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弌傍 gobseck 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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should not be allowed to go near the dying man。 I augured ill of all

this察and earnestly wished for an interview察for I was not easy in my

mind about the fate of the counter´deed。 If it should fall into the

Countess' hands察she might turn it to her own account察and that would

be the beginning of a series of interminable lawsuits between her and

Gobseck。 I knew the usurer well enough to feel convinced that he would

never give up the property to her察there was room for plenty of legal

quibbling over a series of transfers察and I alone knew all the ins and

outs of the matter。 I was minded to prevent such a tissue of

misfortune察so I went to the Countess a second time。

;I have noticed察madame察─said Derville察turning to the Vicomtesse

and speaking in a confidential tone察 certain moral phenomena to which

we do not pay enough attention。 I am naturally an observer of human

nature察and instinctively I bring a spirit of analysis to the business

that I transact in the interest of others察when human passions are

called into lively play。 Now察I have often noticed察and always with

new wonder察that two antagonists almost always divine each other's

inmost thoughts and ideas。 Two enemies sometimes possess a power of

clear insight into mental processes察and read each other's minds as

two lovers read in either soul。 So when we came together察the Countess

and I察I understood at once the reason of her antipathy for me

disguised though it was by the most gracious forms of politeness and

civility。 I had been forced to be her confidant察and a woman cannot

but hate the man before whom she is compelled to blush。 And she on her

side knew that if I was the man in whom her husband placed confidence

that husband had not as yet given up his fortune。

;I will spare you the conversation察but it abides in my memory as one

of the most dangerous encounters in my career。 Nature had bestowed on

her all the qualities which察combined察are irresistibly fascinating

she could be pliant and proud by turns察and confiding and coaxing in

her manner察she even went so far as to try to subjugate me。 It was a

failure。 As I took my leave of her察I caught a gleam of hate and rage

in her eyes that made me shudder。 We parted enemies。 She would fain

have crushed me out of existence察and for my own part察I felt pity for

her察and for some natures pity is the deadliest of insults。 This

feeling pervaded the last representations I put before her察and when I

left her察I left察I think察dread in the depths of her soul察by

declaring that察turn which way she would察ruin lay inevitably before


; 'If I were to see M。 le Comte察your children's property at any rate


; 'I should be at your mercy' she said察breaking in upon me察disgust

in her gesture。

;Now that we had spoken frankly察I made up my mind to save the family

from impending destitution。 I resolved to strain the law at need to

gain my ends察and this was what I did。 I sued the Comte de Restaud for

a sum of money察ostensibly due to Gobseck察and gained judgment。 The

Countess察of course察did not allow him to know of this察but I had

gained on my point察I had a right to affix seals to everything on the

death of the Count。 I bribed one of the servants in the housethe man

undertook to let me know at any hour of the day or night if his master

should be at the point of death察so that I could intervene at once

scare the Countess with a threat of affixing seals察and so secure the


;I learned later on that the woman was studying the Code察with her

husband's dying moans in her ears。 If we could picture the thoughts of

those who stand about a deathbed察what fearful sights should we not

see拭Money is always the motive´spring of the schemes elaborated察of

all the plans that are made and the plots that are woven about it Let

us leave these details察nauseating in the nature of them察but perhaps

they may have given you some insight into all that this husband and

wife endured察perhaps too they may unveil much that is passing in

secret in other houses。

;For two months the Comte de Restaud lay on his bed察alone察and

resigned to his fate。 Mortal disease was slowly sapping the strength

of mind and body。 Unaccountable and grotesque sick fancies preyed upon

him察he would not suffer them to set his room in order察no one could

nurse him察he would not even allow them to make his bed。 All his

surroundings bore the marks of this last degree of apathy察the

furniture was out of place察the daintiest trifles were covered with

dust and cobwebs。 In health he had been a man of refined and expensive

tastes察now he positively delighted in the comfortless look of the

room。 A host of objects required in illnessrows of medicine bottles

empty and full察most of them dirty察crumpled linen察and broken plates

littered the writing´table察chairs察and chimney´piece。 An open

warming´pan lay on the floor before the grate察a bath察still full of

mineral water had not been taken away。 The sense of coming dissolution

pervaded all the details of an unsightly chaos。 Signs of death

appeared in things inanimate before the Destroyer came to the body on

the bed。 The Comte de Restaud could not bear the daylight察the

Venetian shutters were closed察darkness deepened the gloom in the

dismal chamber。 The sick man himself had wasted greatly。 All the life

in him seemed to have taken refuge in the still brilliant eyes。 The

livid whiteness of his face was something horrible to see察enhanced as

it was by the long dank locks of hair that straggled along his cheeks

for he would never suffer them to cut it。 He looked like some

religious fanatic in the desert。 Mental suffering was extinguishing

all human instincts in this man of scarce fifty years of age察whom all

Paris had known as so brilliant and so successful。

;One morning at the beginning of December 1824察he looked up at

Ernest察who sat at the foot of his bed gazing at his father with

wistful eyes。

; 'Are you in pain' the little Vicomte asked。

; 'No' said the Count察with a ghastly smile察'it all lies HERE AND


;He pointed to his forehead察and then laid his wasted fingers on his

hollow chest。 Ernest began to cry at the sight。

; 'How is it that M。 Derville does not come to me' the Count asked

his servant he thought that Maurice was really attached to him察but

the man was entirely in the Countess' interest'What Maurice' and

the dying man suddenly sat upright in his bed察and seemed to recover

all his presence of mind察'I have sent for my attorney seven or eight

times during the last fortnight察and he does not come' he cried。 'Do

you imagine that I am to be trifled with拭Go for him察at once察this

very instant察and bring him back with you。 If you do not carry out my

orders察I shall get up and go myself。'

; 'Madame' said the man as he came into the salon察'you heard M。 le

Comte察what ought I to do'

; 'Pretend to go to the attorney察and when you come back tell your

master that his man of business is forty leagues away from Paris on an

important lawsuit。 Say that he is expected back at the end of the

week。Sick people never know how ill they are' thought the Countess

'he will wait till the man comes home。'

;The doctor had said on the previous evening that the Count could

scarcely live through the day。 When the servant came back two hours

later to give that hopeless answer察the dying man seemed to be greatly


; 'Oh God' he cried again and again察'I put my trust in none but


;For a long while he lay and gazed at his son察and spoke in a feeble

voice at last。

; 'Ernest察my boy察you are very young察but you have a good heart察you

can understand察no doubt察that a promise given to a dying man is

sacred察a promise to a father 。 。 。 Do you feel that you can be

trusted with a secret察and keep it so well and so closely that even

your mother herself shall not know that you have a secret to keep

There is no one else in this house whom I can trust to´day。 You will

not betray my trust察will you'

; 'No察father。'

; 'Very well察then察Ernest察in a minute or two I will give you a

sealed packet that belongs to M。 Derville察you must take such care of

it that no one can know that you have it察then you must slip out of

the house and put the letter into the post´box at the corner。'

; 'Yes察father。'

; 'Can I depend upon you'

; 'Yes察father。'

; 'Come and kiss me。 You have made death less bitter to me察dear boy。

In six or seven years' time you will understand the importance of this

secret察and you will be well rewarded then for your quickness and

obedience察you will know then how much I love you。 Leave me alone for

a minute察and let no oneno matter whomcome in meanwhile。'

;Ernest went out and saw his mother standing in the next room。

; 'Ernest' said she察'come here。'

;She sat down察drew her son to he

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