the golf course mystery(互櫛健縮殻)-及34准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
The telephone in LeGrand Blossom's private office was in a booth察put
there to get it away from the noise of traffic in the street outside。 And察as
the boy had said察Blossom was in this booth as Colonel Ashley entered。
It so happened that the chief clerk was standing in the booth with his
back turned to the main door察and did not see the colonel enter。 And the
latter察coming in with easy steps察as he always went everywhere察heard a
snatch of the talk over the telephone that made him wonder。
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Though the little booth was meant to keep sounds from entering察 as
well as coming out察 the door was not tightly closed and as LeGrand
Blossom spoke rather loudly Colonel Ashley heard distinctly。
;Yes察─said the head clerk over the wire察 I'll pay the money tonight
sure。 Yes察positive。; There was a period of waiting察while he listened察
and then he went on此 Yes察 on the Allawanda。 I'll be there。 Yes察 sure
Now don't bother me any more。;
Colonel Ashley察 through the glass door of the telephone booth察 saw
LeGrand Blossom make a move as though to hang up the receiver。 And
then the detective turned suddenly察 and swung back察 as though he had
entered the room at the moment Blossom had emerged from the booth。
;Oh ─ exclaimed the head clerk察 and察 for a second察 he seemed
nonplused。 But Colonel Ashley took up the talk instantly。
;I will keep you but a minute察─ he said。 ;Miss Viola asked me to
leave these bills for you。 I came in to town to buy some bait。 There they
are。 I'm going fishing察─and before LeGrand Blossom could answer the
colonel was saying good´bye and making his way out。
;I wonder察─ mused the colonel察 as he started for the car where Jean
awaited him察 what or who or where the Allawanda is拭 I must find out。;
He found further cause for wonder as he started off in the car with the
French chauffeur for the boat dock察at the conduct of Jean himself。
For the man appeared to be a wholly different person。 His face was
all smiles察and there was a jaunty air about him as though he had received
good news。 His management of the car察too察left nothing to be desired。
He started off swiftly察but with a smoothness that told of perfect mastery
of the clutch and gears。 He took chances察too察as he dashed through town察
cutting corners察darting before this car察back of the other until察used as the
colonel was to taxicabs in New York察he held his breath more than once。
;What's the matter ´ in a hurry拭─ he asked Jean察 as they narrowly
escaped a collision。
;Oh察no察monsieur察but this is the way I like to drive。 It is much more
´ what you call pep ─
;Yes察─mused the colonel to himself察 it's pep all right。 But I wonder
what put the pep into you拭 You didn't have it when we started out。 Some
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French dope you take察I'll wager。 Well察it may put pep into you now察but
it'll take the starch out of you later on。
Jean left the colonel at the dock察whither Shag had already made his
way察coming in a more prosaic trolley car from The Haven察and soon they
were ready to row down the inlet in a boat。
;Shall I call for you拭─asked Jean察as he prepared to drive back。
;No察─ answered the colonel察 I can't tell what luck I'll have。 We'll
come home when it suits us。;
;Very good察monsieur。;
And so the colonel went fishing察and his thoughts were rather more on
the telephone talk he had overheard than on his rod and line。
Contrary to the poor luck that had held all week察so the dockman said察
the colonel's good luck was exceptional。 Shag had a goodly string of
snappers of large size to carry back with him。
;How'd you do it拭─asked the boatman察as he made fast the skiff。
;Oh察 they just bit and I hauled `em in察─ said he colonel。 ;By the
way察─he went on察 is there a place around here called Allawanda拭─
;Yes察 there's a little village named that察 about ten miles back in the
country察─said the boatman。
;Nothing there察though察but a few houses and one store。;
;Oh察I thought it might be quite a place。;
;No察and nobody'd know it was there if there wasn't a boat around here
named after it。;
;Is there a boat called that拭─asked the colonel察and he tried to keep the
eagerness out of his voice。
;Yes。 The ferryboat that runs from Lakeside to Loch Elarbor is
named that。 Seems that one of the men in the company that owns it used
to live at Allawanda when he was a boy察and he called the boat that。 It's
an old tub of a ferry察though察about like the town itself察I guess。 Well察you
sure did have good luck ─
;Yes察 indeed察─ agreed the colonel察 and his luck was better than the
boatman guessed察and of a different kind。
It was in pursuance of this same luck that caused the colonel察later that
day察when the shadows of evening were falling察to take his limp satchel
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and slip out of the house。 He went afoot to the ferry dock察and when the
Allawanda floundered in like a porpoise he went on board。 It was his first
visit to this part of the inlet that separated Lakeside from Loch Harbor察and
this means of getting to the yachting center was seldom used by any guests
of The Haven。 They went around by the highway in automobiles。
;Well察─mused the colonel察as he went to the men's cabin with his limp
valise察 I hope Mr。 Blossom keeps his promise and comes here to´night。 I
shall be interested in noting to whom he pays the money。;
Then察seeing that the little cabin of the ramshackle boat was deserted
at that hour察the colonel went to a dark corner察and from it emerged察a little
later察with a beard on that would have done credit to the most orthodox
inhabitant of New York's Ghetto。
Still the colonel did not look like a Jew察 and he was not going to
attempt that character。 He made his way to the stern of the craft察where
he could watch all who came aboard察and finding a deck hand who was
;I'm not feeling very well。 Thought maybe a ride back and forth
across the inlet would do me good if I stayed out in the air。 So if you see
me here don't think I'm trying to beat my fare。 Here's a dollar察you may
keep the change。;
;Thanks ´ ride all you like察─said the man。 At five cents a trip察with
the boat stopping at midnight察there would still be a good tip in it for him。
The colonel ensconced himself in a dark corner and waited。
The first two trips over and back were fruitless as far as his object was
concerned。 But just as the Allawanda was about to pull out for her third
voyage across the inlet察there came on board a woman察with a shawl so
closely wrapped about her that her features were completely hidden。 There
were only a few oil lamps on the old´fashioned craft察and the illumination
was poor。
The colonel thought there was something vaguely familiar about the
figure察but he was not certain。 He tried to get near enough to her察in a
casual walk up and down the deck察to view her countenance察but察either by
accident or design察she turned away and looked over the rail。 He was close
enough察 however察 to note that the shawl was of fine texture and of a
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peculiar pattern。
Retiring again to his corner in the stern of the boat察and noting that the
woman kept her place there察Colonel Ashley waited in patience。 And he
had his reward。
The Allawanrda was whistling to tell the deck hands to cast off the
mooring ropes察when LeGrand Blossom came running down the inclined
gangway and got on board。 He seemed in a hurry and excited察 and察
apparently unaware of the presence