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                        THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

     They all gathered round him shaking him by his four hands; laughing 

and asking him a million questions at once。 Then they all started back for 

the house。 

     〃Run   up   to   my   bedroom;   Stubbins;〃   said   the   Doctor;   turning   to   me。 

〃You'll find a bag of peanuts in the small left…hand drawer of the bureau。 I 

have   always   kept   them   there   in   case   he   might   come   back   unexpectedly 

some day。 An

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