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Morocco Kate was mixed up in this拭─


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                                THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

     ;No     Is she拭─

     ;Seems to be。; 

     ;Good night察nurse        Whew       If he fell for her ´ ; 

     ;I don't believe he did察Jack。        My old friend was a sport察but not that 

kind。    He was clean察all through。; 

     ;Glad to hear you say so察Colonel。           Well察what next拭─

     They sat talking until far into the night。 

     There    was    rather   a  sensation    in  Lakeside    two    days   later  when    it 

became known that the coroner's jury was to be called together again察to 

consider more evidence in the Carwell case。 

     ;What   does   it   mean拭─  Viola   asked   Colonel Ashley。         ;Does   it   mean 

that Harry will be ´ ; 

     ;Now      don't   distress    yourself察   my    dear察─  returned    the   detective察

soothingly。      ;I have been nosing around some察and I happen to know that 

the prosecutor and   coroner haven't   a bit more   evidence than they had at 

first when they held Mr。 Bartlett。; 

     ;Does that mean Harry will be released拭─

     ;I think so。; 

     ;Does it mean he will be proved innocent拭─

     ;That I can't say。      I hardly think the verdict will be conclusive in any 

case。    But   they   haven't   any   more   evidence   than   at   first   ´   that   he   had   a 

quarrel with your father just before the fatal end。             As to the nature of the 

quarrel察Harry is silent ´ obstinately silent even to his own counsel察and in 

this I can not uphold him。        However察that is his affair。; 

     ;But   I'm   sure察  Colonel察  that   he   had   nothing   to   do   with   my   father's 

death察aren't you拭─

     ;If I said I was sure察my dear察and afterward察through force of evidence 

and circumstance察were forced to change my opinion察you would not thank 

me for now saying what you want me to say察─was the reply。                    ;It is better 

for me to say that I do not know。            I trust for the best。      I hope察for your 

sake and his察that he had nothing to do with the terrible crime。                 I want to 

see    the  guilty   person   discovered     and   punished察    and   to  that  end   I  am 

working night and day。         And if I find out who it is察I will disclose him ´ or 

her   ´   no   matter   what   anguish   it   costs   me   personally   ´   no   matter   what 


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                                 THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

anguish     it  may   bring    to  others。    I  would     not  be   doing   my   full   duty 


     ;No察  I   realize   that察  Colonel。  Oh察  it   is   hard   ´   so   hard If   we   only 

knew ─

     ;We may know察─said the colonel gently。 

     ;Soon 拭─she asked hopefully。 

     ;Sooner than   you expect察─he   answered with a smile。                 ;Now  I   must 

attend the jury session。; 

     It   was   brief察  and   not   at   all   sensational察  much   to   the   regret   of   the 

reporters     for   the   New     York    papers    who     flocked    to   the  quiet    and 

fashionable      seaside    resort。    The     upshot    of   the  matter    was    that   the 

chemists for the state reported that Mr。 Carwell had met his death from the 

effects   of   some   violent   poison察  the   nature   of   which   resembled   several 

kinds察but which did not analyze as being any particular one with which 

they were察at present察familiar。 

     There   were   traces   of   both   arsenic   and   strychnine察  but   mingled   with 

them was some narcotic of strange composition察which was deadly in its 

effect察as had been proved on guinea pigs察some of the residue from the 

stomach and viscera of the dead man having been injected into the hapless 


     Harry     Bartlett   was    not   called    to  the   stand察   but察 pale    from    his 

confinement察sat an interested and vital spectator of the proceedings。 

     The     prosecutor     announced      that   the  efforts   of   his   detectives    had 

resulted in nothing more。           There was not sufficient evidence to warrant 

accusing any  one   else察  and   that   against Harry  Bartlett   was of   so   slender 

and   circumstantial   a   character   that   it   could   not   be   held to have   any  real 

value before the grand jury nor in a trial court。 

     ;What is your motion察then拭─asked the coroner。 

     Well察I don't know that I have any motion to make察─said Mr。 Stryker。 

;If this were before a county judge察and the prisoner's counsel demanded it察

I should have to agree  to a nolle pros。             As it is I  simply say I have   no 

other evidence to offer at this time。; 

     ;Then the jury may consider that already before it拭─asked Billy Teller。 



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                               THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

     ;You   have   heard   what   the   prosecutor   said察  gentlemen察─  went   on   the 

coroner。     ;You may retire and consider your verdict。; 

     This they did察for fifteen minutes ´ fifteen nerve´racking minutes for 

more than one in the improvised courtroom。               Then the twelve men filed 

back察and in answer to the usual questions the foreman announced此

     ;We    find   that  Horace    Carwell    came    to  his  death   through    poison 

administered by a person察or persons察unknown。; 

     There was silence for a moment察and then察as Bartlett started from his 

seat察a flush mantling his pale face察Viola察with a murmured ;Thank God ─



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                                THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

                             CHAPTER XX 

                                       A MEETING 

       Harry Bartlett walked from the court a free man察physically察but not 

mentally。     He   felt察  and   others   did   also察  that   there   was   a   stain   on   him   ´ 

something unexplained察and which he would not察or could not察clear up ´ 

the   quarrel   with   Mr。   Carwell   just   before   the   latter's   death。 And   even   to 

Viola察when察in the seclusion of her home察she asked Harry about it after 

the trial察or rather察the verdict察he replied此

     ;I can not tell。    It was nothing that concerns you or me or this case。 I 

will never tell。; 

     And Colonel Ashley察hearing this察pondered over it more and more。 

     The little green book was all but forgotten during these days察and as 

for the rods察lines察and reels察Shag arranged them察polished them and laid 

them out察in hourly expectation of being called on for them察but the call 

did not come。       The colonel was after bigger fish than dwelt in the sea or 

the rivers that ran into the sea。 

     It   was   a   week   after   the   rather   unsatisfactory  verdict   of   the   coroner's 

jury that Bartlett察out in his ;Spanish Omelet察─came most unexpectedly on 

Captain Gerry Poland察some fifty miles from Lakeside。                 The captain was 

in his big machine察and he seemed surprised on meeting Bartlett。 

     ;Oh ─he exclaimed。        ;Then you are ´ ; 

     ;Out察at any rate察─was the somewhat bitter reply。              ;Where have you 


     ;Away。 I couldn't stand it around there。; 

     ;I suppose you know they have been looking for you拭─

     ;Looking      for  me拭    Oh察   you   mean    Colonel    Ashley    wanted     some 

information about certain business matters。            Well察I didn't see that I owed 

him     any  explanation     about   private   matters    between    Mr。   Carwell    and 

myself察so I didn't answer。 

     ;You   know   what   the   imputation   is察  Gerry拭─  questioned   Bartlett察  as 

each man sat in his car察near a lonely stretch of woods。 

     ;I don't know that I do察─was the calm reply。 


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                                THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

     ;Well察Viola   has   told   me   of   the   finding   of   the   papers   in   her   father's 

private safe。     I told her I would see you察if I could察and get an explanation。 

I did not think I would find you so soon。; 

     ;I didn't know you were looking察Harry察or I would have come to you。 

What do you mean about papers in a private safe拭─

     ;I   mean    those   which    indicate    that  Mr。   Carwell    owed     you   fifteen 

thousand dollars。; 

     ;Well察he did owe me that察─said the captain calmly。 

     ;He did拭─and Harry Bartlett accented the last word。 

     ;Yes察but it was paid。        He did not owe me a dollar at the time of his 


     ;That is astonishing news          There is no r

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