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the golf course mystery(互櫛健縮殻)-及43准

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Jack     oung asked此

     ;Are you in here察Colonel拭─

     ;Yes察come in。 Did you get a reply拭─

     ;Surely。     Your friend must have been waiting for your telegram。; 

     ;I   expected   he   would   be。   Let   me   see   it察─  and   the   detective   read   a 

brief message which said此

          ;Thomas much better after a long sleep。; 

     ;Ah察─mused the colonel。         ;I'm very glad Thomas is better。; 

     ;Is Thomas察by any chance察a cat拭─asked Jack察who read the telegram 

the colonel handed him。 

     ;He is ´ just that ´ a cat and nothing more。          And now察Jack察my friend察

I think we're about ready to close in。; 

     ;Close in拭Why ´ ; 

     ;Oh察there are a few things I haven't told you yet。              Sit down and I'll 

just go over them。        I've been on this case a little longer than you   have察

and I've done some elimination which you haven't had a chance to do。; 

     ;And you have eliminated all but ´ ; 

     ;Captain Poland and LeGrand Blossom。; 

     At   these   words   Jack   started察  and   made   a   motion   of   silence。  They 

were still in the library察but more lights had been turned on察and the place 

was brilliant。 

     ;What's the matter拭─asked the colonel察quickly。              ;I thought I heard a 

noise   in   the   hall察─  and   Jack   stepped   to   the   door   and   looked   out。 But 

either   he   did   not   see察  or   did   not   want   to   see察  a   shrinking   figure   which 

quickly crouched down behind a chair not far from the portal。 

     ;Guess I was mistaken察─said Jack。            ;Anyhow I didn't see anything。; 

Did   he   forget   that   coming   out   of   a   light   room   into   a   dim   hall   was   not 

conducive to good seeing拭         Jack Young ought to have remembered that。 

     ;One of the servants察likely察passing by察─suggested the colonel。               ;Yes察

Jack察I think we must pin it down to either the captain or Blossom。; 

     ;Do you really think Blossom could have done it拭─

     ;He could察of course。        The main question is察did he have an object in 

getting Mr。 Carwell out of the way拭─


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                                THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

     ;And   did   he   have拭─    I   think   he   did。 I've   been   trailing   him   lately察

when he didn't suspect it察and I've seen him in some queer situations。                    I 

know   he   needed   a   lot   of   money   and   ´   well察  I'm   going   to   take   him   into 

custody as the murderer of Mr。 Carwell。             ;I Want you to ´ ; 

     But that was as far as the detective got察for there was a shriek in the 

hall ´ a cry of mortal anguish that could only come from a woman ´ and 

then察past the library door察rushed a figure in white。 

     Out and away it rushed察flinging open the front door察speeding down 

the steps and across the lawn。 

     ;Quick  ─cried Colonel Ashley。          ;Who was that拭─

     ;I don't know ─answered Jack。           ;Must have been the person I thought 

I heard in the hall。; 

     ;We   must   find out   who it was ─  went on the   detective。         ;You   make 

some inquiries。       I'll take after her。; 

     ;Could it have been Miss Viola拭─

     The question was answered almost as soon as it was asked察for察at that 

moment察Viola herself came down the front stairs。 

     ;What is it拭─she asked the two detectives。            ;Who cried out like that拭

Is some one hurt拭─

     ;I   don't   know察─  answered   Colonel   Ashley。      ;Mr。   Young   and   I   were 

talking in the library when we heard the scream。               Then a woman rushed 


     ;It   must   have   been   Minnie   Webb ─  cried   Viola。      ;She   was   here   a 

moment ago。        The maid told me she was waiting in the parlor察and I was 

detained upstairs。       It must have been Minnie。           But why did she scream 


     Colonel Ashley did not stop to answer。 

     ;Look after things here察Jack ─he called to his assistant。              ;I'm going 

to follow her。     If ever there was a desperate woman she is。; 

     And he sped through the darkness after the figure in white。 


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                               THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

                           CHAPTER XXII 

                          THE LARGE BLONDE AGAIN 

       The    trail  was   not   a  difficult   one   to  follow。     The    night    was 

particularly black察with low´hanging clouds which seemed to hold a threat 

of rain察and the wind sighed dolefully through the scrub pines。                 Against 

this dim murkiness the figure of the woman in white stood out ghostily。 

     ;Poor Minnie Webb ─mused Colonel Ashley察as he hurried on after her。 

;She must be desperate now ´ after what she heard。              I wonder ´ ; 

     He   did   not   put   his   wonder   into   words   then察  but   his   suspicion   was 

confirmed as he saw her head for the bridge that spanned a creek察not far 

from where the ferry ran over to Loch Harbor。 

     At certain times this creek was not deep enough to afford passage for 

small   rowboats察 but   when   the   tide   was   in   there   was   draught   enough   for 

motor launches。 

     ;And the tide is in now察─mused the colonel察as he remembered passing 

among the sand dunes late that afternoon察and noting the state of the sea。 

;Too bad察poor little woman ─he added gently察as he followed her。 ;Not so 

fast Not so fast There is no need of rushing to destruction。 It comes soon 

enough without our going out to meet it。           Poor girl ─

     He    went   on  through    the  darkness察   following察   following察   following 

distracted   Minnie察  who察  with   the   fateful   words   still   ringing   in   her   ears察

hardly knew whither she hurried。 

     Colonel Ashley察  in   spite of   the   desperate   manner in   which   the   chase 

had    begun察  felt  that  he  was   safe   from   observation。     He    had  on   dark 

clothes察which did not contrast so strongly with the night as did the light 

and   filmy   dress   of   Minnie   Webb。     Besides察  she   was   too   distracted   to 

notice that she was being followed。 

     ;She is going to the bridge察and the tide is in察─mused the detective。 ;I 

didn't think she had that much spunk ´ for it does take spunk to attempt 

anything like this in the dark。       However察I'll try to get there as soon as she 


     The fleeing girl in white passed over an open moor察fleeced here and 


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                                THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

there with scanty bushes察which gave the detective all the cover he needed。 

But the girl did not look back察and the night was dark。               The clouds were 

thicker   too察  and   the   very   air   seemed   so   full   of   rain   that   an   incautious 

movement would bring it spattering about one's head察as a shake of a tree察

after a shower察precipitates the drops。 

     And then there suddenly loomed察like grotesque shadows on the night察

two other figures at the very end of the bridge that Minnie Webb sought to 

cross。    They seemed to bar her way察and yet they were as much startled as 

she察for they drew back on her approach。 

     And Colonel Ashley察stealing his way up unseen察heard from Minnie 

Webb the startled ejaculation此

     ;LeGrand       You here拭    And who ´ who is this拭─

     Then察as if in defiance察or perhaps to see who the challenger was察the 

figure   standing   beside   that   of   LeGrand   Blossom   flashed   a   little   pocket 

electric   torch。    And   by   the   gleam   of   it   Colonel   Ashley   saw   the   large 

blonde woman again。 

     ;Morocco Kate ─he murmured。             ;So she is mixed up in it after all I 

think I begin to see daylight in spite of the darkness。           Morocco Kate ─

     Then察crouching down behind some bushes察he waited and listened and 

thought swiftly。 

     ;Speak   to   me ─  implored   Minnie   of   the   young   man。    ;What   does   it 

mean察LeGrand拭        Why are you here with ´ with ´ ; 

     ;He knows my name well enough察if he wants to tell it察─broke in the 

other。    ;I'm not ashamed of it察either。       But who are you察I'd like to know拭

I never saw you before ─and the blonde woman flashed her light full on 

Minnie's white face。 

     And as the girl shrank back察Morocco Kate察so called察sneered此

     ;Some one else he's got on a string察I suppose             Ho It's a merry life 

you lead察LeGrand Blossom ─

     ;Stop ─  the   young   man   exclaimed。      ;I   can't   let   you   go   on   this   way。 

Minnie察please leave us for a moment。            I'll come to you as soon as I can。; 


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