the golf course mystery(互櫛健縮殻)-及13准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
practiced and sensitive hands。
A moment later the reel clicked its song of a strike察and the colonel got
first to his knees and then to his feet as he prepared to play his fish。
;I've hooked one察 Shag ─ he called in a low but tense voice。 ;I've
hooked one察and I think it's a beauty ─
;Yes察sah察Colonel Yes察sah Dat's fine I'll be ready as soon as
yo' is ─
Shag caught up a landing net察 for察 though the colonel was not
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anticipating any gamy fish in this quiet察country stream察yet for such as he
caught he used such light tackle that a net was needed to bring even a
humble perch to shore。
;I've got him察 Shag I've got him ─ the colonel cried察 as the fish
broke water察 a shimmering shower of sparkling drops falling from his
sides。 ;I've got him察and it's a bass察too I didn't think there were any
here I've got him ─
;Yes察sah察Colonel Yo' suah has ─exclaimed the delighted George
Washington Shag。 ;You suah has got a beauty ─
And as Shag started forward with the landing net察 while the colonel
was playing with the skill of long years of practice the fish which had
developed unexpected fighting powers察there was a movement among the
bushes that lined the stream below the willows察and a young man察showing
every evidence of eagerness察advanced toward the fisherman。 Shag saw
him and called此
;Keep back Keep back察sah察if yo' please De Colonel察he's done got a
bite察an' ´ ;
;Bite You mean that something's bitten him拭─asked the young man察
for he could not see the figure of the colonel察who察just then察in allowing
the bass to have a run察had followed him up stream。
;No察he's catchin' a fish ´ he's got a strike ´ a big one Don't isturb
;But I must see him。 I've come a long distance to ´ ;
;Distance or closeness don't make no mattah of diffunce to de colonel
when he's got a bite察sah I'm sorry察but I can't let yo' go any closer察an'
I'se got to go an' land de fish。 Aftah dat察if you wants to hab a word wif
de colonel察 well察 maybe he'll see yo'察 sah察─ and Shag察 with a warning
gesture察 like that of a traffic policeman halting a line of automobiles察
started toward the colonel察who was still playing his fish。
Harry Bartlett察for he it was who had thus somewhat rudely interrupted
the detective's fishing察 stopped in the shade of the willows察 somewhat
chagrined。 He had come a long way for a talk察and now to be thus held
back by a colored man who seemed to have no idea of the importance of
the mission was provoking。
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But there was something authoritative in Shag's manner察and察being a
business man察 Harry Bartlett knew better than to make an inauspicious
approach。 It would be as bad as slicing his golf ball on the drive。
So he waited beside the silent stream察not so silent as it had been察for it
was disturbed by the movements察up and down察of Colonel Ashley察who
was playing his fish with consummate skill。
Seeing a little green book on the grass where it had fallen察 Harry
Bartlett picked it up。 Idly opening the pages察he read此
;There is also a fish called a sticklebag察 a fish without scales察
but he hath his body fenced with several prickles。 I know not
where he dwells in winter察 nor what he is good for in summer察 but
only to make sport for boys and women anglers察 and to feed other
fish that be fish of prey察as trout in particular察who will bite at him as
at a penk察and better察if your hook be rightly baited with him察for he
may be so baited察as察his tail turning like a sail of a windmill察will
make him turn more quick than any penk or minnow can。;
;I guess I've got the right man察─said Harry Bartlett with a smile。
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;Ready察now察Shag Ready ─called Colonel Ashley察in tense tones。
;Ready with the net ─
;Yes察sah All ready ─
;I've got him about ready for you And he's better than I thought ─
;Yes察sah察Colonel I won't miss ─
;If you do you may look for another place ─At this dire threat Shag
turned as white as he would ever become察and took a firmer grip on the
;Ready now察 Shag ─ called the colonel察 at the same time directing his
helper to come down the bank toward a little pool whither he was leading
the now well´played fish。 ;Ready ─
Shag did not speak察but while the colonel slowly reeled in and the tip
of the slender pole bent like a bow察he slipped the net into the water察under
the fish察and察a moment later察had it out on the grass。
;There ─ exclaimed the famous detective察 with a sigh of relief。
;There he is察 and as fine a fish as I've ever landed in these parts Now察
Shag ´ ;
But there came an interruption。 Reasoning that now was a most
propitious time to make his appeal察Harry Bartlett advanced to where the
colonel and Shag were bending over the panting bass。 As the detective察
with a smart blow back of its head察put his catch out of misery察Bartlett
;Excuse me察─he said察deferentially enough察for he saw the type of man
with whom he had to deal察 but are you not Colonel Ashley拭─
;I am察sir ─and the colonel looked up as he slipped the fish into his
grass´lined creel。
;I am Mr。 Bartlett。 I followed you here from New York察and I wish to
´ ;
;If it's anything about business察Mr。 Bartlett察let me save your time and
my own ´ both valuable察I take it ´ by stating that I came here to fish察and
not to talk business。 Excuse me for putting it thus bluntly察but I see no
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reason for many words。 I can not consider any business。 That is all
attended to at my New York office察 and I am surprised that they should
even have given you my address。 I told them not to。;
;It was no easy matter to get it察Colonel察I assure you察─and ´ Bartlett
smiled genially。 ;And please don't blame any one in your office for
disclosing your whereabouts。 I did not get your address from them察 I
assure you。;
;From whom察then察if I may ask拭─
;From Spotty。; And again Bartlett smiled。
;What拭 Spotty Morgan 拭─ Yes。;
;Are you ´ do you know him拭─and the detective could not keep the
interest out of his voice。
;Rather well。 I saved him from drowning once some years ago察and
he hasn't forgotten it。 It was at a summer resort察and Spotty察though he is
a good swimmer察didn't estimate the force of the undertow。 I pulled him
out just in time。;
;Strange察─murmured the colonel。 ;A strange coincidence。;
;I beg pardon察─said Harry politely。
;Oh察 nothing察─ went on the detective。 ;Only察 as it happens察 Spotty
saved my life some time ago。 It's just a coincidence察that's all。 So Spotty
gave you my address察did he拭─
;Yes。 I had called at your New York office察 and察 as you say察 your
clerks had orders not to disclose your whereabouts。 I used every cajolery
and device of which I was master察 but it was no avail。 I urged the
importance it was to myself and others to know where you were察but they
were obdurate。 I was coming out察much disappointed察when I saw Spotty
emerging from an inner office。 He knew me at once察though it is years
since we met察 and going down in the elevator I mentioned that I was
looking for you。 I told him something of the reason for wanting to find
you and ´ Well察he told me you were