memoirs of napoleon bonaparte, v6-第9节
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the manufacturing arts had attained in France。 He was; above all;
delighted with the admiration this exhibition excited among the numerous
foreigners who resorted to Paris during the peace。
In fact; throughout the year 1802 the capital presented an interesting
and animating…spectacle。 The appetite for luxury and pleasure had
insinuated itself into mannerswhich were no longer republican; and the
vast number of Russians and English who drove about everywhere with
brilliant equipages contributed not a little to this metamorphosis。
All Paris flocked to the Carrousel on review days; and regarded with eyes
of delight the unusual sight of rich foreign liveries and emblazoned
carriages。 The parties at the Tuileries were brilliant and numerous; and
nothing was wanting but the name of levees。 Count Markoff; who succeeded
M。 de Kalitscheff as Russian ambassador; the Marquis de Lucchesini; the
Prussian ambassador; and Lord Whitworth; the Minister from England; made
numerous presentations of their countrymen to the First Consul; who was
well pleased that the Court he was forming should have examples set by
foreign courtiers。 Never since the meeting of the States…General had the
theatres been so frequented; or fetes so magnificent; and never since
that period had Paris presented so cheering an aspect。 The First Consul;
on his part; spared no exertion to render the capital more and more
worthy the admiration of foreigners。 The statue of the Venus de Medicis;
which had been robbed from the gallery of the Grand Duke of Tuscany; now
decorated the gallery of the Louvre; and near it was placed that of the
Velletrian Pallas; a more legitimate acquisition; since it was the result
of the researches of some French engineers at Velletri。 Everywhere an
air of prosperity was perceptible; and Bonaparte proudly put in his claim
to be regarded as the author of it all。 With what heartfelt satisfaction
did he likewise cast his eye upon what he called the grand thermometer of
opinion; the price of the funds! For if he saw them doubled in value in
consequence of the revolution of the 18th Brumaire; rising as they did at
that period from seven to sixteen francs; this value was even more than
tripled after the vote of Consulship for life and the 'Senates…consulte'
of the 4th of August;when they rose to fifty…two francs。
While Paris presented so satisfactory an aspect the departments were in a
state of perfect tranquillity; and foreign affairs had every appearance
of security。 The Court of the Vatican; which since the Concordat may be
said to have become devoted to the First Consul; gave; under all
circumstances; examples of submission to the wishes of France。 The
Vatican was the first Court which recognised the erection of Tuscany into
the Kingdom of Etruria; and the formation of the Helvetic; Cisalpine; and
Batavian Republics。 Prussia soon followed the example of the Pope; which
was successively imitated by the other powers of Europe。
The whole of these new states; realms; or republics were under the
immediate influence of France。 The Isle of Elba; which Napoleon's first
abdication afterwards rendered so famous; and Piedmont; divided into six
departments; were also united to France; still called it Republic。
Everything now seemed to concur in securing his accession to absolute
power。 We were now at peace with all the world; and every circumstance
tended to place in the hands of the First Consul that absolute power
which indeed was the only kind of government be was capable of forming
any conception of。 Indeed; one of the characteristic signs of Napoleon's
government; even under the Consular system; left no doubt as to his real
intentions。 Had he wished to found a free Government it is evident that
he world have made the Ministers responsible to the country; whereas he
took care that there should be no responsibility but to himself。 He
viewed them; in fact; in the light of instruments which he might break as
be pleased。 I found this single index sufficient to disclose all his
future designs In order to make the irresponsibility of his Ministers to
the public perfectly clear; he had all the acts of his Government signed
merely by M。 Maret; Secretary of State。 Thus the Consulship for life was
nothing but an Empire in disguise; the usufruct of which could not long
satisfy the First Consul's ambition。 His brothers influenced him; and it
was resolved to found a new dynasty。
It was not in the interior of France that difficulties were likely first
to arise on Bonaparte's carrying his designs into effect; but there was
some reason to apprehend that foreign powers; after recognising and
treating with the Consular Government; might display a different feeling;
and entertain scruples with regard to a Government which had resumed its
monarchical form。 The question regarding the Bourbons was in some
measure kept in the background as long as France remained a Republic; but
the re…establishment of the throne naturally called to recollection the
family which had occupied it for so many ages。 Bonaparte fully felt the
delicacy of his position; but he knew how to face obstacles; and had been
accustomed to overcome them: he; however; always proceeded cautiously; as
when obstacles induced him to defer the period of the Consulship for
Bonaparte laboured to establish iii France not only an absolute
government; but; what is still worse; a military one。 He considered a
decree signed by his hand possessed of a magic virtue capable of
transforming his generals into able diplomatists; and so he sent them on
embassies; as if to show the Sovereigns to whom they were accredited that
he soon meant to take their thrones by assault。 The appointment of
Lannes to the Court of Lisbon originated from causes which probably will
be read with some interest; since they serve to place Bonaparte's
character in; its true light; and to point out; at the same time; the
means he disdained not to resort to; if he wished to banish his most
faithful friends when their presence was no longer agreeable to him。
Bonaparte had ceased to address Lannes in the second person singular; but
that general continued the familiarity of thee and thou in speaking to
Napoleon。 It is hardly possible to conceive how much this annoyed the
First Consul。 Aware of the unceremonious candour of his old comrade;
whose daring spirit he knew would prompt him to go as great lengths in
civil affairs as on the field of battle; Bonaparte; on the great occasion
of the 18th Brumaire; fearing his reproaches; had given him the command
of Paris in order to ensure his absence from St。 Cloud。
After that time; notwithstanding the continually growing greatness of the
First Consul; which; as it increased; daily exacted more and more
deference; Lannes still preserved his freedom of speech; and was the only
one who dared to treat Bonaparte as a comrade; and tell him the truth
without ceremony。 This was enough to determine Napoleon to rid himself
of the presence of Lannes。 But under what pretest was the absence of the
conqueror of Montebello to be procured? It was necessary to conjure up
an excuse; and in the truly diabolical machination resorted to for that
purpose; Bonaparte brought into play that crafty disposition for which he
was so remarkable。
Lannes; who never looked forward to the morrow; was as careless of his
money as of his blood。 Poor officers and soldiers partook largely of his
liberality。 Thus he had no fortune; but plenty of debts when he wanted
money; and this was not seldom; he used to come; as if it were a mere
matter of course; to ask it of the First Consul; who; I must confess;
never refused him。 Bonaparte; though he well knew the general's
circumstances; said to him one day; 〃My friend; you should attend a
little more to appearances。 You must have your establishment suitable to
your rank。 There is the Hotel de Noailleswhy don't you take it; and
furnish it in proper style?〃 Lannes; whose own candour prevented him
from suspecting the artful designs of others; followed the advice of the
First Consul The Hotel de Noailles was taken and superbly fitted up。
Odiot supplied a service of plate valued at 200;000 francs。
General Lannes having thus conformed to the wishes of Bonaparte came to
him and requested 400;000 francs; the amount of the expense incurred; as
it were; by his order。 〃But;〃 said the First Consul; 〃I have no money。〃
〃You have no money! What the devil am I to do; then?〃
But is there none in the Guard's chest? Take what you require; and we
will settle it; hereafter。〃
Mistrusting nothing; Lannes went to the treasurer of the Guards; who made
some objections at first to the advance required; but who soon yielded on
learning that the demand was made with the consent of the First Consul。
Within twenty…four hours after Lannes had obtained the 400;000 francs the
treasurer received from the head commissary an order to balance his
accounts。 The receipt for the 400;000 francs advanced to Lannes; was not
acknowledged as a voucher。 In vain the treasurer alleged the authority
of the First Consul for the transaction。 Napoleon's memory had suddenly
failed h