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rasselas, prince of abyssinia-第10节

小说: rasselas, prince of abyssinia 字数: 每页4000字

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ses; my hopes; are at an end:  I am now a lonely being;  disunited from society。〃
〃Sir;〃 said the Prince; 〃mortality is an event by which a wise man  can never be surprised:  we know that death is always near; and it  should therefore always be expected。〃  〃Young man;〃 answered the  philosopher; 〃you speak like one that has never felt the pangs of  separation。〃  〃Have you then forgot the precepts;〃 said Rasselas;  〃which you so powerfully enforced?  Has wisdom no strength to arm  the heart against calamity?  Consider that external things are  naturally variable; but truth and reason are always the same。〃   〃What comfort;〃 said the mourner; 〃can truth and reason afford me?   Of what effect are they now; but to tell me that my daughter will  not be restored?〃
The Prince; whose humanity would not suffer him to insult misery  with reproof; went away; convinced of the emptiness of rhetorical  sounds; and the inefficacy of polished periods and studied  sentences。


HE was still eager upon the same inquiry; and having heard of a  hermit that lived near the lowest cataract of the Nile; and filled  the whole country with the fame of his sanctity; resolved to visit  his retreat; and inquire whether that felicity which public life  could not afford was to be found in solitude; and whether a man  whose age and virtue made him venerable could teach any peculiar  art of shunning evils or enduring them。
Imlac and the Princess agreed to accompany him; and after the  necessary preparations; they began their journey。  Their way lay  through the fields; where shepherds tended their flocks and the  lambs were playing upon the pasture。  〃This;〃 said the poet; 〃is  the life which has been often celebrated for its innocence and  quiet; let us pass the heat of the day among the shepherds' tents;  and know whether all our searches are not to terminate in pastoral  simplicity。〃
The proposal pleased them; and they induced the shepherds; by small  presents and familiar questions; to tell the opinion of their own  state。  They were so rude and ignorant; so little able to compare  the good with the evil of the occupation; and so indistinct in  their narratives and descriptions; that very little could be  learned from them。  But it was evident that their hearts were  cankered with discontent; that they considered themselves as  condemned to labour for the luxury of the rich; and looked up with  stupid malevolence towards those that were placed above them。
The Princess pronounced with vehemence that she would never suffer  these envious savages to be her companions; and that she should not  soon be desirous of seeing any more specimens of rustic happiness;  but could not believe that all the accounts of primeval pleasures  were fabulous; and was in doubt whether life had anything that  could be justly preferred to the placid gratification of fields and  woods。  She hoped that the time would come when; with a few  virtuous and elegant companions; she should gather flowers planted  by her own hands; fondle the lambs of her own ewe; and listen  without care; among brooks and breezes; to one of her maidens  reading in the shade。


ON the next day they continued their journey till the heat  compelled them to look round for shelter。  At a small distance they  saw a thick wood; which they no sooner entered than they perceived  that they were approaching the habitations of men。  The shrubs were  diligently cut away to open walks where the shades ware darkest;  the boughs of opposite trees were artificially interwoven; seats of  flowery turf were raised in vacant spaces; and a rivulet that  wantoned along the side of a winding path had its banks sometimes  opened into small basins; and its stream sometimes obstructed by  little mounds of stone heaped together to increase its murmurs。
They passed slowly through the wood; delighted with such unexpected  accommodations; and entertained each other with conjecturing what  or who he could be that in those rude and unfrequented regions had  leisure and art for such harmless luxury。
As they advanced they heard the sound of music; and saw youths and  virgins dancing in the grove; and going still farther beheld a  stately palace built upon a hill surrounded by woods。  The laws of  Eastern hospitality allowed them to enter; and the master welcomed  them like a man liberal and wealthy。
He was skilful enough in appearances soon to discern that they were  no common guests; and spread his table with magnificence。  The  eloquence of Imlac caught his attention; and the lofty courtesy of  the Princess excited his respect。  When they offered to depart; he  entreated their stay; and was the next day more unwilling to  dismiss them than before。  They were easily persuaded to stop; and  civility grew up in time to freedom and confidence。
The Prince now saw all the domestics cheerful and all the face of  nature smiling round the place; and could not forbear to hope that  he should find here what he was seeking; but when he was  congratulating the master upon his possessions he answered with a  sigh; 〃My condition has indeed the appearance of happiness; but  appearances are delusive。  My prosperity puts my life in danger;  the Bassa of Egypt is my enemy; incensed only by my wealth and  popularity。  I have been hitherto protected against him by the  princes of the country; but as the favour of the great is uncertain  I know not how soon my defenders may be persuaded to share the  plunder with the Bassa。  I have sent my treasures into a distant  country; and upon the first alarm am prepared to follow them。  Then  will my enemies riot in my mansion; and enjoy the gardens which I  have planted。〃
They all joined in lamenting his danger and deprecating his exile;  and the Princess was so much disturbed with the tumult of grief and  indignation that she retired to her apartment。  They continued with  their kind inviter a few days longer; and then went to find the  hermit。


THEY came on the third day; by the direction of the peasants; to  the hermit's cell。  It was a cavern in the side of a mountain;  overshadowed with palm trees; at such a distance from the cataract  that nothing more was heard than a gentle uniform murmur; such as  composes the mind to pensive meditation; especially when it was  assisted by the wind whistling among the branches。  The first rude  essay of Nature had been so much improved by human labour that the  cave contained several apartments appropriated to different uses;  and often afforded lodging to travellers whom darkness or tempests  happened to overtake。
The hermit sat on a bench at the door; to enjoy the coolness of the  evening。  On one side lay a book with pens and paper; on the other  mechanical instruments of various kinds。  As they approached him  unregarded; the Princess observed that he had not the countenance  of a man that had found or could teach the way to happiness。
They saluted him with great respect; which he repaid like a man not  unaccustomed to the forms of Courts。  〃My children;〃 said he; 〃if  you have lost your way; you shall be willingly supplied with such  conveniences for the night as this cavern will afford。  I have all  that Nature requires; and you will not expect delicacies in a  hermit's cell。〃
They thanked him; and; entering; were pleased with the neatness and  regularity of the place。  The hermit set flesh and wine before  them; though he fed only upon fruits and water。  His discourse was  cheerful without levity; and pious without enthusiasm。  He soon  gained the esteem of his guests; and the Princess repented her  hasty censure。
At last Imlac began thus:  〃I do not now wonder that your  reputation is so far extended:  we have heard at Cairo of your  wisdom; and came hither to implore your direction for this young  man and maiden in the CHOICE OF LIFE。〃
〃To him that lives well;〃 answered the hermit; 〃every form of life  is good; nor can I give any other rule for choice than to remove  all apparent evil。〃
〃He will most certainly remove from evil;〃 said the Prince; 〃who  shall devote himself to that solitude which you have recommended by  your example。〃
〃I have indeed lived fifteen years in solitude;〃 said the hermit;  〃but have no desire that my example should gain any imitators。  In  my youth I professed arms; and was raised by degrees to the highest  military rank。  I have traversed wide countries at the head of my  troops; and seen many battles and sieges。  At last; being disgusted  by the preferments of a younger officer; and feeling that my vigour  was beginning to decay; I resolved to close my life in peace;  having found the world full of snares; discord; and misery。  I had  once escaped from the pursuit of the enemy by the shelter of this  cavern; and therefore chose it for my final residence。  I employed  artificers to form it into chambers; and stored it with all that I  was likely to want。
〃For some time after my retreat I rejoiced like a tempest…beaten  sailor at his entrance into the harbour; being delighted with the  sudden change of the noise and hurry of war to stillness and  repose。  When the pleasure of novelt

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