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     ;That is astonishing news          There is no record of the money having 

been paid ─

     ;Nevertheless the debt is canceled察─insisted the captain。                ;I sent the 

receipt and the canceled note to LeGrand Blossom。; 

     ;It's false ─cried Bartlett。     ;He hasn't any such documents ─

     For a moment Captain Poland seemed about to leap from his car and 

attack the man who had given him the lie direct。                Then察by an effort察he 

composed himself察and quietly answered此

     ;I can prove every word I say察and I will take immediate steps to do so。 

Mr。 Carwell paid me the fifteen thousand dollars on the twenty´third察and I 

´ ; 

     ;He paid you the money on the twenty´third拭the very day he died拭─

cried Harry。 


     ;Then ´     Why察good heavens察man             Don't you see what this means拭

It   means   you   were   with   him   just   before   his   death察  the   same   as   I   was。 

We're both in the same boat as far as that goes ─

     ;Yes察  I   admit   that   I   was   with   him察  and   that   he   paid   me   the   fifteen 

thousand      dollars   shortly   before   his   unfortunate   end察─  returned   Captain 

Poland。 ;But our meeting was a most peaceful one察even friendly察and ´ ; 

     ;You     mean    that  I  ´  Oh察   I  see ─ and   Bartlett's   voice   was   full  of 

meaning。   ;So   that'swhat   you   are   driving   at。    Well察  two   can   play   atthat 

game。 I've learned something察anyhow ─


´ Page 152´

                                THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

     There was a grinding of gears察and the ;Spanish Omelet; shot away。 

Captain   Poland   watched   it   for   a   moment察  and   then察  with   a   shrug   of   his 

shoulders察threw in the clutch and speeded down the road in the opposite 


     Harry   Bartlett   lost   no   time   in   acquainting   Colonel   Ashley   with   the 

admission made by Captain Poland。 

     ;So the wind is veering察─the detective murmured。               ;I shall watch him。 

I wondered why he didn't answer my letters。               Now we must see LeGrand 


     ;I'll  come    with   you察─   offered   Bartlett。   ;I   want    to  see  this  thing 

through now。       Shall we tell her拭─and he motioned toward Viola's room。 

     ;Not now。      We'll see Blossom first。; 

     If   the   head   clerk   was   perturbed   at   all   by   the   visit   to   the   office   of 

Colonel Ashley and Harry Bartlett察he did not disclose it。                 He welcomed 

the two visitors察and took them to his private room。 

     Colonel Ashley went bluntly into the business in hand。 

     ;Have you any papers to show that Captain Poland acknowledged the 

receipt of the fifteen thousand dollars owed to him by Mr。 Carwell拭─

     ;I   have   not察─  was   the  frank    answer。    ;I   have   been    searching    for 

something to prove that the debt was paid察as I knew of its contraction。 It 

was not canceled as far as I can find。; 

     ;Yet Captain Poland says it was paid察─said Bartlett察 and that he sent 

you the receipt。; 

     ;I   never   got   it ─ insisted   LeGrand      Blossom。      Harry    Bartlett   and 

Colonel   Ashley   looked   at   one   another察  and   then   the   detective察  with   an 

effort at cheerfulness which he did not feel察said此

     ;Oh察well察perhaps in the confusion the papers were mislaid。                   I shall 

ask Viola about them。         Another search must be made。; 

     And so the two went back to The Haven察not much more enlightened 

than when they left it。 

     ;`What     is  to  be  done拭─   asked    Bartlett。   ;Blossom   says      he   knows 

nothing of it。; 

     ;Then I must know a little more about Mr。 Blossom察─mentally decided 

the colonel。     ;I think I shall shadow him a bit。         It may prove fruitful。; 


´ Page 153´

                                THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

     And when two nights later LeGrand Blossom left his boarding place 

and   met   a   veiled   woman   at   a   lonely  spot on   the   beach察  Colonel Ashley察

who had been waiting as he so well knew how to do察hid himself on the 

sand   behind   some   sedge   grass   and   began   to   think   that   the   game   was 

coming his way after all。 

     ;For a man who pretends to be open and above board察his actions are 

very queet察─mused the detective察as   he silently crawled nearer to   where 

eGrand Blossom and the woman stood talking in low tones on the lonely 

sands。     ;I   don't   see   what   object   he   could  have   in  making   away   with 

Carwell察 and   yet   it begins to   look   black   for   him。   Maybe   there   is   more 

than the fifteen thousand dollars involved。             There are so many angles to 

the case now。      I must find out who this woman is。 

     And     when    she   spoke    in   louder   tones    than   usual察  drawing     from 

LeGrand Blossom an impatient ;Hush ─the colonel had his answer。 

     ;Morocco Kate again          What's her part now拭─

     The detective was near enough now to hear some of the talk。 

     ;Did you bring it拭─asked the woman eagerly。 

     ;Hush can't you拭─snapped LeGrand Blossom。 

     ;Pooh      What's the harm拭        There's no one in this lonely place            It 

gives me the creeps。        Li'l ole Broadway for mine ─

     ;You   never   know   who's   anywhere   these   days ─  muttered   LeGrand。 

;That   infernal   detective   seems   to   be   all   over。 He   looks   at   me   ´   oh察  he 

looks at me察and I don't like it。;        Morocco Kate laughed。 

     ;Shut up ─ordered the head clerk。           ;Do you think this is funny拭─

     ;It   used   to   be察─  was   the   answer。 ;It   used   to   be   funny察  when   you 

thought you were in love with me。            Oh察it was delicious ─

     ;I   was   a   bigger   fool   than   I   ever   thought   I'd   be ─  growled   LeGrand 


     ;You aren't the only one察─was the consoling answer。                 ;But what I'm 

interested in now察is ´ did you bring the mazumma ´ the cush ´ the dope拭─

     ;All I could get察─was the answer。           ;I'm in a devil of a mess察and the 

estate   hasn't   been   settled   yet。 I   may   get   some   more   out   of   it   then察  but 

you'll have to quit bleeding me。          I'm through with you察I tell you ─

     ;But I'm not with you察─was the sharp rejoinder。                ;I'll take this now察


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                                 THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

but I'll need more。        The game isn't going as it used to。             Mind察I'll need 

more察and soon。; 

     ;You won't get it ─

     ;Oh察won't I拭      Well察there are others that'll pay well for what I'm able 

to tell察  I   guess。  I   rather think   you'll see   me   again察  Lee。    So´long   now察

but I'll see you again ─

     She     moved     off   in   the  darkness察    laughing     mirthlessly察    and   with 

muttered imprecations LeGrand Blossom turned in the opposite direction察

passing within a few feet of the hidden detective。                 ;Blackmail察or is it a 

division   of   the   spoils拭─  mused   Colonel   Ashley。        ;I've   got   to  find   out 

which。      Mr。 Blossom察I think I'll have to stick to you until you fall into 

the sear and yellow leaf。; 

     The   next   day   as   Colonel Ashley   sat   trying   to   fix   his   attention   on   a 

passage   from   Walton察  a   messenger   brought   him   a   note。        It   was   from   a 

young   man   who察  at   the   colonel's   suggestion察  had   been   given   a   clerical 

place in the office of the late Horace Carwell。              Not even Viola knew that 

the young man was one of the colonel's aides。 

     ;Blossom   just   sent   out   a   note   to   a   Miss   Minnie   Webb察─  the   screed察

which the colonel perused察read。             ;He's going to meet her in the park at 

Silver Lake at nine to´night。         Thought I'd let you know。; 

     ;I'm glad he did察─mused the detective。             ;I'll be there。; 

     And he was察skillfully though not ostentatiously attired as a loitering 

fisherman   of   the   native   type察  of   which   there   were   many   in   and   about 


     The fisherman strolled about the little park in the center of which was 

a   body  of   fresh   water   known   as   Silver   Lake。    It   was   little   more   than   a 

pond察and was fed by springs and by drainage。                In the park were trees and 

benches察and it was a favorite trysting spot。 

     Up and down the paths walked Colonel Ashley察his clothes odorous of 

fish察and he was beginning to think he might have his tr

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