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captain was in love with her ´ he had frankly confessed as much察and Viola 

knew   it   anyhow。      She   was   not   at   all   sure   whether   he   loved   her   for   her 

position or because she was good to look upon and desirable in every way。 

     As for her own heart察she was sure of that。                In spite of the fact that 

she had tried to pique him that fatal day察merely to ;stir him up察─as she 

phrased it察Viola was deeply and earnestly in love with Harry Bartlett察and 

she   was   sure   enough   of   his   feeling   toward   her   to   find   in   it   a   glow   of 


     Then there was in the letter the hint of a threat。               ;Let me hear from 

you by the twenty´third察or ´ ; 

     ;Oh察  what   does   it   mean拭    What   does   it   mean拭─  and   Viola   bent   her 

weary head down on the letters and her tears stained them。 Puzzled as she 

was over the contents of the letters ´ torn and otherwise ´ which she had 

found hidden in the drawer of the private safe察Viola Carwell was not yet 

ready to share her secret with her Aunt Mary or Colonel Ashley。 These two 

were her nearest and most natural confidants under the circumstances。 

     ;I   would   like   to   tell   Harry察  but   I   can't察─  she   reasoned察  when she   had 

awakened       after   a  night   of   not  very    refreshing    slumber。     ;Of     course 

Captain Poland could explain ´ if he would。                But I'll keep this a secret a 

little longer。    But察oh      I wonder what it means拭─

     And   so察  when   she   greeted   Colonel Ashley   at   the   breakfast   table   she 

smiled and tried to appear her usual self。 

     ;I   did   not   hear   you   come   in察─  said   Miss   Carwell察  as   she   poured   the 


     ;No察I did not want to disturb any one察─answered the colonel。                   ;I saw 

a light under Miss Viola's door察and reported myself to her察─he went on。 

;But I don't imagine you slept much more than I did察for your eyes are not 

as bright as usual察─and he smiled at the girl。 

     ;Aren't they拭─countered Viola。            ;Well察I did read later than I should。 

But tell me察Colonel Ashley察are you making any progress at all拭─


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                                THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

     He did not answer for a moment。            He seemed very much occupied in 

buttering a piece of roll ´ trying to get the little dab of yellow in the exact 

center     of  the   white    portion。    Then察    when     it  was   arranged     to  his 

satisfaction察he said此

     ;I am making progress察that is all I can say now。; 

     ;And does that progress carry with it any hope that Harry Bartlett will 

be proved innocent拭─asked Viola eagerly。 

     ;That I can not say ´ now。        I hope it will察though。; 

     ;Thank you for that ─exclaimed Viola earnestly。 

     Miss Carwell said nothing。          She had her own opinion察and was going 

to hold to it察detectives or no detectives。 

     ;Will you send Shag to me拭─the colonel requested a maid察as he arose 

from the table。      ;Tell him we are going fishing。; 

     ;Isn't   there   anything   you   can   do   ´   I   mean   toward  ´   toward   the   ´ 

case拭─faltered Viola。       ;Not that I mean ´ of course I don't want to seem ´ 


     ;I understand察my dear察─said the colonel gently。            ;And I am not going 

fishing merely to shirk a responsibility。          But I have to think some of these 

puzzles out quietly察and fishing is the quietest pastime I know。; 

     ;Oh察  yes察  I   know察─  Viola   hastened   to   add。   ;I   shouldn't   have   said 

anything。     I wish I could get quiet myself。           I'm almost tempted to take 

your recipe。; 

     ;Why don't you拭─urged the colonel。             ;Come along with me。            I can 

soon teach you the rudiments察though to become a finished angler察so that 

you would be not ashamed to meet Mr。 Walton察takes years。                    But I think 

it would rest you to come。         Shall I tell Shag to fit you out with one of my 


     Viola   hesitated   a   moment。     This   might   give   her   an   opportunity   for 

talking with the colonel in secret and confidence。             But she put it aside。 

     ;No察thank you察─she answered。           ;I'll go another time。      I must stop at 

the   office   and   leave   some   bills   that   have   come   here   to   the   house。 Mr。 

Blossom attends to the payment。; 

     ;Let me leave them for you察─offered the colonel。               ;I have to go into 

town for some bait察and I can easily stop at the office for you。; 


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                                THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

     ;If you will be so good察─returned Viola察and she got the bundle of bills 

´ some relating to Mr。 Carwell's funeral and others that had been mailed to 

the house instead of to the office。 

     The   colonel   might   have   sent   Shag   to   purchase   the   shedder   crabs   he 

was going to use for bait that day in fishing in the inlet察and the colored 

servant might have left the bills。        But the colonel was particular about his 

bait察and would let none select it but himself。            Consequently he had Jean 

Forette drive him in察telling Shag to meet him at a certain dock where they 

would drop down the inlet and try for ;snappers察─young bluefish察elusive察

gamy and delicious eating。 

     ;You have not yet found a place拭─asked the colonel of the chauffeur察

as they rolled along。 

     ;No察monsieur ´ none to my satisfaction察though I have been offered 

many。 One I could have I refused yesterday。; 

     ;You liked it with Mr。 Carwell察then拭─

     ;Truly the situation was in itself delightful。           But I could not manage 

the big car as he liked察and we had to part。          There was no other way。; 

     The detective narrowly observed the driver beside whom he sat。                   Jean 

did not look well。       He had much of the appearance of the ;morning after 

the night before察─and his hand was not very steady as he shifted the gear 


     ;How much longer have you to stay here察Jean拭─

     ;About two weeks。         My month will be up then。; 

     ;And then you go ´ ; 

     ;I do not know察monsieur。          Probably to New York。            That is a great 


     ;So I believe。; 

     ;If monsieur should hear of a family that ´ ; 

     ;Yes察   I'll   bear   you   in   mind察  Jean。 You   are   steady   and   reliable察  I 

presume拭─and the colonel smiled。 

     ;I   have   most   excellent   letters ─  he   boasted察  and   for   the   moment   he 

seemed      to  rouse   himself    from   the  sluggishness     that  marked     him   that 


     ;I'll bear it in mind察─said the colonel again。 


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                                THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

     But as they drove on察and Colonel Ashley noted with what exaggerated 

care Jean Forette passed other cars ´ giving them such a wide berth that 

often his own machine was almost in the ditch ´ the impression grew on 

the detective that the Frenchman was not as skillful as he would have it 


     ;He drives Like an amateur察or a woman out alone in her machine for 

the   first  time察─  mused    the  colonel。    ;He'd    never    do  for  a  smart    car。 

Wonder what ails him。         He wasn't drunk last night by any means察and yet 

´ ; 

     They reached the town察and paused at the only place where there was 

any congestion of traffic ´ where two main seashore highways crossed in 

the center of Lakeside。        Jean held the runabout there so long察waiting for 

other traffic to pass察that the officer who was on duty called此

     ;What's the matter ´ going to sleep there拭─

     Then Jean察with a start察threw in the clutch and shot ahead。 

     ;That's queer察─mused the colonel。          ;He seems afraid。; 

     The purchase of the shedder crabs was gone into care fully察and having 

questioned the bait´seller as to the best location in the inlet察the detective 

again got into the machine and was driven to the office of the late Horace 

Carwell。     It   was   a   branch   of   the   New   York   office察  and   thither察  every 

summer察came LeGrand Blossom and a corps of clerks to manage affairs 

for their employer。 

     Colonel Ashley察who by this time was known to the office boy at the 

outer gate察was admitted at once。 

     ;Mr。 Blossom is at the telephone察─said the lad察 but you can go right 

in and wait for him。; 

     This the colonel did察having left Jean outside in the car。 

     The telephone in LeGrand Blossom's private office was in a booth察put 

there to get it away from th

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