the golf course mystery(互櫛健縮殻)-及31准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
the corner of the cab察scarcely glancing out of the window to note the busy
scenes all about him。
It was not until he had purchased his ticket and was about to board the
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last Jersey Shore train察 to take him back to the `scene of the death of
Horace Carwell察that Colonel Ashley察as he caught sight of a figure in the
crowd ahead of him察seemed galvanized into new life。
For a moment he gazed at a certain man察 taking care to keep some
women with large hats between the object of his attention and himself。
And then察as he made sure of the identity察the colonel murmured此
;Poor fishing did I say拭 Well察it seems to me it's getting better。;
He looked at his watch察made a rapid calculation that showed him he
had about five minutes before the train's departure察and then he hurried off
to his right and down the stairs that led to the lavatories。
It was Colonel Robert Lee Ashley察as Bruce Garrigan had seen him at
the Fifth Avenue club察who entered one of the pay compartments where so
many in´coming and out´going travelers may察for the modest sum of ten
cents察 enjoy in the railroad station a freshening up by means of soap察
towels and plenty of hot water。
But it was a typical Southern politician察 with slouch hat察 long frock
coat察a moustache and goatee察who emerged from the same private wash´
room a little later察carrying a small察black valise。
;I don't like to do this察─ said Colonel Ashley察 making sure the spirit
gum had set察so his moustache and goatee would not come off prematurely察
;but I have to。 This fishing is getting better察and I don't want any of the
fish to see me。;
Then he went down the steps to the train that soon would be whirling
him under the Hudson river察along the Jersey meadows察and down to the
cool shore。 He passed through the string of coaches until he came to one
where he found a seat behind a certain man。 Into this vantage point the
colonel察looking more the part than ever察slumped himself and opened his
;Yes察 the fishing is getting better ´ decidedly better察─ he mused。 ;I
shouldn't wonder but what I got a bite soon。;
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When Jean Forette察whose month was not quite up and who had not
yet completed arrangements for his new position察alighted from the Shore
Express at Lakeside and made his way´afoot and not in a machine ´ to the
Three Pines察the picturesque figure of the Southern gentleman followed。
;I wonder察─ mused Colonel Ashley察 whether he takes Scotch
Highballs or absinthe察 and what dope he mixes with it拭Absinthe is
rather hard to get out here察I should imagine察but they might have a green
brand of whiskey they'd sell for it。 But that Frenchman ought to know
the genuine stuff。 However察we'll see。;
Carrying his limp察 leather bag察 which had served him in such good
stead when he entered the lavatory察the colonel slouched silently along the
road。 It was close to midnight察and there would be no other trains to the
shore that day。
The lights of the Three Pines glowed in pleasant and inviting fashion
across the sandy highway。 Out in front stood several cars察for the tavern
was one much patronized by summer visitors察and was a haven of refuge察
a ;life´saving station察─as it had been dubbed by those who fancied they
were much in need of alcoholic refreshment。
Jean Forette entered察and Colonel Ashley察waiting a little and making
sure that the ;tap room察─as it was ostentatiously called察was sufficiently
filled to enable him to mingle with the patrons without attracting undue
He looked about for a sight of the chauffeur察and saw him leaning up
against the bar察sipping a glass of beer察and察between imbibitions察talking
earnestly to the white´aproned bartender。
;I'd like to hear what they're saying察─mused the colonel。 ;I wonder if
I can get a bit nearer。;
He ordered some rye察and察having disposed of it察took out a cigar察and
began searching in his pockets as though for a match。
;Here you are ─observed a bartender察as he held out a lighted taper。
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The colonel had anticipated this察 and quickly moved down the
mahogany rail toward the end where Jean Forette was standing。 At that
end was a little gas jet kept burning as a convenience to smokers。
;I'll use that察─said the colonel。 ;I don't like the flavor of burnt wood
in my smoke。;
;Fussy old duck察─murmured the barkeeper as he let the flame he had
ignited die out察flicking the b1ackened end to the floor。
And察being careful to keep his face as much as possible in the shadow
of his big察slouch hat察Colonel Ashley lighted his cigar at the gas flame。
And察 somehow or other察 that cigar required a long and most careful
lighting。 The smoker got the tip glowing察and then inspected it critically。
It was not to his satisfaction察as he drew a few puffs on it察and again he
applied the end to the flame。
He sent forth a perfect cloud of smoke this time察and it seemed to veil
him as the fog察blowing in from the sea察veils the tumbling billows。 Once
more there was a look at the end察 but the ;fussy old duck; was not
satisfied察and察again had recourse to the flame。
All this while Colonel Ashley was straining his ears to catch what Jean
Forette was saying to the attendant who had drawn the frothing glass of
beer for him。
But the men talked in too low a tone察or the colonel had been a bit too
late察for all he heard was a murmur of automobile talk。 Jean seemed to
be telling something about a particularly fast car he had formerly driven。
;The fishing isn't as good as I hoped察─mused the colonel。
Then察as he turned to go out察he heard distinctly此
;Sure I remember you paying for the drink。 I can prove that if you
want me to。 Are they tryin' to double´cross you拭─
;Something like that察yes。;
;Well察you leave it to me察see拭I'll square you all right。;
;Thanks察─murmured Jean察and then he察too察turned aside。
;There may be something in it after all察─was the colonel's thought察and
then he察too察hurried from the Three Pines察passing beneath the big trees察
with their sighing branches察which gave the name to the inn。
On toward The Haven察through the silence and darkness of the night察
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went the detective。 And at a particularly dark and lonely place he
stopped。 The pungent察 clean smell of grain alcohol filled the air察 and a
little later a man察 devoid of goatee and moustache察 passing out into the
starlight察 while a black察 slouch hat went into the bag察 and a Panama察 so
flexible that it had not suffered from having been thrust rather ruthlessly
into the valise察came out。
;I don't like that sort of detective work察─mused the colonel察 but it has
its uses。;
Viola Carwell察alone in her room察sat with a bundle of letters on a table
before her。 They were letters she had found in a small drawer of the
private safe ´ a drawer she had察 at first察 thought contained nothing。 The
discovery of the letters had been made in a peculiar manner。
Viola and Miss Carwell察going over the documents察had sorted them
into two piles ´ one to be submitted to the lawyer察the other being made up
of obviously personal matters that could have no interest for any but
members of the family。
Then Miss Carwell had been called away to attend to some household
matters察and Viola had started to return to the safe such of the papers as
were not to go to the lawyer。
She opened a small drawer察to slip back into it a bundle of letters her
mother had written to Mr。 Carwell years before。 Then Viola became
aware of something