abraham lincoln and the union-及16准
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t the Secretary of State was the man to carry this project through to success。
All this is not opera bouffe察but serious history。 It must have taxed Lincoln's sense of humor and strained his sense of the fitness of things to treat such nonsense with the tactful forbearance which he showed and to relegate it to the pigeonhole without making Seward angry。 Yet this he contrived to do察and he also managed察gently but firmly察to make it plain that the President intended to exercise his authority as the chief magistrate of the nation。 His forbearance was further shown in passing over without rebuke Seward's part in the affair of Sumter察which might so easily have been made to appear treacherous察and in shouldering himself with all responsibility for the failure of the Charleston expedition。 In the wave of excitement following the surrender察even so debonair a minister as Seward must have realized how fortunate it was for him that his chief did not tell all he knew。 About this time Seward began to perceive that Lincoln had a will of his own察and that it was not safe to trifle further with the President。 Seward thereupon ceased his interference。
It was in the dark days preceding the fall of Sumter that a crowd of office´seekers gathered at Washington察most of them men who had little interest in anything but the spoils。 It is a distressing commentary on the American party system that察during the most critical month of the most critical period of American history察much of the President's time was consumed by these political vampires who would not be put off察even though a revolution was in progress and nations察perhaps察were dying and being born。 ;The scramble for office察─wrote Stanton察 is terrible。; Seward noted privately此 Solicitants for office besiege the President。。。。 My duties call me to the White House two or three times a day。 The grounds察halls察stairways察closets察are filled with applicants who render ingress and egress difficult。;
Secretary Welles has etched the Washington of that time in his coldly scornful way
;A strange state of things existed at that time in Washington。 The atmosphere was thick with treason。 Party spirit and old party differences prevailed察however察amidst these accumulated dangers。 Secession was considered by most persons as a political party question察not as rebellion。 Democrats to a large extent sympathized with the Rebels more than with the Administration察which they opposed察not that they wished Secession to be successful and the Union divided察but they hoped that President Lincoln and the Republicans would察overwhelmed by obstacles and embarrassments察prove failures。 The Republicans on the other hand察were scarcely less partisan and unreasonable。 Patriotism was with them no test察no shield from party malevolence。 They demanded the proscription and exclusion of such Democrats as opposed the Rebel movement and clung to the Union察with the same vehemence that they demanded the removal of the worst Rebels who advocated a dissolution of the Union。 Neither party appeared to be apprehensive of察or to realize the gathering storm。;
Seen against such a background察the political and diplomatic frivolity of the Secretary of State is not so inexplicable as it would otherwise be。 This background察as well as the intrigue of the Secretary察helps us to understand Lincoln's great task inside his Cabinet。 At first the Cabinet was a group of jealous politicians new to this sort of office察drawn from different parties察and totally lacking in a cordial sense of previous action together。 None of them察probably察when they first assembled had any high opinion of their titular head。 He was looked upon as a political makeshift。 The best of them had to learn to appreciate the fact that this strange察ungainly man察sprung from plainest origin察without formal education察was a great genius。 By degrees察however察the large minds in the Cabinet became his cordial admirers。 While Lincoln was quietly察gradually exercising his strong will upon Seward察he was doing the same with the other members of his council。 Presently they awokethe majority of them at leastto the truth that he察for all his odd ways察was their master。
Meanwhile the gradual readjustment of all factions in the North was steadily going forward。 The Republicans were falling into line behind the Government察and by degrees the distinction between Seward and Lincoln察in the popular mind察faded into a sort of composite picture called ;the Administration。; Lincoln had the reward of his long forbearance with his Secretary。 For Seward it must be said that察however he had intrigued against his chief at Washington察he did not intrigue with the country。 Admitting as he had察too察that he had met his master察he took the defeat as a good sportsman and threw all his vast party influence into the scale for Lincoln's fortunes。 Thus察as April wore on察the Republican party settled down to the idea that it was to follow the Government at Washington upon any course that might develop。
The Democrats in the North were anti´Southern in larger proportion察probably察than at any other time during the struggle of the sections。 We have seen that numbers of them had frankly declared for the Union。 Politics had proved weaker than propinquity。 There was a moment when it seemeddelusively察as events provedthat the North was united as one man to oppose the South。
There is surely not another day in our history that has witnessed so much nervous tension as Saturday察April 13察1861察for on that morning the newspapers electrified the North with the news that Sumter had been fired on from Confederate batteries on the shore of Charleston Harbor。 In the South the issue was awaited confidently察but many minds at least were in that state of awed suspense natural to a moment which the thoughtful see is the stroke of fate。 In the North察the day passed for the most part in a quiet so breathless that even the most careless could have foretold the storm which broke on the following day。 The account of this crisis which has been given by Lincoln's private secretary is interesting
;That day there was little change in the business routine of the Executive office。 Mr。 Lincoln was never liable to sudden excitement or sudden activity。。。。 So while the Sumter telegrams were on every tongue。。。leading men and officials called to learn or impart the news。 The Cabinet察as by common impulse察came together and deliberated。 All talk察however察was brief察sententious察formal。 Lincoln said but little beyond making inquiries about the current reports and criticizing the probability or accuracy of their details察and went on as usual receiving visitors察listening to suggestions察and signing routine papers throughout the day。; Meanwhile the cannon were booming at Charleston。 The people came out on the sea´front of the lovely old city and watched the duel of the cannon far down the harbor察and spoke joyously of the great event。 They saw the shells of the shore batteries ignite portions of the fortress on the island。 They watched the fire of the defendersdriven by the flames into a restricted areaslacken and cease。 At last the flag of the Union fluttered down from above Fort Sumter。
When the news flashed over the North察early Sunday morning察April 14th察the tension broke。 For many observers then and afterward察the only North discernible that fateful Sabbath was an enraged察defiant察impulsive nation察forgetful for the moment of all its differences察and uniting all its voices in one hoarse cry for vengeance。 There seemed to be no other thought。 Lincoln gave it formal utterance察that same day察by assembling his Cabinet and drawing up a proclamation which called for 75000 volunteer troops。
An incident of this day which is as significant historically as any other was on the surface no more than a friendly talk between two men。 Douglas called at the White House。 For nearly two hours he and Lincoln conferred in private。 Hitherto it had been a little uncertain what course Douglas was going to take。 In the Senate察though condemning disunion察he had opposed war。 Few matters can have troubled Lincoln more deeply than the question which way Douglas's immense influence would be thrown。 The question was answered publicly in the newspapers of Monday察April 15th。 Douglas announced that while he was still ;unalterably opposed to the Administration on all its political issues察he was prepared to sustain the President in the exercise of all his constitutional functions to preserve the Union察and maintain the Government察and defend the federal capital。;
There remained of Douglas's life but a few months。 The time was filled with earnest speechmaking in support of the Government。 He had started West directly following his conference with Lincoln。 His speeches in Ohio察Indiana察Illinois察were perhaps the greatest single force in breaking up his own following察putting an end to the principle of doing nothing察and forcing every Democrat to come out and show his colors。 In Shakespeare's phrase察it was;Under which king察Bezonian拭speak or die ─ In Douglas's own phrase此 There can be no neutrals in this war察ONLY PATRIOTSOR TRAITORS。;
Side by side with Douglas's manifesto to the De