the golf course mystery(互櫛健縮殻)-及2准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
;It doesn't interest me a bit察 Bruce ─ laughed Sharwell。 ;And to
prevent you getting any more of those statistics out of your system察
come on over and we'll do a little precipitating on our own account。 I can
stand another Bronx cocktail。;
;I'm with you But察speaking of statistics察did you know that from the
national forests of the United States in the last year there was cut
840612030 board feet of lumber拭 What the thirty feet were for I don't
know察but ´ ;
;And I don't care to know察─interrupted Tom。 ;If you spring any more
of those beastly dry figures ´ Say察there comes something that does interest
me察though ─he broke in with。 ;Look at those cars take that turn ─
;Some speed察─ murmured Garrigan。 ;It's Bartlett and Poland察─ he
went on察as a shift of wind blew the dust to one side and revealed the gray
roadster and the Spanish Omelet。 ;The rivals are at it again。;
Bruce Garrigan察who had a name among the golf club members as a
human encyclopaedia察and who察at times察would inform his companions on
almost any subject that chanced to come uppermost察 tossed away his
cigarette and察 with Tom Sharwell察 watched the oncoming automobile
;They're rivals in more ways than one察─remarked Sharwell。 ;And it
looks察now察as though the captain rather had the edge on Harry察in spite of
the fast color of Harry's car。;
;That's right察─ admitted Garrigan。 ;Is it true what I've heard about
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both of them´that each hopes to place the diamond hoop of proprietorship
on the fair Viola拭─
;I guess if you've heard that they're both trying for her察 it's true
enough察─answered Sharwell。 ;And it also happens察if that old lady察Mrs。
G。 0。 5。 Sipp察 is to be believed察 that there察 also察 the captain has the
;How's that拭 I thought Harry had made a tidy sum on that ship´
building project he put through。;
;He did察but it seems that he and his family have a penchant for doing
that sort of thing察and察some years ago察in one of the big mergers in which
his family took a prominent part察they察or some one connected with them察
pinched the Honorable Horace Carwell so that he squealed for mercy like
a lamb led to the Wall street slaughter house。;
;So that's the game察is it拭─
;Yes。 And ever since then察 though Viola Carwell has been just as
nice to Harry as she has to Gerry ´ as far as any one can tell´there has been
talk that Harry is persona non grata as far as her father goes。 He never
forgives any business beat察I understand。;
;Was it anything serious拭─asked Garrigan察as they watched the racing
automobiles swing around the turn of the road that led to the clubhouse。
;I don't know the particulars。 It was before my time ´ I mean before I
paid much attention to business。;
;Rot You don't now。 You only think you do。 But I'm interested。
I expect to have some business dealing with Carwell myself察and if I could
get a line ´ ;
;Sorry察 but I can't help you out察 old man。 Better see Harry。 He
knows the whole story察 and he insists that it was all straight on his
relatives' part。 But it's like shaking a mince pie at a Thanksgiving turkey
to mention the matter to Carwell。 He hasn't gone so far as to forbid
Harry the house察but there's a bit of coldness just the same。;
;I see。 And that's why the captain has the inside edge on the love
game。 Well察Miss Carwell has a mind of her own察I fancy。;
;Indeed she has She's more like her mother used to be。 I
remember Mrs。 Carwell when I was a boy。 She was a dear察 somewhat
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conventional lady。 How she ever came to take up with the sporty Horace察
or he with her察 was a seven´days' wonder。 But they lived happily察 I
;Then Mrs。 Carwell is dead拭─
;Oh察 yes´some years。 Mr。 Carwell's sister察 Miss Mary察 keeps The
Haven up to date for him。 You've been there拭─
;Once察at a reception。 I'm not on the regular calling list察though Miss
Viola is pretty enough to ´ ;
;Look out ─suddenly cried Sharwell察as though appealing to the two
automobilists察 far off as they were。 For the yellow car made a sudden
swerve and seemed about to turn turtle。
But Bartlett skillfully brought the Spanish Omelet back on the road
again察 and swung up alongside his rival for the home stretch´the broad
highway that ran in front of the clubhouse。
The players who were soon to start out on the links察 the guests察 the
gallery察and the servants gathered to see the finish of the impromptu race察
murmurs arising as it was seen how close it was likely to be。 And close it
was察for when the two machines察with doleful whinings of brakes察came to
a stop in front of the house察 the front wheels were in such perfect
alignment that there was scarcely an inch of difference。
;A dead heat ─exclaimed Bartlett察as he leaped out and motioned for
one of the servants to take the car around to the garage。
;Yes察you win ─agreed Captain Poland察as he pushed his goggles back
on his cap。 He held out a bill。
;What's it for拭─asked Bartlett察drawing back。
;Why察I put up a ten spot that I'd beat you。 I didn't察and you win。;
;Buy drinks with your money ─laughed Bartlett。 ;The race was to be
for a finish察not a dead heat。 We'll try it again察sometime。;
;All right´any time you like ─said the captain crisply察as he sat down
at a table after greeting some friends。 ;But you won't refuse to split a
quart with me拭─
;No。 My throat is as dusty as a vacuum cleaner。 Have any of the
matches started yet察 Bruce拭─ he asked察 turning to the Human
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;Only some of the novices。 And察speaking of novices察do you know
that in Scotland there are fourteen thousand察seven hundred ´ ;
;Cut it察Bruce Cut it ─begged the captain。 ;Sit in ´ you and Tom ´
and we'll make it two bottles。 Anything to choke off your flow of useless
statistics ─and he laughed good´naturedly。
;When does the cup´winners' match start拭─asked Bartlett察as the four
young men sat about the table under the veranda。 ;That's the one I'm
interested in。;
;In about an hour察─ announced Sharwell察 as he consulted a card。
;Hardly any of the veterans are here yet。;
;Has Mr。 Carwell arrived拭─ asked Captain Poland察 as he raised his
glass and seemed to be studying the bubbles that spiraled upward from the
hollow stem。
;You'll know when he gets here察─answered Bruce Garrigan。
;How so拭─asked the captain。 ;Does he have an official announcer拭─
;No察but you'll hear his car before you see it。;
;New horn拭─
;No察 new car´new color´new everything ─ said Garrigan。 ;He's just
bought a new ten thousand dollar French car察 and it's painted red察 white
and blue察and´;
;Red察white and blue拭─chorused the other three men。
;Yes。 Very patriotic。 His friends don't know whether he's honoring
Uncle Sam or the French Republic。 However察it's all the same。 His car
is a wonder。;
;I must have a brush with him ─murmured Captain Poland。
;Don't。 You'll lose out察─ advised Garrigan。 ;It can do eighty on
fourth speed察and Carwell is sporty enough to slip it into that gear if he
needed to。;
;Um Guess I'll wait until I get my new machine察then察─decided the
There was more talk察 but Bartlett gradually dropped out of the
conversation and went to walk about the club grounds。