the golf course mystery(互櫛健縮殻)-及30准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
;I said ´ Here察boy A Scotch high and a mint julep。;
Colonel Ashley察roused from his reverie as he sat in his club察gazing
out on the busy察fashionable察hurrying察jostling察worried察happy察sad察and
otherwise throngs that swept past the big Fifth avenue windows察 shifted
himself in the comfortable leather chair察and looked at his cigar。 It had
gone out察and he decided that it was not worth relighting。
;Cigars察too ─ordered Bruce Garrigan。
;Oh察were you speaking to me拭─and the colonel seemed wholly awake
;Not only to you察but in your interests察─went on Garrigan察with a smile。
;Hope I didn't disturb your nap察but ´ ;
;Oh察no察─the colonel hastened to assure his companion with his usual
affability。 ;I had finished sleeping。;
;So I inferred。 Do you know how many hours察minutes and seconds
the average human being has passed in sleep when he reacnes tne age of
forty´five years拭─and Garrigan smiled quizzically。
;No察sir察─answered Colonel Ashley察 I do not。;
;Neither do I察─ confessed Mr。 Garrigan as he sank down in a chair
beside the colonel and accepted the glass from a tray which the much´
buttoned club attendant held out to him。 ;I don't know察and I don't much
Then察 when cigars were glowing and the smoke arose in graceful
clouds察an aroma as of incense shrouding the two as they gazed out on the
afternoon throngs察Garrigan remarked此
;I didn't know you were here。 In fact察 I didn't know you were a
member of this club。;
;You wouldn't know it if my attendance here were needed to prove it察─
said the colonel with a smile。 ;I don't get here very often察but I had to
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run up on some business察and I found this the most convenient stopping
;Are you going back to Lakeside拭─
;Oh察yes ─ There was prompt decision in the answer。
;Then you haven't finished that unfortunate affair拭 You haven't
found out what caused the death of Mr。 Carwell拭─
;Oh察yes察I know what killed him。;
;But not who拭┌А
;Not yet。;
;Do you hold to the suicide theory拭─
;I don't hold to anything察my dear Mr。 Garrigan察─answered the colonel察
who was in a sufficiently mellow mood to be amused by the rather vapid
talk of his host ´ for such he had constituted himself on the ordering of the
drinks and cigars。 ;That is I haven't such a hold on any theory that I can't
let go and take a new one if occasion warrants it。;
;I see。 And so you came up to get away from the rather gruesome
atmosphere down there拭─
;Not exactly。 I came up on business ´ I have a business in New York
you know察in spite of the fact that I am here察─and the colonel smiled as he
looked about the room where were gathered men of wealth and leisure察
who did not seem to have a care or worry in the world。
;Oh察 yes察 I know that察─ agreed Garrigan。 ;Well察 has your trip been
;I can't say that it has。 In fact it's pretty poor fishing around here察and
I'm thinking of going back。 I want to hear the click of the reel and the
music of the brook。 I wasn't cut out for a city man察and the longer I stay
here the worse I hate the place察even if I do have a business here。;
;Then you don't care for ´ this察─and Garrigan waved his hand at the
congestion of automobiles and stages which had come to a halt opposite
the big windows of the exclusive and fashionable club。
It was four in the afternoon察just when traffic both of automobiles and
pedestrians is at its height on the avenue。 Of horse´drawn equipages they
were so few as to be a novelty。
;I care so little for it that I am going back to´night察─ the detective
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;Then you have found what you came looking for拭─
;I told you the fishing was very poor察─said the colonel with a smile。
;My friend Mr。 Walton察 were he alive now察 would never forgive me for
deserting the place I left to come here。 When did you come up拭─
;Last night。 They insisted I had to put in an appearance at the office
merely to take away the salary that's heen accumulating for me ´ said it
cluttered up the place。 So I obliged。 Do you know how many
automobiles pass this window every twenty´four hours拭─Garrigan asked
;I do not。;
;Neither do I。 It would be interesting to know察however。 I think I
shall count them察when I have nothing else to do。 I understand there is a
checking or tabulating machine made for such purposes。 But perhaps I
am keeping you from ´ ;
;You are merely keeping me from ordering another portion of liquid
refreshment察─interrupted the colonel with a smile。 ;Boy ─
And once again there was diffused the aroma of mint and the more
pronounced odor of the Scotch。
;Yes察it's pretty poor fishing察─mused the colonel察when Garrigan had
gone off to engage in a game of billiards with some insistent friends察
whose advent the detective was thankful for察as he wanted to be alone。 He
was gregarious by nature察but there were times when he had to be alone察
and it was because of this trait in his nature that he had taken up with the
rod and reel察becoming a disciple of Izaak Walton。
Until dusk began to fall察changing the character of the throngs on the
avenue察 the colonel lingered in his easy chair before the broad察 plate
windows。 And then察 as the electric lights began to sparkle察 as had the
diamonds on some of the over´dressed women in the afternoon察he arose
and started out。
;Will you be dining here察sir拭─asked one of tke stewards。
;Mr。 Garrigan asked me to inquire察sir察and察if you were察to say that he
would appreciate it if you would be his guest。;
;Thank him for me察and tell him I can't stay。; And the colonel察tossing
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aside the cigar which had gone out and been frequently relighted察 soon
found himself making a part of the avenue's night throng。
It was a warm summer evening´altogether too warm to be in New York
when one had the inclination and means to be elsewhere察but the colonel察
in spite of the fact that he had been in a hurry to leave the club察seemed to
find no occasion for haste now。
He sauntered along察 seemingly without an object察 though the rather
frequent consultations he made of his watch appeared to indicate
otherwise。 Finally察he seemed either to have come to a sudden decision
or to have noted the demise of the time he was trying to kill察for with a last
quick glance at his timepiece he put it back into his pocket察and察turning a
corner where there was a taxicab stand察he entered one of the vehicles and
gave an order to the chauffeur。
;Columbia College´yes察sir ─and the driver looked rather oddly at the
figure of the colonel。
;Wonder what he teaches察 and what he's going up there this time of
night for拭─was the mental comment of the chauffeur。 ;Maybe they have
evening classes察 but this guy looks as though he could give em a post´
graduate course in poker。;
Colonel Ashley sat back in the corner of the cab察 glad of the rather
long ride before him。 He scarcely moved察save when the sway or jolt of
the vehicle tossed him about察and he sat with an unlighted cigar between
his teeth。
;Yes察─he murmnred once察 pretty poor fishing。 I might better have
stayed where I was。 Well察I'll go back to´morrow。;
Leaving the taxicab察the colonel made his way along the raised plaza
on which some of the college buildings front察and turned into the faculty
club察where he stayed for some time。 When he came out察having told his
man to wait察he bore under his arm a package which察even to the casual
observer察contained books。
;Pennsylvania station察─was the order he gave察and again he sat back in
the corner of the cab察scarcely glancing out of the wi