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弌傍 gobseck 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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boulevard察then察just as it struck twelve察I went through the

Countess' ante´chamber。

; ' ;Madame has just this minute rung for me察─said the maid察 I don't

think she can see you yet。;

; ' ;I will wait察─said I察and sat down in an easy´chair。

; 'Venetian shutters were opened察and presently the maid came hurrying


; ' ;Come in察sir。;

; 'From the sweet tone of the girl's voice察I knew that the mistress

could not be ready to pay。 What a handsome woman it was that I saw in

another moment She had flung an Indian shawl hastily over her bare

shoulders察covering herself with it completely察while it revealed the

bare outlines of the form beneath。 She wore a loose gown trimmed with

snowy ruffles察which told plainly that her laundress' bills amounted

to something like two thousand francs in the course of a year。 Her

dark curls escaped from beneath a bright Indian handkerchief察knotted

carelessly about her head after the fashion of Creole women。 The bed

lay in disorder that told of broken slumber。 A painter would have paid

money to stay a while to see the scene that I saw。 Under the luxurious

hanging draperies察the pillow察crushed into the depths of an eider´

down quilt察its lace border standing out in contrast against the

background of blue silk察bore a vague impress that kindled the

imagination。 A pair of satin slippers gleamed from the great bear´skin

rug spread by the carved mahogany lions at the bed´foot察where she had

flung them off in her weariness after the ball。 A crumpled gown hung

over a chair察the sleeves touching the floor察stockings which a breath

would have blown away were twisted about the leg of an easy´chair

while ribbon garters straggled over a settee。 A fan of price察half

unfolded察glittered on the chimney´piece。 Drawers stood open察flowers

diamonds察gloves察a bouquet察a girdle察were littered about。 The room

was full of vague sweet perfume。 Andbeneath all the luxury and

disorder察beauty and incongruity察I saw Misery crouching in wait for

her or for her adorer察Misery rearing its head察for the Countess had

begun to feel the edge of those fangs。 Her tired face was an epitome

of the room strewn with relics of past festival。 The scattered

gewgaws察pitiable this morning察when gathered together and coherent

had turned heads the night before。

; 'What efforts to drink of the Tantalus cup of bliss I could read in

these traces of love stricken by the thunderbolt remorsein this

visible presentment of a life of luxury察extravagance察and riot。 There

were faint red marks on her young face察signs of the fineness of the

skin察but her features were coarsened察as it were察and the circles

about her eyes were unwontedly dark。 Nature nevertheless was so

vigorous in her察that these traces of past folly did not spoil her

beauty。 Her eyes glittered。 She looked like some Herodias of da

Vinci's I have dealt in pictures察so magnificently full of life and

energy was she察there was nothing starved nor stinted in feature or

outline察she awakened desire察it seemed to me that there was some

passion in her yet stronger than love。 I was taken with her。 It was a

long while since my heart had throbbed察so I was paid then and there

for I would give a thousand francs for a sensation that should bring

me back memories of youth。

; ' ;Monsieur察─she said察finding a chair for me察 will you be so good

as to wait拭

; ' ;Until this time to´morrow察madame察─I said察folding up the bill

again。 ;I cannot legally protest this bill any sooner。; And within

myself I said;Pay the price of your luxury察pay for your name察pay

for your ease察pay for the monopoly which you enjoy The rich have

invented judges and courts of law to secure their goods察and the

guillotinethat candle in which so many lie in silk察under silken

coverlets察there is remorse察and grinding of teeth beneath a smile

and those fantastical lions' jaws are gaping to set their fangs in

your heart。;

; ' ;Protest the bill Can you mean it拭─she cried察with her eyes upon

me察 could you have so little consideration for me拭

; ' ;If the King himself owed money to me察madame察and did not pay it

I should summons him even sooner than any other debtor。;

; 'While we were speaking察somebody tapped gently at the door。

; ' ;I cannot see any one察─she cried imperiously。

; ' ;But察Anastasie察I particularly wish to speak to you。;

; ' ;Not just now察dear察─she answered in a milder tone察but with no

sign of relenting。

; ' ;What nonsense You are talking to some one察─said the voice察and

in came a man who could only be the Count。

; 'The Countess gave me a glance。 I saw how it was。 She was thoroughly

in my power。 There was a time察when I was young察and might perhaps

have been stupid enough not to protest the bill。 At Pondicherry察in

1763察I let a woman off察and nicely she paid me out afterwards。 I

deserved it察what call was there for me to trust her

; ' ;What does this gentleman want拭─asked the Count。

; 'I could see that the Countess was trembling from head to foot察the

white satin skin of her throat was rough察 turned to goose flesh察─to

use the familiar expression。 As for me察I laughed in myself without

moving a muscle。

; ' ;This gentleman is one of my tradesmen察─she said。

; 'The Count turned his back on me察I drew the bill half out of my

pocket。 After that inexorable movement察she came over to me and put a

diamond into my hands。 ;Take it察─she said察 and be gone。;

; 'We exchanged values察and I made my bow and went。 The diamond was

quite worth twelve hundred francs to me。 Out in the courtyard I saw a

swarm of flunkeys察brushing out their liveries察waxing their boots

and cleaning sumptuous equipages。

; ' ;This is what brings these people to me ─said I to myself。 ;It is

to keep up this kind of thing that they steal millions with all due

formalities察and betray their country。 The great lord察and the little

man who apes the great lord察bathes in mud once for all to save

himself a splash or two when he goes afoot through the streets。;

; 'Just then the great gates were opened to admit a cabriolet。 It was

the same young fellow who had brought the bill to me。

; ' ;Sir察─I said察as he alighted察 here are two hundred francs察which

I beg you to return to Mme。 la Comtesse察and have the goodness to tell

her that I hold the pledge which she deposited with me this morning at

her disposition for a week。;

; 'He took the two hundred francs察and an ironical smile stole over

his face察it was as if he had said察 Aha so she has paid it察has she

。 。 。 Faith察so much the better ─I read the Countess' future in his

face。 That good´looking察fair´haired young gentleman is a heartless

gambler察he will ruin himself察ruin her察ruin her husband察ruin the

children察eat up their portions察and work more havoc in Parisian

salons than a whole battery of howitzers in a regiment。

; 'I went back to see Mlle。 Fanny in the Rue Montmartre察climbed a

very steep察narrow staircase察and reached a two´roomed dwelling on the

fifth floor。 Everything was as neat as a new ducat。 I did not see a

speck of dust on the furniture in the first room察where Mlle。 Fanny

was sitting。 Mlle。 Fanny herself was a young Parisian girl察quietly

dressed察with a delicate fresh face察and a winning look。 The

arrangement of her neatly brushed chestnut hair in a double curve on

her forehead lent a refined expression to blue eyes察clear as crystal。

The broad daylight streaming in through the short curtains against the

window pane fell with softened light on her girlish face。 A pile of

shaped pieces of linen told me that she was a sempstress。 She looked

like a spirit of solitude。 When I held out the bill察I remarked that

she had not been at home when I called in the morning。

; ' ;But the money was left with the porter's wife察─said she。

; 'I pretended not to understand。

; ' ;You go out early察mademoiselle察it seems。;

; ' ;I very seldom leave my room察but when you work all night察you are

obliged to take a bath sometimes。;

; 'I looked at her。 A glance told me all about her life。 Here was a

girl condemned by misfortune to toil察a girl who came of honest farmer

folk察for she had still a freckle or two that told of country birth。

There was an indefinable atmosphere of goodness about her察I felt as

if I were breathing sincerity and frank innocence。 It was refreshing

to my lungs。 Poor innocent child察she had faith in something察there

was a crucifix and a sprig or two of green box above her poor little

painted wooden bedstead察I felt touched察or somewhat inclined that

way。 I felt ready to offer to charge no more than twelve per cent察and

so give something towards establishing her in a good way of business。

; ' ;But maybe she has a little youngster of a cousin察─I said to

myself察 who would raise money on her signature and sponge on the poor


; 'So I

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