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rasselas, prince of abyssinia-第20节

小说: rasselas, prince of abyssinia 字数: 每页4000字

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o say; and sometimes;  when I was leaving him; would call me back; pause a few moments;  and then dismiss me。〃


〃AT last the time came when the secret burst his reserve。  We were  sitting together last night in the turret of his house watching the  immersion of a satellite of Jupiter。  A sudden tempest clouded the  sky and disappointed our observation。  We sat awhile silent in the  dark; and then he addressed himself to me in these words:  'Imlac;  I have long considered thy friendship as the greatest blessing of  my life。  Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless; and  knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful。  I have  found in thee all the qualities requisite for trust … benevolence;  experience; and fortitude。  I have long discharged an office which  I must soon quit at the call of Nature; and shall rejoice in the  hour of imbecility and pain to devolve it upon thee。'
〃I thought myself honoured by this testimony; and protested that  whatever could conduce to his happiness would add likewise to mine。
〃'Hear; Imlac; what thou wilt not without difficulty credit。  I  have possessed for five years the regulation of the weather and the  distribution of the seasons。  The sun has listened to my dictates;  and passed from tropic to tropic by my direction; the clouds at my  call have poured their waters; and the Nile has overflowed at my  command。  I have restrained the rage of the dog…star; and mitigated  the fervours of the crab。  The winds alone; of all the elemental  powers; have hitherto refused my authority; and multitudes have  perished by equinoctial tempests which I found myself unable to  prohibit or restrain。  I have administered this great office with  exact justice; and made to the different nations of the earth an  impartial dividend of rain and sunshine。  What must have been the  misery of half the globe if I had limited the clouds to particular  regions; or confined the sun to either side of the equator?'〃


〃I SUPPOSE he discovered in me; through the obscurity of the room;  some tokens of amazement and doubt; for after a short pause he  proceeded thus:…
〃'Not to be easily credited will neither surprise nor offend me;  for I am probably the first of human beings to whom this trust has  been imparted。  Nor do I know whether to deem this distinction a  reward or punishment。  Since I have possessed it I have been far  less happy than before; and nothing but the consciousness of good  intention could have enabled me to support the weariness of  unremitted vigilance。'
〃'How long; sir;' said I; 'has this great office been in your  hands?'
〃'About ten years ago;' said he; 'my daily observations of the  changes of the sky led me to consider whether; if I had the power  of the seasons; I could confer greater plenty upon the inhabitants  of the earth。  This contemplation fastened on my mind; and I sat  days and nights in imaginary dominion; pouring upon this country  and that the showers of fertility; and seconding every fall of rain  with a due proportion of sunshine。  I had yet only the will to do  good; and did not imagine that I should ever have the power。
〃'One day as I was looking on the fields withering with heat; I  felt in my mind a sudden wish that I could send rain on the  southern mountains; and raise the Nile to an inundation。  In the  hurry of my imagination I commanded rain to fall; and by comparing  the time of my command with that of the inundation; I found that  the clouds had listened to my lips。'
〃'Might not some other cause;' said I; 'produce this concurrence?   The Nile does not always rise on the same day。'
〃'Do not believe;' said he; with impatience; 'that such objections  could escape me。  I reasoned long against my own conviction; and  laboured against truth with the utmost obstinacy。  I sometimes  suspected myself of madness; and should not have dared to impart  this secret but to a man like you; capable of distinguishing the  wonderful from the impossible; and the incredible from the false。'
〃'Why; sir;' said I; 'do you call that incredible which you know;  or think you know; to be true?'
〃'Because;' said he; 'I cannot prove it by any external evidence;  and I know too well the laws of demonstration to think that my  conviction ought to influence another; who cannot; like me; be  conscious of its force。  I therefore shall not attempt to gain  credit by disputation。  It is sufficient that I feel this power  that I have long possessed; and every day exerted it。  But the life  of man is short; the infirmities of age increase upon me; and the  time will soon come when the regulator of the year must mingle with  the dust。  The care of appointing a successor has long disturbed  me; the night and the day have been spent in comparisons of all the  characters which have come to my knowledge; and I have yet found  none so worthy as thyself。'〃


〃'HEAR; therefore; what I shall impart with attention; such as the  welfare of a world requires。  If the task of a king be considered  as difficult; who has the care only of a few millions; to whom he  cannot do much good or harm; what must be the anxiety of him on  whom depends the action of the elements and the great gifts of  light and heat?  Hear me; therefore; with attention。
〃'I have diligently considered the position of the earth and sun;  and formed innumerable schemes; in which I changed their situation。   I have sometimes turned aside the axis of the earth; and sometimes  varied the ecliptic of the sun; but I have found it impossible to  make a disposition by which the world may be advantaged; what one  region gains another loses by an imaginable alteration; even  without considering the distant parts of the solar system with  which we are acquainted。  Do not; therefore; in thy administration  of the year; indulge thy pride by innovation; do not please thyself  with thinking that thou canst make thyself renowned to all future  ages by disordering the seasons。  The memory of mischief is no  desirable fame。  Much less will it become thee to let kindness or  interest prevail。  Never rob other countries of rain to pour it on  thine own。  For us the Nile is sufficient。'
〃I promised that when I possessed the power I would use it with  inflexible integrity; and he dismissed me; pressing my hand。  'My  heart;' said he; 'will be now at rest; and my benevolence will no  more destroy my quiet; I have found a man of wisdom and virtue; to  whom I can cheerfully bequeath the inheritance of the sun。'〃
The Prince heard this narration with very serious regard; but the  Princess smiled; and Pekuah convulsed herself with laughter。   〃Ladies;〃 said Imlac; 〃to mock the heaviest of human afflictions is  neither charitable nor wise。  Few can attain this man's knowledge  and few practise his virtues; but all may suffer his calamity。  Of  the uncertainties of our present state; the most dreadful and  alarming is the uncertain continuance of reason。〃
The Princess was recollected; and the favourite was abashed。   Rasselas; more deeply affected; inquired of Imlac whether he  thought such maladies of the mind frequent; and how they were  contracted。


〃DISORDERS of intellect;〃 answered Imlac; 〃happen much more often  than superficial observers will easily believe。  Perhaps if we  speak with rigorous exactness; no human mind is in its right state。   There is no man whose imagination does not sometimes predominate  over his reason who can regulate his attention wholly by his will;  and whose ideas will come and go at his command。  No man will be  found in whose mind airy notions do not sometimes tyrannise; and  force him to hope or fear beyond the limits of sober probability。   All power of fancy over reason is a degree of insanity; but while  this power is such as we can control and repress it is not visible  to others; nor considered as any deprivation of the mental  faculties; it is not pronounced madness but when it becomes  ungovernable; and apparently influences speech or action。
〃To indulge the power of fiction and send imagination out upon the  wing is often the sport of those who delight too much in silent  speculation。  When we are alone we are not always busy; the labour  of excogitation is too violent to last long; the ardour of inquiry  will sometimes give way to idleness or satiety。  He who has nothing  external that can divert him must find pleasure in his own  thoughts; and must conceive himself what he is not; for who is  pleased with what he is?  He then expatiates in boundless futurity;  and culls from all imaginable conditions that which for the present  moment he should most desire; amuses his desires with impossible  enjoyments; and confers upon his pride unattainable dominion。  The  mind dances from scene to scene; unites all pleasures in all  combinations; and riots in delights which Nature and fortune; with  all their bounty; cannot bestow。
〃In time some particular train of ideas fixes the attention; all  other intellectual gratifications are rejected; the mind; in  wearin

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