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                      THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 



                     by Chester K。 Steele 


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                                THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

                                 CHAPTER I 

                                      PUTTING OUT 

     There   was   nothing   in   that   clear察  calm   day察  with   its   blue   sky   and   its 

flooding sunshine察to suggest in the slightest degree the awful tragedy so 

close   at   hand   ´   that   tragedy   which   so   puzzled   the   authorities   and   which 

came so close to wrecking the happiness of several innocent people。 

     The   waters   of   the   inlet   sparkled   like   silver察  and   over   those   waters 

poised     the   osprey察   his   rapidly    moving      wings     and    fan´spread     tail 

suspending him almost stationary in one spot察while察with eager and far´ 

seeing eyes察he peered into the depths below。              The bird was a dark blotch 

against     the  perfect   blue   sky   for  several    seconds察   and   then察  suddenly 

folding his pinions and closing his tail察he darted downward                           like 

a bomb dropped from an aeroplane。 

     There   was   a   splash   in   the   water察  a   shower   of   sparkling   drops   as   the 

osprey arose察a fish vainly struggling in its talons察and from a dusty gray 

roadster察which had halted along the highway while the occupant watched 

the hawk察there came an exclamation of satisfaction。 

     ;Did   you   see   that察  Harry拭─  called   the   occupant   of   the   gray   car   to   a 

slightly built察bronzed companion in a machine of vivid yellow察christened 

by some who had ridden in it the ;Spanish Omelet。;                    ;Did you see that 

kill拭   As   clean   as   a   hound's   tooth察  and   not   a   lost   motion   of   a   feather。 

Some sport´that fish´hawk           Gad ─

     ;Yes察it was a neat bit of work察Gerry。           But rather out of keeping with 

the    day。; 

     ;Out of keeping拭What do you mean拭─

     ;Well察out of tune察if you like that better。          It's altogether too perfect a 

day for a killing of any sort察seems to me。; 

     ;Oh察you're getting sentimental all at once察aren't you察Harry拭─asked 

Captain Gerry  Poland察  with just   the trace of   a   covert sneer   in   his   voice。 

;I suppose you wouldn't have even a fish´hawk get a much needed meal 

on   a   bright察  sunshiny   day察  when察  if   ever察  he   must   have   a   whale   of   an 

appetite。     You'd have him  wait until it   was dark   and gloomy  and   rainy察


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                                THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

with a north´east wind blowing察and all that sort of thing。               Now for me察a 

kill is a kill察no matter what the weather。; 

     ;The better the day the worse the deed察I suppose察─and Harry Bartlett 

smiled   as   he   leaned   forward   preparatory   to   throwing   the   switch   of   his 

machine's self´starter察for both automobiles had come to a stop to watch 

the osprey。 

     ;Oh察well察I don't know that the day has anything to do with it察─said 

the   captain   ´   a   courtesy   title察  bestowed   because   he   was   president   of   the 

Maraposa Yacht Club。           ;I was just interested in the clean way the beggar 

dived after that fish。 Flounder察wasn't it拭─

     ;Yes察though usually the birds are glad enough to get a moss´bunker。 

Well察the fish will soon be a dead one察I suppose。; 

     ;Yes察food for the little ospreys察I imagine。           Well察it's a good death to 

die ´ serving some useful purpose察even if it's only to be eaten。 Gad                     I 

didn't expect to get on such a gruesome subject when we started out。                    By 

the way察speaking of killings察I expect to make a neat one to´day on this 

cup´winners' match。; 

     ;How拭I didn't know there was much betting。; 

     ;Oh察but there is察and I've picked up some tidy odds against our friend 

Carwell。      I'm taking his end察and I think he's going to win。; 

     ;Better be careful察Gerry。        Golf is an uncertain game察especially when 

there's a match on among the old boys like Horace Carwell and the crowd 

of   past´performers   and   cup´winners   he   trails   along   with。       He's   just   as 

likely to pull or slice as the veriest novice察and once he starts to slide he's a 

goner。     No reserve comeback察you know。; 

     ;Oh察  I've   not   so   sure   about   that。 He'll   be   all   right   if   he'll   let   the 

champagne alone before he starts to play。              I'm banking on him。          At the 

same time I haven't bet all my money。              I've a ten spot left that says I can 

beat you to the clubhouse察even if one of my cylinders has been missing 

the last two miles。      How about it拭─

     ;You're on  ─said Harry Bartlett shortly。 

     There was a throb from each machine as the electric motors started the 

engines察  and   then   they   shot   down   the   wide   road   in   clouds   of   dust   ´   the 

sinister gray car and the more showy yellow ´ while above them察driving 


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                                 THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

its talons deeper into the sides of the fish it had caught察the osprey circled 

off toward its nest of rough sticks in a dead pine tree on the edge of the 


     And on the white of the flounder appeared bright red spots of blood察

some of which dripped to the ground as the cruel talons closed until they 

met inside。 

     It was only a little tragedy察such as went on every day in the inlet and 

adjacent   ocean察  and   yet察  somehow察  Harry   Bartlett察  as   he   drove   on   with 

ever´increasing   speed   in   an   endeavor   to   gain   a   length   on   his   opponent察

could not help thinking of it in contrast to the perfect blue of the sky察in 

which there was not a cloud。           Was it prophetic拭

     Ruddy´faced men察bronze´faced men察pale´faced men察young women察

girls察  matrons   and   ;flappers;察  caddies   burdened   with   bags   of   golf   clubs 

and pockets bulging with cunningly found balls察skillful waiters hurrying 

here and there with trays on which glasses of various shapes察sizes察and of 

diversified contents tinkled musically´such was the scene at the Maraposa 

Club on this June morning when Captain Gerry Poland and Harry Bartlett 

were racing their cars toward it。 

     It was the chief day of the year for the Maraposa Golf Club察for on it 

were to be played several matches察not the least in importance being that 

of the cup´winners察open only to such members as had won prizes in hotly 

contested contests on the home links。 

     In   spite   of   the   fact   that   on   this   day   there   were   to   be   played   several 

matches察  in   which   visiting   and   local   champions   were   to   try   their   skill 

against one another察to the delight of a large gallery察interest centered in 

the cup´winners' battle。         For it was rumored察and not without semblance 

of truth察that large sums of money would change hands on the result。 

     Not   that   it   was   gambling´oh察  my   no    In   fact   any   laying   of   wagers 

was strictly prohibited by the club's constitution。             But there are ways and 

means of getting cattle through a fence without taking down the bars察and 

there was talk that Horace Carwell had made a pretty stiff bet with Major 

Turpin Wardell as to the outcome of the match察the major and Mr。 Carwell 

being rivals of long standing in the matter of drives and putts。 

     ;Beastly   fine   day察  eh察  what拭─  exclaimed   Bruce   Garrigan察  as   he   set 


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                                 THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY 

down on a tray a waiter held out to him a glass he had just emptied with 

every indication of delight in its contents。            ;If it had been made to order 

couldn't be improved on察─and he flicked from the lapel of Tom Sharwell's 

coat some ashes which had blown there from the cigarette which Garrigan 

had lighted。 

     ;You're   right   for   once察  Bruce察  old   man察─  was   the   laughing   response。 

;Never mind the ashes now察you'll make a spot if you rub any harder。; 

     ;Right     for  once拭    'm   always     right ─ cried   Garrigan     ;And    it  may 

interest you to know that the total precipitation察including rain and melted 

snow   in   Yuma察Arizona察  for   the   calendar   year   1917察  was   three   and   one 

tenth inches察being the smallest in the United States。; 

     ;It   doesn't   interest   me   a   bit察  Bruce    ─  laughed   Sharwell。  ;And   to 


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