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poor察dear father wasn't a suicide察some one must have killed him察and it 

may well have been ´ ; 

     ;Don't   dare   say   it   was   Harry ─  cried   Viola   excitedly。    ;Oh察  this   is 

terrible    I'm going to see Colonel Ashley and ask him if he can't end this 

horrible suspense。; 

     ;I wish that as eagerly as you do察─said Miss Mary。                  ;You'll find the 

colonel   in   the   library。   He's   poring   over   some   papers察  and   Shag察  that 

funny colored man察is getting some fish lines ready察so it's easy enough to 

guess   where   the   colonel   is   going。    If   you   want   to   speak   to   him   you'd 

better hurry。     But there's another matter I want to call to your attention。 

What about our business affairs拭           Have we money enough to go on living 

here and keeping up our big winter house拭              We must think of that察Viola。; 

     ;Yes察  we   must   think   of   that察─  agreed   the   girl。  ;That's   one   of   the 

reasons why I wanted to come back。                Father's affairs must be gone into 

carefully。     He left no will察and the lawyer says it will take quite a while to 

find out   just   how  things   stand。     If  only  Harry  were   here  to   help。     He's 

such a good business man。; 

     ;There     are   others察─  sniffed   Miss    Mary。    ;Why      don't   you   ask   the 

colonel     ´ or Captain Poland拭─

     ;Captain Poland  ─exclaimed Viola察startled。                 ;Yes。    He   helped   us 

out in the matter of the bank when more collateral was asked for察and he'll 

be glad to go over the affairs with us察I'm sure。; 

     ;I don't want him to ─snapped Viola。            ;Mr。 Blossom is the proper one 

to   do   that。  He   is   the   chief   clerk察  and   since   he   was   going   to   form   a 

partnership with father he will察most likely察know all the details。 We'll have 


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                                THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

him up here and ask him how matters stand。; 

     ;Perhaps that will be wise察─agreed Miss Carwell。              ;But I can't forget 

how careless LeGrand Blossom was in the matter of the loan your father 

had from the bank。        If he's that careless察his word won't be worth much察

I'm afraid。;     ;Oh察any one is likely to make a mistake察─said Viola。              ;I'll 

telephone to Mr。 Blossom and ask him to come here and have a talk with 

us。   It will give me something to think about。           Besides ´ ; 

     She did not finish察but went to the instrument and was soon talking to 

the chief clerk in the office Mr。 Carwell maintained while at his summer 


     ;He'll be up within an hour察─Viola reported。 ;Now I'm going to have a 

talk with the colonel察─and she hastened to the library。 

     The old detective was smoking a cigar察which he hastened to lay aside 

when Viola made her entrance察but she raised a restraining hand。 

     ;Smoke as much as you like察─she said。            ;I am used to it。; 

     ;Thank you察─and he pulled forward a chair for her。 

     ;Oh察haven't you found out anything yet拭─she burst out。                ;Can't you 

say anything definite拭─

     Colonel Ashley shook his head in negation。 

     ;I'm sorry察─he said softly。      ;I'm just as sorry about it as you are。 But I 

have seldom had a case in which there were so many clews that lead into 

blind    allies。  I  was    just  trying  to  arrange    a  plan  of  procedure     that  I 

thought might lead to something。; 

     ;Can you拭─she asked eagerly。 

     ;I   haven't   finished   yet。  What   I   need   most   is   a   book   on   poisons´a 

comprehensive   chemistry   would   do察  but   I   haven't   been   able   to   find   one 

around here察─and he glanced at the books lining the library walls。 ;Your 

father didn't go in for that sort of thing。; 

     ;No。    But can't you send to New York for one拭─

     ;I suppose I could ´ yes。       I wonder if they might have one in the local 


     ;I'm sure I don't know察─and Viola leaned over to pick a thread from 

the carpet。     ;I don't draw books from there。          When it was first opened I 

took out a card察but when I saw how unclean some of the volumes were I 


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                                 THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

never afterward patronized the place。; 

     ;Then   you   wouldn't   know   whether   they   had   a   book   on   poisons察  or 

poison plants or not拭─

     ;I   wouldn't   in   the   least察─  she   answered察  as   she   arose。 ;As   I   said察  I 

don't believe I have been in the place more than twice察and that was two 

years ago。; 

     ;Then I'll have to inquire myself察─said the colonel察and he remained 

standing   while   Viola   left   the   room。    And   for   some   little   time   he   stood 

looking at the door as it closed after her。            And on Colonel Ashley's face 

there was a peculiar look。 

     LeGrand Blossom came to The Haven bearing a bundle of books and 

papers察and with rather a wry face ´ for he had no heart for business of this 

nature。     Miss Mary Carwell sat down at the table with him and Viola。 

     ;We     want    to  know     just  where    we    stand   financially察─   said   Viola。 

;What is the condition of my father's affairs察Mr。 Blossom拭─

     The   confidential   clerk   hesitated   a   moment   before   answering。         Then 

he said slowly此

     ;Well察  the   affairs   are   anything   but   good。    There   is   a   great   deal   of 

money gone察and some of the securities left are pledged for loans。; 

     ;You mean my father spent a lot of money just before he died拭─asked 


     ;He either spent it or ´ Well察yes察he must have spent it察for it is gone。 

The   car   cost   ten   thousand察  and   he   spent   as   much察  if   not   more察  on   the 


     ;But they can be sold。         I don't want either of them。         I'm afraid in the 

big car察─said Viola察 and the yacht isn't seaworthy察I've heard。               I wouldn't 

take a trip in her。; 

     ;I   don't   know   anything   about   that察─  said   LeGrand   Blossom。         ;But 

even if the car and yacht were sold at a forced sale they would not bring 

anything   like   what   they   cost。    I   have   gone   carefully   over   your   father's 

affairs察as you requested me察and I tell you frankly they are in bad shape。; 

     ;What can be done拭─asked Miss Carwell。 

     ;I don't know察─LeGrand Blossom frankly admitted。                  ;You may call in 

an expert察if you like察to go over the books察but I don't believe he would 


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                               THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

come to any other conclusion than I have。             As a matter of fact察I bad a 

somewhat selfish motive in looking into your father's affairs of late。 You 

know I was thinking of going into partnership with him察and ´ and ´; He 

did not finish。 

    Viola nodded。 

     ;Perhaps I might say that he was good enough to offer me the chance察─

the young man went on。         And察as I was to invest what was察to me察a large 

sum察   I  wanted    to  see  how    matters   were。    So   I  examined     the  books 

carefully察as your father pressed me to do。         At that time his affairs were in 

good shape。      But of late he had lost a lot of money。; 

     ;Will it make any difference to us拭─and Viola included her aunt in her 


     ;Well察  you察  Miss   Carwell察─  and   Blossom   nodded   to   the   older   lady察

;have your own money in trust funds。           Mr。 Carwell could not touch them。 

But he did use part of the fortune left you by your mother察─he added to 


     ;I don't mind that察─was her steady answer。           ;If my father needed my 

money he was welcome to it。          That is past and gone。       What now remains 

to me拭─

     ;Very little察─answered LeGrand Blossom。            ;I may be able to pull the 

business through and save something察but there is a lot of money lost                  ´ 

spent    or   gone   somewhere。       I   haven't   yet   found   out。   Your     father 

speculated too much察and unwisely。           I told him察but he would pay no heed 

to me。; 

     ;Do you think he knew察before his death察that his affairs were in such 

bad shape拭─asked the dead man's sister。 

     ;He must have察for I saw him going over the books several times。; 

     ;Do you think this knowledge impelled him toto end his life拭─faltered 


    LeGrand Blossom considered a moment before answering。                     Then he 

slowly said此

     ;It was either that察or ´ or察well察some one killed him。            There are no 

two ways about it。; 

     ;I   believe 

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