memoirs of napoleon bonaparte, v6-第16节
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supposed terror of the servant。
The First Consul was aware of the existence in Paris of a Royalist
committee; formed for the purpose of corresponding with Louis XVIII。
This committee consisted of men who must not be confounded with those
wretched intriguers who were of no service to their employers; and were
not unfrequently in the pay of both Bonaparte and the Bourbons。
The Royalist committee; properly so called; was a very different thing。
It consisted of men professing rational principles of liberty; such as
the Marquis de Clermont Gallerande; the Abbe de Montesqiou; M。 Becquet;
and M。 Royer Collard。 This committee had been of long standing; the
respectable individuals whose names I have just quoted acted upon a
system hostile to the despotism of Bonaparte; and favourable to what they
conceived to be the interests of France。 Knowing the superior wisdom of
Louis XVIII。; and the opinions which he had avowed and maintained in the
Assembly of the Notables; they wished to separate that Prince from the
emigrants; and to point him out to the nation as a suitable head of a
reasonable Constitutional Government。 Bonaparte; whom I have often heard
speak on the subject; dreaded nothing so much as these ideas of liberty;
in conjunction with a monarchy。 He regarded them as reveries; called the
members of the committee idle dreamers; but nevertheless feared the
triumph of their ideas。 He confessed to me that it was to counteract the
possible influence of the Royalist committee that he showed himself so
indulgent to those of the emigrants whose monarchical prejudices he knew
were incompatible with liberal opinions。 By the presence of emigrants
who acknowledged nothing short of absolute power; he thought he might
paralyse the influence of the Royalists of the interior; he therefore
granted all such emigrants permission to return。
About this time I recollect having read a document; which had been
signed; purporting to be a declaration of the principles of Louis XVIII。
It was signed by M。 d'Andre; who bore evidence to its authenticity。
The principles contained in the declaration were in almost all points
conformable to the principles which formed the basis of the charter。
Even so early as 1792; and consequently previous to the fatal 21st of
January; Louis XVI。; who knew the opinions of M。 de Clermont Gallerande;
sent him on a mission to Coblentz to inform the Princes from him; and the
Queen; that they would be ruined by their emigration。 I am accurately
informed; and I state this fact with the utmost confidence。 I can also
add with equal certainty that the circumstance was mentioned by M。 de
Clermont Gallerande in his Memoirs; and that the passage relative to his
mission to Coblentz was cancelled before the manuscript was sent to
During the Consular Government the object of the Royalist committee was
to seduce rather than to conspire。 It was round Madame Bonaparte in
particular that their batteries were raised; and they did not prove
ineffectual。 The female friends of Josephine filled her mind with ideas
of the splendour and distinction she would enjoy if the powerful hand
which had chained the Revolution should raise up the subverted throne。
I must confess that I was myself; unconsciously; an accomplice of the
friends of the throne; for what they wished for the interest of the
Bourbons I then ardently wished for the interest of Bonaparte。
While endeavours were thus made to gain over Madame Bonaparte to the
interest of the royal family; brilliant offers were held out for the
purpose of dazzling the First Consul。 It was wished to retemper for him
the sword of the constable Duguesclin; and it was hoped that a statue
erected to his honour would at once attest to posterity his spotless
glory and the gratitude of the Bourbons。 But when these offers reached
the ears of Bonaparte he treated them with indifference; and placed no
faith in their sincerity。 Conversing on the subject one day with M。 de
La Fayette he said; 〃They offer me a statue; but I must look to the
pedestal。 They may make it my prison。〃 I did not hear Bonaparte utter
these words; but they were reported to me from a source; the authenticity
of which may be relied on。
About this time; when so much was said in the Royalist circles and in the
Faubourg St。 Germain; of which the Hotel de Luynes was the headquarters;
about the possible return of the Bourbons; the publication of a popular
book contributed not a little to direct the attention of the public to
the most brilliant period of the reign of Louis XIV。 The book was the
historical romance of Madame de la Valloire; by Madame de Genlis; who had
recently returned to France。 Bonaparte read it; and I have since
understood that he was very well pleased with it; but he said nothing to
me about it。 It was not until some time after that he complained of the
effect which was produced in Paris by this publication; and especially by
engravings representing scenes in the life of Louis XIV。; and which were
exhibited in the shop…windows。 The police received orders to suppress
these prints; and the order was implicitly obeyed; but it was not
Fouche's police。 Fouche saw the absurdity of interfering with trifles。
I recollect that immediately after the creation of the Legion of Honour;
it being summer; the young men of Paris indulged in the whim of wearing a
carnation in a button…hole; which at a distance had rather a deceptive
effect。 Bonaparte took this very seriously。 He sent for Fouche; and
desired him to arrest those who presumed thus to turn the new order into
ridicule。 Fouche merely replied that he would wait till the autumn; and
the First Consul understood that trifles were often rendered matters of
importance by being honoured with too much attention。
But though Bonaparte was piqued at the interest excited by the engravings
of Madame de Genlis' romance he manifested no displeasure against that
celebrated woman; who had been recommended to him by MM。 de Fontanes and
Fievee and who addressed several letters to him。 As this sort of
correspondence did not come within the routine of my business I did not
see the letters; but I heard from Madame Bonaparte that they contained a
prodigious number of proper names; and I have reason to believe that they
contributed not a little to magnify; in the eyes of the First Consul; the
importance of the Faubourg St。 Germain; which; in spite of all his
courage; was a scarecrow to him。
Bonaparte regarded the Faubourg St。 Germain as representing the whole
mass of Royalist opinion; and he saw clearly that the numerous erasures
from the emigrant list had necessarily increased dissatisfaction among
the Royalists; since the property of the emigrants had not been restored
to its old possessors; even in those cases in which it had not been sold。
It was the fashion in a certain class to ridicule the unpolished manners
of the great men of the Republic compared with the manners of the
nobility of the old Court。 The wives of certain generals had several
times committed themselves by their awkwardness。 In many circles there
was an affectation of treating with contempt what are called the
parvenus; those people who; to use M。 de Talleyrand's expression; do not
know how to walk upon a carpet。 All this gave rise to complaints against
the Faubourg St。 Germain; while; on the other hand; Bonaparte's brothers
spared no endeavours to irritate him against everything that was
calculated to revive the recollection of the Bourbons。
Such were Bonaparte's feelings; and such was the state of society during
the year 1802。 The fear of the Bourbons must indeed have had a powerful
influence on the First Consul before he could have been induced to take a
step which may justly be regarded as the most inconsiderate of his whole
life。 After suffering seven months to elapse without answering the first
letter of Louis XVIII。; after at length answering his second letter in
the tone of a King addressing a subject; he went so far as to write to
Louis; proposing that he should renounce the throne of his ancestors in
his; Bonaparte's; favour; and offering him as a reward for this
renunciation a principality in Italy; or a considerable revenue for
himself and his family。
'Napoleon seems to have always known; as with Cromwell and the
Stuarts; that if his dynasty failed the Bourbons must succeed him。
〃I remember;〃 says Metternich; 〃Napoleon said to me; 'Do you know
why Louis XVIII。 is not now sitting opposite to you? It is only
because it is I who am sitting here。 No other person could maintain
his position; and if ever I disappear in consequence of a
catastrophe no one but a Bourbon could sit here。'〃 (Metternich; tome
i。 p。 248)。 Farther; he said to Metternich; 〃The King overthrown;
the Republic was master of the soil of France。 It is that which I
have replaced。 The old throne of France is buried under its
rubbish。 I had to found a new one。 The Bourbons could not reign
over this creation。 My strength lies in my fortune。 I am new; like
the Empire; there is; therefore; a perfect homogeneity between the