the antiquities of the jews-1-第282节
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quickly; she distributed food to those that were in want of it;
and left a most excellent memorial behind her of this
benefaction; which she bestowed on our whole nation。 And when her
son Izates was informed of this famine; (5) he sent great sums of
money to the principal men in Jerusalem。 However; what favors
this queen and king conferred upon our city Jerusalem shall be
further related hereafter。
How Artabanus; the King of Parthia out of Fear of the Secret
Contrivances of His Subjects Against Him; Went to Izates; and Was
By Him Reinstated in His Government; as Also How Bardanes His Son
Denounced War Against Izates。
1。 But now Artabanus; king of the Parthians perceiving that the
governors of the provinces had framed a plot against him; did not
think it safe for him to continue among them; but resolved to go
to Izates; in hopes of finding some way for his preservation by
his means; and; if possible; for his return to his own dominions。
So he came to Izates; and brought a thousand of his kindred and
servants with him; and met him upon the road; while he well knew
Izates; but Izates did not know him。 When Artabanus stood near
him; and; in the first place; worshipped him; according to the
custom; he then said to him; 〃O king! do not thou overlook me thy
servant; nor do thou proudly reject the suit I make thee; for as
I am reduced to a low estate; by the change of fortune; and of a
king am become a private man; I stand in need of thy assistance。
Have regard; therefore; unto the uncertainty of fortune; and
esteem the care thou shalt take of me to he taken of thyself
also; for if I be neglected; and my subjects go off unpunished;
many other subjects will become the more insolent towards other
kings also。〃 And this speech Artabanus made with tears in his
eyes; and with a dejected countenance。 Now as soon as Izates
heard Artabanus's name; and saw him stand as a supplicant before
him; he leaped down from his horse immediately; and said to him;
〃Take courage; O king! nor be disturbed at thy present calamity;
as if it were incurable; for the change of thy sad condition
shall be sudden; for thou shalt find me to be more thy friend and
thy assistant than thy hopes can promise thee; for I will either
re…establish thee in the kingdom of Parthia; or lose my own。〃
2。 When he had said this; he set Artabanus upon his horse; and
followed him on foot; in honor of a king whom he owned as greater
than himself; which; when Artabanus saw; he was very uneasy at
it; and sware by his present fortune and honor that he would get
down from his horse; unless Izates would get upon his horse
again; and go before him。 So he complied with his desire; and
leaped upon his horse; and when he had brought him to his royal
palace; he showed him all sorts of respect when they sat
together; and he gave him the upper place at festivals also; as
regarding not his present fortune; but his former dignity; and
that upon this consideration also; that the changes of fortune
are common to all men。 He also wrote to the Parthians; to
persuade them to receive Artabanus again; and gave them his right
hand and his faith; that he should forget what was past and done;
and that he would undertake for this as a mediator between them。
Now the Parthians did not themselves refuse to receive him again;
but pleaded that it was not now in their power so to do; because
they had committed the government to another person; who had
accepted of it; and whose name was Cinnamus; and that they were
afraid lest a civil war should arise on this account。 When
Cinnamus understood their intentions; he wrote to Artabanus
himself; for he had been brought up by him; and was of a nature
good and gentle also; and desired him to put confidence in him;
and to come and take his own dominions again。 Accordingly;
Artabanus trusted him; and returned home; when Cinnamus met him;
worshipped him; and saluted him as a king; and took the diadem
off his own head; and put it on the head of Artabanus。
3。 And thus was Artahanus restored to his kingdom again by the
means of Izates; when he had lost it by the means of the grandees
of the kingdom。 Nor was he unmindful of the benefits he had
conferred upon him; but rewarded him with such honors as were of
the greatest esteem among them; for he gave him leave to wear his
tiara upright; (6) and to sleep upon a golden bed; which are
privileges and marks of honor peculiar to the kings of Parthia。
He also cut off a large and fruitful country from the king of
Armenia; and bestowed it upon him。 The name of the country is
Nisibis; wherein the Macedonians had formerly built that city
which they called Antioch of Mygodonla。 And these were the honors
that were paid Izates by the king of the Parthians。
4。 But in no long time Artabanus died; and left his kingdom to
his son Bardanes。 Now this Bardanes came to Izates; and would
have persuaded him to join him with his army; and to assist him
in the war he was preparing to make with the Romans; but he could
not prevail with him。 For Izates so well knew the strength and
good fortune of the Romans; that he took Bardanes to attempt what
was impossible to be done; and having besides sent his sons; five
in number; and they but young also; to learn accurately the
language of our nation; together with our learning; as well as he
had sent his mother to worship at our temple; as I have said
already; was the more backward to a compliance; and restrained
Bardanes; telling him perpetually of the great armies and famous
actions of the Romans; and thought thereby to terrify him; and
desired thereby to hinder him from that expedition。 But the
Parthian king was provoked at this his behavior; and denounced
war immediately against Izates。 Yet did he gain no advantage by
this war; because God cut off all his hopes therein; for the
Parthians perceiving Bardanes's intentions; and how he had
determined to make war with the Romans; slew him; and gave his
kingdom to his brother Gotarzes。 He also; in no long time;
perished by a plot made against him; and Vologases; his brother;
succeeded him; who committed two of his provinces to two of his
brothers by the same father; that of the Medes to the elder;
Pacorus; and Armenia to the younger; Tiridates。
How Izates Was Betrayed By His Own Subjects; And Fought Against
By The Arabians And How Izates; By The Providence Of God; Was
Delivered Out Of Their Hands。
1。 Now when the king's brother; Monobazus; and his other kindred;
saw how Izates; by his piety to God; was become greatly esteemed
by all men; they also had a desire to leave the religion of their
country; and to embrace the customs of the Jews; but that act of
theirs was discovered by Izates's subjects。 Whereupon the
grandees were much displeased; and could not contain their anger
at them; but had an intention; when they should find a proper
opportunity; to inflict a punishment upon them。 Accordingly; they
wrote to Abia; king of the Arabians; and promised him great sums
of money; if he would make an expedition against their king; and
they further promised him; that; on the first onset; they would
desert their king; because they were desirous to punish him; by
reason of the hatred he had to their religious worship; then they
obliged themselves; by oaths; to be faithful to each other; and
desired that he would make haste in this design。 The king of
Arabia complied with their desires; and brought a great army into
the field; and marched against Izates; and; in the beginning of
the first onset; and before they came to a close fight; those
Handees; as if they had a panic terror upon them; all deserted
Izates; as they had agreed to do; and; turning their backs upon
their enemies; ran away。 Yet was not Izates dismayed at this; but
when he understood that the grandees had betrayed him; he also
retired into his camp; and made inquiry into the matter; and as
soon as he knew who they were that made this conspiracy with the
king of Arabia; he cut off those that were found guilty; and
renewing the fight on the next day; he slew the greatest part of
his enemies; and forced all the rest to betake themselves to
flight。 He also pursued their king; and drove him into a fortress
called Arsamus; and following on the siege vigorously; he took
that fortress。 And when he had plundered it of all the prey that
was in it; which was not small; he returned to Adiabene; yet did
not he take Abia alive; because; when he found himself
encompassed on every side; he slew himself。
2。 But although the grandees of Adiabene had failed in their
first attempt; as being delivered up by God into their king's
hands; yet would they not even then be quiet; but wrote again to
Vologases; who was then king of Parthia; and desired that he
would kill Izates; and set over them some other potentate; who
should be of a Parthian family; for they said that they hated
their own king for abrogating the laws of their forefathers; and
embracing foreign customs。 When the king of Parthia heard this;
he boldly made war upon Izates; and as he had no just pretense
for this war; he sent to him; and demanded back those honorable
privileges which had been bestowed