the golf course mystery(互櫛健縮殻)-及35准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
gangway and got on board。 He seemed in a hurry and excited察 and察
apparently unaware of the presence of the detective in the dark corner察he
went directly to the woman in the shawl。 The boat began to move from
her slip。
;Did you think I was never coming拭─asked LeGrand Blossom。
;No察 I was detained察─ the woman answered察 and at the sound of her
voice Colonel Ashley started and uttered a smothered exclamation。 ;I
but just arrived察─the woman went on。 ;Did you bring it拭─
;Hush Yes。 Not so loud。 Some one may hear you。;
;There is no one here。 One man察with a heavy beard察passed by me
as I came on board。 At first I thought it was you察disguised察but when I
saw it was not I kept to myself。 There is no one here。;
;I hope not察─ murmured LeGrand Blossom察 as he looked cautiously
around。 The after deck was but dimly lighted。
For a time the woman and man talked in tones so low that the
detective could hear nothing察and he dared not leave his hidden corner to
come closer。
But察just as the Allawanda was nearing her slip on the other side察the
man spoke in louder tones。 ;And so we come to the end ─he said。
;No察please don't say that ─begged the woman。
;I must察─Blossom answered。 ;We can't go on this way any longer。
Here is what I promised you。 It is all I can raise察and I had a hard time
doing that。 Every one is suspicious察and that detective is all eyes and ears。
It is the best I can do。 You must not bother me any more。;
The lights from a passing boat fell on the couple as they stood close to
the rail察 and察 from his vantage point in the darkness察 the colonel saw
LeGrand Blossom hand the woman in the shawl a package。 She took it
eagerly察 and thrust it into her bosom。 Then察 turning to the man察 she
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;You say this is the end。 Then you don't love me any more拭─
LeGrand Blossom did not answer for a moment。
;You don't ´ do you拭─the woman insisted。 ;No察─was the slow reply。
;I might as well be brutally frank about it察and say I don't。 And you don't
care either。;
;Oh察I do I do ─she eagerly protested。
;No察you only think you do。 It is better for both of us to have it end
this way。 But let us make sure that it is an end。 There must be no more
of it。 I have given you all I can。 You must go away as you promised。;
;Yes察I suppose I must察─and her voice was broken。 ;Oh察I wish I had
never met you ─
;Perhaps it would have been better that way察─ was Blossom's cold
response。 ;However察it's too late for that now。 Good´bye察─he added察as
the boat was grating her way along the Loch Harbor slip。 ;I'm not going
to get off。 Don't telephone me again。 This is all I can ever give you。;
;Oh察yes察I suppose察now you've finished察you can get rid of me。 Well察
let it be so察─she said bitterly。 And then察as the boat bumped to a landing
she cried此 If I could only find ´ ;
But the rattle of the chains and the clatter of the wheels on the ferry
bridge drowned her voice。 She rushed away from LeGrand Blossoms's
side and察clutching her shawl close around her as if to make sure of the
package the man had given her察 she disappeared into the interior of the
Colonel Ashley started to follow察 but as LeGrand Blossom remained
on board he decided to watch him instead of the woman察though he was
vaguely disquieted trying to remember where he had heard her voice
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Reaching The Haven察 Colonel Ashley察 who had trailed LeGrand
Blossom to the latter's boarding place without anything having developed察
was met by Shag察 who was up later than usual察 for it was now close to
;What now察 Shag ─ exclaimed the colonel。 ;Don't tell me there are
any more detective cases for me to work on。 I simply won't listen。 I
wish I hadn't to this one。 It's getting more and more tangled every minute察
and the fish are biting well。 Hang it all察Shag察why did you let me take
up this golf course mystery拭─
;I didn't do it察Colonel察no察sah ─
;What's the use of talking that way察Shag You know you did ─
;Yes察 sah察 Colonel。 Dat's whut I did ─ confessed Shag with a grin。
When the colonel was in this mood there was nothing for it but to agree
with him。
;And it's the worst tangle you ever got me into ─ went on Shag's
master。 ;There's no head or tail to it。;
;Den it ain't laik a fish察am it拭─asked Shag察with the freedom of long
years of faithful service。
;No察it isn't ´ worse luck ─stormed the colonel。 ;I never saw such a
case。 The diamond cross mystery was nothing like it。;
;But I thought察Colonel察sah察dat de mo' of a puzzle it were察de bettah
yo' laiked it ─ventured Shag。
Colonel Ashley tried to repress a smile。
;Get to bed察 you black rascal ─ he said with an affectionate pat on
Shag's back。 ;Get to bed What are you staying up so late for察
;To gib yo' a message察 Colonel察 sah察─ answered Shag。 ;Miss Viola
done say I was t' wait up察an'察when yo' come in察t' tell yo' dat she wants t'
see you。;
;Oh察all right。 Where is she拭─
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;In de liberry察Colonel察sah ─
The detective made his way through the dimly´lighted hall察 and察 on
tapping at the library door察was bidden by Viola to enter。
;Still up拭─he asked。 ;It was time for you to be asleep long ago if you
want your eyes to keep as bright as they always are。;
;They don't feel very bright察─ she answered察 with a little laugh。
;They seem to be full of sticks。 But I wanted to ask you something ´ to
consult with you ´ and I didn't want to go to sleep without doing it。 I want
you to read these察─and she spread out before him the letters she had found
hidden in the drawer of the safe。
Colonel Ashley察 in silence察 looked over one document after another察
including the torn ones。 When he had finished he looked across the table
at Viola。
;What do you make of it拭─she asked。 ;I don't know察─ he frankly
confessed。 ;But we must find out if your father owed the captain
anything ´ for money advanced in an emergency察 or for anything else。
Who would know about the money affairs拭─
;Mr。 Blossom。 He has full charge of the office now察and access to all
the books。 Aunt Mary and I have to trust to him for everything。 It is all
we can do。;
;Yes察I suppose so察─agreed the detective。 And he did not speak of the
scene of which he had recently been a witness。
;Then if you will come with me察 we will go the first thing in the
morning to father's office and see LeGrand Blossom察─decided Viola。 ;We
will ask Mr。 Blossom if he knows anything about the debt between my
father and Captain Poland。;
;It would be wise察I think。;
And as the colonel retired that night he said察musingly此
;Another angle察and another tangle。 I must read a little Izaak Walton
to compose my mind。;
So he opened the little green book and read this observation from the
;And as for the dogs that we use察 who can commend their
excellency to that height which they deserve拭 How perfect is the hound
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at smelling察who never leaves or forsakes his first scent察but follows it
through so many changes and va