the golf course mystery(互櫛健縮殻)-及17准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
improved when Mr。 Stryker took him in hand to question him。 The
prosecutor察observing that the man was more frightened than anything else察
soon put him at his ease察and then the witness told a clear and connected
story。 He admitted frankly that because he had not the faculty察or察perhaps察
the desire to drive the big察new car察he and his late employer were to part
company at the end of the month。 That was no secret察and there were no
hard feelings on either side。 It was in the course of business察and natural。
Yes察he had driven Mr。 Carwell and his daughter to the links that day
in the big red察 white and blue machine。 Mr。 Carwell had been in his
usual jolly spirits察and had greeted several acquaintances on the road。
Had they stopped at any place拭 Oh察yes。 The golfer was thirsty察and
halted at a roadhouse for a pint of champagne ´ his favorite wine。 Jean
had alighted from the car to get it for him察and Viola察recalled to the stand察
testified that she had seen her father drink some of the bubbling liquor。 It
was obvious why she had not spoken of it before察and that point was not
pressed。 It was known she did not share her father's love for sports and
high living。
A little delay was caused while the innkeeper was sent for察but pending
his arrival some other unimportant witnesses were called察 among them
Major Wardell察who was Mr。 Carwell's rival in the golf game。
Had he heard his friend speak of feeling ill拭 No察not until a moment
before the final stroke was made。 Then Mr。 Carwell had said he felt
;queer察─ and had acted as though dizzy。 The major察 who was himself
quite a convivial spirit察 attributed it to some highballs he and his friend
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had had in the clubhouse just prior to the game。
Mr。 Carwell had drunk nothing during his round of golf察 and had
associated during the progress of the game with no one except the players
who were with him from the start to the finish。 He was not seen to have
taken any tablets or powders that might have contained poison察 and a
thorough search of his person and clothing after his death had revealed
At this point the innkeeper appeared。 He testified to having served
Mr。 Carwell's chauffeur with a pint of champagne which Jean Forette was
seen to carry directly from the cafe to the waiting automobile。 The
champagne was from a bottle newly opened察 and the innkeeper himself
had selected a clean glass and carefully washed it before pouring in the
wine。 He knew Mr。 Carwell was fastidious about such matters察as he had
often spent many hours in the roadhouse。
;LeGrand Blossom ─
Now something might come out。 It was known that Blossom was Mr。
Carwell's chief clerk察 and more than one person knew of the impending
partnership察for Mr。 Carwell was rather talkative at times。
;Mr。 Blossom察─asked the prosecutor察after some preliminary questions察
;it has been intimated ´ not here but outside ´ that the financial affairs of
Mr。 Carwell were not in such good shape as might be wished。 Do you
know anything about this拭─
;I do察sir。
;Tell what you know。;
;I know he was hard pushed for money察and had to get loans from the
bank and otherwise。;
;Was that unusual拭─
;Yes察it was。 Before he bought the big car and the yacht he carried a
good balance。 But I told him ´ ;
;Never mind what you told him or he told you。 That is not
admissible under the circumstances。 Just tell what you know。;
;Well察then I know that Mr。 Carwell's affairs were in bad shape察and
that he was trying to raise some ready cash。;
;How do you know this拭─
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;Because he asked me to put a large sum into his business and become
a member of the firm。;
;He asked you to invest money and become a partner拭─
;Well察that is not unusual察is it拭 Many a business man might do the
same if he wanted to branch out察mightn't he 拭─
;Yes。 But before this Mr。 Carwell had offered to take me into
partnership without any advance of money on my part。 Then he
suddenly said he needed a large sum。 He knew I had inherited eleven
thousand dollars and had察moreover察made from investments。;
;And did you agree to it拭─
;I said I'd think it over。 I was to give him my answer the day he
;Did you拭─
;What would have been your answer拭─
;It would have been 'no。' I didn't think I wanted to tie up with a man
who was on the verge of ruin察 and if you ask me I'll say I think he
committed suicide because he was on the verge of financial ruin and
couldn't face the music察and ´ ;
;That will do ─ came sternly from the prosecutor。 ;We didn't ask
your opinion as to the suicide theory察and察what is more察we don't want it。 I
ask察your honor察─and he turned to Billy Teller察who was secretly delighted
at being thus addressed察 that the last remark of the witness be stricken
from the record。;
;Rub it out察─ ordered the coroner察 looking over at the stenographer察
and the latter察 with a smile察 ran his pen through the curious hooks and
curves that represented the ;opinion; of LeGrand Blossom。
He was allowed to leave the stand察and Harry Bartlett was called next。
He nodded and smiled at Viola as he walked forward through the crowd察
and Captain Poland察who was sitting in front察waved his hand to his rival。
For the young men were friends察 even if both were in love with Viola
;Mr Bartlett察─ began the prosecutor察 after some unimportant
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preliminary questions察 I haye been informed that you had a conversation
with Mr。 Carwell shortly before his death。 Is that true拭─
;Yes察we had a talk。;
Viola started at hearing this ´ started so visibly that several about her
noticed it察and even Colonel Ashley turned his head。
;What was the nature of the talk拭─asked Mr。 Stryker。
;That I can not tell察─said Bartlett firmly。 ;But it had nothing to do
with the matter in hand。;
There was a rustle of expectancy on hearing this察and the prosecutor
quickly asked此
;What do you mean by `the matter in hand'拭─
;Well察his death。;
;Naturally you didn't talk about his death察 for it hadn't taken place察─
said Mr。 Stryker。 ;Nor could it have been foreseen察I imagine。 But what
did you talk about拭─
;I decline to answer。;
There was a gasp that swept over the courtroom察 and Billy Teller
banged the gavel as he had seen real judges do。
;You decline to answer察─repeated the prosecutor。 ;Is it on the ground
that it might incriminate you拭─
;Then I must insist on an answer。 However察I will not do so now察but
at the proper time。 I will now ask you one other question察and I think you
willanswer that。 Did you resume friendly relations with Mr。 Carwell
after your quarrel with him that day拭─ and Mr。 Stryker fairly hurled the
question at Harry Bartlett。
If this was a trap it was a most skillfully set one。 For there must be
an answer察and either no or yes would involve explanations。
;Answer me ─exclaimed the prosecutor。 ;Did you make up after the
There was a tense silence as Bartlett察whose face showed pale under
his tan察said此
;I did not。;
;Then you admit that you had a quarrel with Mr。 Carwell拭─
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;Yes察but ´ ;
Just at this moment Viola Carwell fainted in the arms of