梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
;His room察and everything in it察from the green baize of the bureau to
the strip of carpet by the bed察was as clean and threadbare as the
chilly sanctuary of some elderly spinster who spends her days in
rubbing her furniture。 In winter time察the live brands of the fire
smouldered all day in a bank of ashes察there was never any flame in
his grate。 He went through his day察from his uprising to his evening
coughing´fit察with the regularity of a pendulum察and in some sort was
a clockwork man察wound up by a night's slumber。 Touch a wood´louse on
an excursion across your sheet of paper察and the creature shams death
and in something the same way my acquaintance would stop short in the
middle of a sentence察while a cart went by察to save the strain to his
voice。 Following the example of Fontenelle察he was thrifty of pulse´
strokes察and concentrated all human sensibility in the innermost
sanctuary of Self。
;His life flowed soundless as the sands of an hour´glass。 His victims
sometimes flew into a rage and made a great deal of noise察followed by
a great silence察so is it in a kitchen after a fowl's neck has been
;Toward evening this bill of exchange incarnate would assume ordinary
human shape察and his metals were metamorphosed into a human heart。
When he was satisfied with his day's business察he would rub his hands
his inward glee would escape like smoke through every rift and wrinkle
of his facein no other way is it possible to give an idea of the
mute play of muscle which expressed sensations similar to the
soundless laughter of Leather Stocking。 Indeed察even in transports of
joy察his conversation was confined to monosyllables察he wore the same
non´committal countenance。
;This was the neighbor Chance found for me in the house in the Rue de
Gres察where I used to live when as yet I was only a second clerk
finishing my third year's studies。 The house is damp and dark察and
boasts no courtyard。 All the windows look on the street察the whole
dwelling察in claustral fashion察is divided into rooms or cells of
equal size察all opening upon a long corridor dimly lit with borrowed
lights。 The place must have been part of an old convent once。 So
gloomy was it察that the gaiety of eldest sons forsook them on the
stairs before they reached my neighbor's door。 He and his house were
much alike察even so does the oyster resemble his native rock。
;I was the one creature with whom he had any communication察socially
speaking察he would come in to ask for a light察to borrow a book or a
newspaper察and of an evening he would allow me to go into his cell
and when he was in the humor we would chat together。 These marks of
confidence were the results of four years of neighborhood and my own
sober conduct。 From sheer lack of pence察I was bound to live pretty
much as he did。 Had he any relations or friends拭Was he rich or poor
Nobody could give an answer to these questions。 I myself never saw
money in his room。 Doubtless his capital was safely stowed in the
strong rooms of the Bank。 He used to collect his bills himself as they
fell due察running all over Paris on a pair of shanks as skinny as a
stag's。 On occasion he would be a martyr to prudence。 One day察when he
happened to have gold in his pockets察a double napoleon worked its
way察somehow or other察out of his fob and fell察and another lodger
following him up the stairs picked up the coin and returned it to its
; 'That isn't mine' said he察with a start of surprise。 'Mine indeed
If I were rich察should I live as I do'
;He made his cup of coffee himself every morning on the cast´iron
chafing dish which stood all day in the black angle of the grate察his
dinner came in from a cookshop察and our old porter's wife went up at
the prescribed hour to set his room in order。 Finally察a whimsical
chance察in which Sterne would have seen predestination察had named the
man Gobseck。 When I did business for him later察I came to know that he
was about seventy´six years old at the time when we became acquainted。
He was born about 1740察in some outlying suburb of Antwerp察of a Dutch
father and a Jewish mother察and his name was Jean´Esther Van Gobseck。
You remember how all Paris took an interest in that murder case察a
woman named La belle Hollandaise拭I happened to mention it to my old
neighbor察and he answered without the slightest symptom of interest or
surprise察'She is my grandniece。'
;That was the only remark drawn from him by the death of his sole
surviving next of kin察his sister's granddaughter。 From reports of the
case I found that La belle Hollandaise was in fact named Sara Van
Gobseck。 When I asked by what curious chance his grandniece came to
bear his surname察he smiled
; 'The women never marry in our family。'
;Singular creature察he had never cared to find out a single relative
among four generations counted on the female side。 The thought of his
heirs was abhorrent to him察and the idea that his wealth could pass
into other hands after his death simply inconceivable。
;He was a child察ten years old察when his mother shipped him off as a
cabin boy on a voyage to the Dutch Straits Settlements察and there he
knocked about for twenty years。 The inscrutable lines on that sallow
forehead kept the secret of horrible adventures察sudden panic
unhoped´for luck察romantic cross events察joys that knew no limit
hunger endured and love trampled under foot察fortunes risked察lost
and recovered察life endangered time and time again察and saved察it may
be察by one of the rapid察ruthless decisions absolved by necessity。 He
had known Admiral Simeuse察M。 de Lally察M。 de Kergarouet察M。
d'Estaing察le Bailli de Suffren察M。 de Portenduere察Lord Cornwallis
Lord Hastings察Tippoo Sahib's father察Tippoo Sahib himself。 The bully
who served Mahadaji Sindhia察King of Delhi察and did so much to found
the power of the Mahrattas察had had dealings with Gobseck。 Long
residence at St。 Thomas brought him in contact with Victor Hughes and
other notorious pirates。 In his quest of fortune he had left no stone
unturned察witness an attempt to discover the treasure of that tribe of
savages so famous in Buenos Ayres and its neighborhood。 He had a
personal knowledge of the events of the American War of Independence。
But if he spoke of the Indies or of America察as he did very rarely
with me察and never with anyone else察he seemed to regard it as an
indiscretion and to repent of it afterwards。 If humanity and
sociability are in some sort a religion察Gobseck might be ranked as an
infidel察but though I set myself to study him察I must confess察to my
shame察that his real nature was impenetrable up to the very last。 I
even felt doubts at times as to his sex。 If all usurers are like this
one察I maintain that they belong to the neuter gender。
;Did he adhere to his mother's religion拭Did he look on Gentiles as
his legitimate prey拭Had he turned Roman Catholic察Lutheran
Mahometan察Brahmin察or what not拭I never knew anything whatsoever
about his religious opinions察and so far as I could see察he was
indifferent rather than incredulous。
;One evening I went in to see this man who had turned himself to gold
the usurer察whom his victims his clients察as he styled them were
wont to call Daddy Gobseck察perhaps ironically察perhaps by way of
antiphrasis。 He was sitting in his armchair察motionless as a statue
staring fixedly at the mantel´shelf察where he seemed to read the
figures of his statements。 A lamp察with a pedestal that had once been
green察was burning in the room察but so far from taking color from its
smoky light察his face seemed to stand out positively paler against the
background。 He pointed to a chair set for me察but not a word did he
; 'What thoughts can this being have in his mind' said I to myself。
'Does he know that a God exists察does he know there are such things as
feeling察woman察happiness' I pitied him as I might have pitied a
diseased creature。 But察at the same time察I knew quite well that while
he had millions of francs at his command察he possessed the world no
less in ideathat world which he had explored察ransacked察weighed
appraised察and exploited。
; 'Good day察Daddy Gobseck' I began。
;He turned his face towards me with a slight contraction of his bushy
black eyebrows察this characteristic shade of expression in him meant
as much as the most jubilant smile on a Southern face。
; 'You look just as gloomy as you did that day when the news came of
the failure of that bookseller whose sharpness you admired so much
though you were one of his victims。'
; 'One of his victims' he repeated察with a look of astonishment。
; 'Yes。 Did you not refuse to accept composition at the meeting of
creditors until he undertook privately to pay you your debt in full
and did he not give you bills accepted by the insolvent firm察and
then察when he set up in business again察did he not pay you the