abraham lincoln and the union-及31准
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oo far to recede察and what he had been aiming at all along was now revealed。 An assembly of Mexican notables察convened by the general of the invaders察voted to set up an imperial government and offered the crown to Napoleon's nominee察the Archduke Maximilian of Austria。
And now the Government at Washington was faced with a complicated problem。 What about the Monroe Doctrine拭 Did the Union dare risk war with France拭 Did it dare pass over without protest the establishment of monarchy on American soil by foreign arms拭Between these horns of a dilemma察the Government maintained its precarious position during another year。 Seward's correspondence with Paris was a masterpiece of evasion。 He neither protested against the intervention of Napoleon nor acknowledged the authority of Maximilian。 Apparently察both he and Lincoln were divided between fear of a French alliance with the Confederacy and fear of premature action in the North that would render Napoleon desperate。 Just how far they comprehended Napoleon and his problems is an open question。
Whether really comprehending or merely trusting to its instinct察Congress took a bolder course。 Two men prove the antagonists of a parliamentary duelCharles Sumner察chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations察and Henry Winter Davis察chairman of the corresponding committee of the House。 Sumner played the hand of the Administration。 Fiery resolutions demanding the evacuation of Mexico or an American declaration of war were skillfully buried in the silence of Sumner's committee。 But there was nevertheless one resolution that affected history此it was a ringing condemnation of the attempt to establish a monarchy in Mexico。 In the House察a joint resolution which Davis submitted was passed without one dissenting vote。 When it came to the Senate察Sumner buried it as he had buried earlier resolutions。 None the less it went out to the world attended by the news of the unanimous vote in the House。
Shortly afterwards察the American Ambassador at Paris called upon the imperial Foreign Secretary察M。 Drouyn de L'huys。 News of this resolution had preceded him。 He was met by the curt question察 Do you bring peace or war拭─ Again察the Washington Government was skillfully evasive。 The Ambassador was instructed to explain that the resolution had not been inspired by the President and ;the French Government would be seasonably apprized of any change of policy。。。which the President might at any future time think it proper to adopt。;
There seems little doubt that Lincoln's course was very widely condemned as timid。 When we come to the political campaign of 1864察we shall meet Henry Winter Davis among his most relentless personal enemies。 Dissatisfaction with Lincoln's Mexican policy has not been sufficiently considered in accounting for the opposition to him察inside the war party察in 1864。 To it may be traced an article in the platform of the war party察adopted in June察1864察protesting against the establishment of monarchy ;in near proximity to the United States。; In the same month Maximilian entered Mexico City。
The subsequent moves of Napoleon are explained elsewhere。* The central fact in the story is his virtual change of attitude察in the summer of 1864。 The Confederate agent at Paris complained of a growing coolness。 Before the end of the summer察the Confederate Secretary of State was bitter in his denunciation of Napoleon for having deserted the South。 Napoleon's puppet Maximilian refused to receive an envoy from the Confederacy。 Though Washington did not formally protest against the presence of Maximilian in Mexico察it declined to recognize his Government察and that Government continued unrecognized at Washington throughout the war。
*Nathaniel W。 Stephenson察 The Day of the Confederacy;。 In ;The Chronicles of America;。
Every great revolution among Anglo´Saxon peopleperhaps among all peoplehas produced strange types of dreamers。 In America察however察neither section could claim a monopoly of such types察and even the latter´day visionaries who can see everything in heaven and earth察excepting fact察had their Northern and Southern originals in the time of the great American war。 Among these is a strange congregation which assembled in the spring of 1864 and which has come to be known察from its place of meeting察as the Cleveland Convention。 Its coming together was the result of a loose cooperation among several minor political groups察all of which were for the Union and the war察and violently opposed to Lincoln。 So far as they had a common purpose察it was to supplant Lincoln by Fremont in the next election。
The Convention was notable for the large proportion of agnostics among its members。 A motion was made to amend a resolution that ;the Rebellion must be put down; by adding the words ;with God's assistance。; This touch of piety was stormily rejected。 Another group represented at Cleveland was made up of extreme abolitionists under the leadership of that brilliant but disordered genius察Wendell Phillips。 He sent a letter denouncing Lincoln and pledging his support of Fremont because of the latter's ;clearsighted statesmanship and rare military ability。; The convention declared itself a political party察under the style of the Radical Democracy察and nominated Fremont for President。
There was another body of dreamers察still more singular察who were also bitter opponents of Lincoln。 They were察however察not in favor of war。 Their political machinery consisted of secret societies。 As early as 1860察the Knights of the Golden Circle were active in Indiana察where they did yeoman service for Breckinridge。 Later this society acquired some underground influence in other States察especially in Ohio察and did its share in bringing about the victories at the polls in the autumn of 1862察when the Democrats captured the Indiana legislature。
The most serious charge against the Golden Circle was complicity in an attempt to assassinate Oliver P。 Morton察Governor of Indiana察who was fired at察one night察as he was leaving the state house。 When Morton demanded an investigation of the Golden Circle察the legislature refused to sanction it。 On his own authority and with Federal aid he made investigations and published a report which察if it did not actually prove treason察came dangerously near to proof。 Thereafter察this society drops out of sight察and its members appear to have formed the new Order of the American Knights察which in its turn was eclipsed by the Sons of Liberty。 There were several other such societies all organized on a military plan and with a great pretense of arming their members。 This察however察had to be done surreptitiously。 Boxes of rifles purchased in the East were shipped West labeled ;Sunday´school books察─and negotiations were even undertaken with the Confederacy to bring in arms by way of Canada。 At a meeting of the supreme council of the Sons of Liberty察in New York察February 22察1864察it was claimed that the order had nearly a million members察though the Government secret service considered half a million a more exact estimate。
As events subsequently proved察the societies were not as formidable as these figures would imply。 Most of the men who joined them seem to have been fanciful creatures who loved secrecy for its own sake。 While real men察North and South察were laying down their lives for their principles察these make´believe men were holding bombastic initiations and taking oaths such as this from the ritual of the American Knights此 I do further solemnly promise and swear察that I will ever cherish the sublime lessons which the sacred emblems of our order suggest察and will察so far as in me lies察impart those lessons to the people of the earth察where the mystic acorn falls from its parent bough察in whose visible firmament Orion察Arcturus察and the Pleiades ride in their cold resplendent glories察and where the Southern Cross dazzles the eye of degraded humanity with its coruscations of golden light察fit emblem of Truth察while it invites our sacred order to consecrate her temples in the four corners of the earth察where moral darkness reigns and despotism holds sway。。。。 Divine essence察so help me that I fail not in my troth察lest I shall be summoned before the tribunal of the order察adjudged and condemned to certain and shameful death察while my name shall be recorded on the rolls of infamy。 Amen。;
The secret orders fought hard to prevent the Lincoln victory in the elections of 1863。 Even before that time their leaders had talked mysteriously of another disruption of the Union and the formation of a Northwestern Confederacy in alliance with the South。 The scheme was known to the Confederates察allusions to it are to be found in Southern newspapers察and even the Confederate military authorities considered it。 Early in 1863察General Beauregard thought the Confederates might ;get into Ohio and call upon the friends of Vallandigham to rise for his defense and support察then。。。call upon the whole Northwest to join in the movement察form a confederacy of their own察and join us by a treaty of alliance察offensive and defensive。; Reliance on the support of the societies was the will´o'´the´wisp that deceived G