the golf course mystery(互櫛健縮殻)-及4准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
;You're as solemn as though every railroad stock listed had dropped ten
points just after you bought it。;
;Noit isn't quite as bad as that察─he said察as he fell into step beside her察
and they strolled off onone of the less´frequented walks。
;I thought everything was going so well with you。 Has there been
any hitch in the partnership arrangement拭─asked Minnie。
;No察not exactly。;
;Have you lost money拭─
;No察I can't say that I have。;
;Then for goodness' sake what is it拭 Do I have to pump you like a
newspaper reporter拭─and Minnie Webb laughed察showing a perfect set of
teeth that contrasted well against the dark red and tan of her cheeks。
;Oh察I don't know that it's anything much察─replied LeGrand Blossom。
;It's something ─insisted Minnie。
;Well察yes察it is。 And as it'll come out察sooner or later察I might as well
tell you now察─ he said察 with rather an air of desperation察 and as though
driven to it。 ;Have you heard any rumors that Mr。 Carwell is in financial
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;Why察 no The idea I always thought he had plenty of money。
Not a multi´millionaire察of course察but better off financially than any one
else in Lakeside。;
;He was once察but he won't be soon察if he keeps up the pace he's set of
late察─went on LeGrand Blossom察and his voice was gloomy。
;What do you mean拭─
;Well察things don't look so well as they did。 He was very foolish to
buy that ten´thousand´dollar yacht so soon after spending even more than
that on this red察white and blue monstrosity of his ─
;You don't mean to tell me he's bought a yacht察too拭─
;Yes察the Osprey that Colonel Blakeson used to sport up and down the
coast in。 Paid a cool ten thousand for it察though if he had left it to me I
could have got it for eight察I'm sure。;
;Well察twenty thousand dollars oughtn't to worry Mr。 Carwell察I should
think察─returned Minnie。
;It wouldn't have察a year ago察─answered LeGrand。 ;But he's been on
the wrong side of the market for some time。 Then察too察something new
has cropped up about that old Bartlett deal。;
;You mean the one over which Harry's uncle and Mr。 Carwell had such
a fuss拭─
;Yes。 Mr。 Carwell's never got over that。 And there are rumors that
he lost quite a sum in a business transaction with Captain Poland。;
;Oh察dear ─sighed the girl。 ;Isn't business horrid I'm glad I'm not
a man。 But what is this about Captain Poland拭─
;I don't knowhaven't heard it all yet察as Mr。 Carwell doesn't tell me
everything察even if he has planned to take me into partnership with him。
But now I'm not so keen on it。;
;Keen on what察 Lee 拭─ and Minnie Webb leaned just the least bit
nearer to his side。
;On going into partnership with a man who spends money so lavishly
when he needs all the ready cash he can lay his hands on。 But don't
mention this to any one察Minnie。 If it got out it might precipitate matters察
and then the whole business would tumble down like a house of cards。
As it is察I may be able to pull him out。 But I've put the soft pedal on the
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partnership talk。;
;Has Mr。 Carwell mentioned it of late拭─
;No。 All he seems to be interested in is this golf game that may make
him club champion。 But keepsecret what I have told you。;
Minnie Webb nodded assent察 and they turned back toward the
clubhouse察for they had reached a too secluded part of the grounds。
Meanwhile察 Viola Carwell was not enjoying her ride with Captain
Poland as much as she had expected she would。 As a matter of fact it had
been undertaken largely to cause Bartlett a little uneasiness察 and as the
Seeing this察the latter changed his mind concerning something he had fully
expected to speak to Viola about that day察if he got the chance。
Captain Poland was genuinely in love with Viola察and he had reason to
feel that she cared for him察 though whether enough to warrant a
declaration of love on his part was hard to understand。
;But I won't take a chance now察─mused the captain察rather moodily察
and the talk descended to mere monosyllables on the part of both of them。
;I must see Carwell and have it out with him about that insurance deal。
Maybe he holds that against me察though the last time I talked with him he
gave me to understand that I'd stand a better show than Harry。 I must see
him after the game。 If he wins he'll be in a mellow humor察particularly
after a bottle or so。 That's what I'll do。;
The captain spun his car up in front of the clubhouse and helped Viola
out。 ;I think we are in plenty of time for your father's match察─ he
;Yes察─she assented。 ;I don't see any of the veterans on the field yet察─
and she looked across the perfect course。 ;I'll go to look for dad and
wish him luck。 He always wants me to do that before he starts his medal
play。 See you again察 Captain;察 and with a friendly nod she left the
somewhat chagrined yachtsman。
When Captain Poland had parked his car hetook a short cut along a
path that led through a little clump of bushes。 Midway he heard voices。
In an instant he recognized them as those of Horace Carwell and Harry
Bartlett。 He heard Bartlett say此
;But don't you see how much better it would be to drop it all ´ to have
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nothing more to do with her拭─
;Look here察young man察you mind your own business ─snapped Mr。
Carwell。 ;I know what I'm doing ─
;I haven't any doubt of it察 Mr。 Carwell察 but I ventured to suggest拭─
went on Bartlett。
;Keep your suggestions to yourself察if you please。 I've had about all I
want from you and your family。 And if I hear any more of your impudent
talk ´ ;
Then Captain Poland moved away察 for he did not want to hear any
In the meantime Viola hurried back to the clubhouse察 and forced
herself to be gay。 But察somehow察a cloud seemed to have come over her
The throng had increased察and she caught sight察among the press察 of
Jean Forette察their chauffeur。
;Have you seen my father since he arrived察Jean拭─asked Viola。
;Oh察he is somewhere about察I suppose察─was the answer察and it was
given in such a surly tone with such a churlish manner that Viola flushed
with anger and bit her lips to keep back a sharp retort。
At that moment Minnie Webb strolled past。 She had heard the
question and the answer。
;I just saw your father going out with the other contestants察 Viola察─
said Minnie Webb察 for they were friends of some years' standing。 ;I
think they are going to start to play。 I wonder why they say the French
are such a polite race she went on察 speaking lightly to cover Viola's
confusion caused by the chauffeur's manner。 ;He was positively
;He was察─agreed Viola。 ;But I shouldn't mind him察I suppose。 He
does not like the new machine察 and father has told him to find another
place by the end of the month。 I suppose that has piqued him。;
While there were many matches to be played at the Maraposa Club
that day察 interest察 as far as the older members and their friends were
concerned察was centered in that for cup´winners。 These constituted the
best players ´ the veterans of the game ´ and the contest was sure to be
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interesting and close。
Horace Carwell was a ;sport察─in every meaning of the term。 Though
a man well along in his forties察he was