abraham lincoln and the union-及12准
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nt is to do nothing察to make an end of political evasion and to come out frankly in approval of the Southern position察or to break with his own record察to emerge from his evasions on the opposite side察and to confess himself first and before all a supporter of the Union。 One or another of these three courses察sooner or later察every man of the President's following chose。 We shall see presently the relative strength of the three groups into which that following broke and what strange courses sometimes tragic察sometimes comictwo of the three pursued。 For the moment our concern is how the division manifested itself among the heads of the party at Washington。
The President took the first of the three courses。 He held it with the nervous clutch of a weak nature until overmastered by two grim men who gradually hypnotized his will。 The turning´point for Buchanan察and the last poor crisis in his inglorious career察came on Sunday察December 30th。 Before that day arrived察his vacillation had moved his friends to pity and his enemies to scorn。 One of his best friends wrote privately察 The President is pale with fear;察and the hostile point of view found expression in such comments as this察 Buchanan察it is said察divides his time between praying and crying。 Such a perfect imbecile never held office before。;
With the question what to do about the forts hanging over his bewildered soul察Buchanan sent a message to Congress on December 4察1860察in which he sought to defend the traditional evasive policy of his party。 He denied the constitutional right of secession察but he was also denied his own right to oppose such a course。 Seward was not unfair to the mental caliber of the message when he wrote to his wife that Buchanan showed ;conclusively that it is the duty of the President to execute the lawsunless somebody opposes him察and that no State has a right to go out of the Union unless it wants to。;
This message of Buchanan's hastened the inevitable separation of the Democratic party into its elements。 The ablest Southern member of the Cabinet察Cobb察resigned。 He was too strong an intellect to continue the policy of ;nothing doing; now that the crisis had come。 He was too devoted a Southerner to come out of political evasion except on one side。 On the day Cobb resigned the South Carolina Representatives called on Buchanan and asked him not to make any change in the disposition of troops at Charleston察and particularly not to strengthen Sumter察a fortress on an island in the midst of the harbor察without at least giving notice to the state authorities。 What was said in this interview was not put in writing but was remembered afterward in different ways with unfortunate consequences。
Every action of Buchanan in this fateful month continued the disintegration of his following。 Just as Cobb had to choose between his reasonings as a Democratic party man and his feelings as a Southerner察so the aged Cass察his Secretary of State察and an old personal friend察now felt constrained to choose between his Democratic reasoning and his Northern sympathies察and resigned from the Cabinet on the 11th of December。 Buchanan then turned instinctively to the strongest natures that remained among his close associates。 It is a compliment to the innate force of Jeremiah S。 Black察the Attorney´General察that Buchanan advanced him to the post of Secretary of State and allowed him to name as his successor in the Attorney´Generalship Edwin M。 Stanton。 Both were tried Democrats of the old style察 let´'em´alone; sort察and both had supported the President in his Kansas policy。 But each察like every other member of his party察was being forced by circumstances to make his choice among the three inevitable courses察and each chose the Northern side。 At once the question of the moment was whether the new Secretary of State and his powerful henchmen would hypnotize the President。
For a couple of weeks the issue hung in the balance。 Then there appeared at Washington commissioners from South Carolina ;empowered to treat。。。for the delivery of forts。。。and other real estate; held by the Federal Government within their State。 On the day following their arrival察Buchanan was informed by telegraph that Anderson had dismantled Fort Moultrie on the north side of the harbor察had spiked its guns察and had removed its garrison to the island fortress察Sumter察which was supposed to be far more defensible。 At Charleston his action was interpreted as preparation for war察and all South Carolinians saw in it a violation of a pledge which they believed the President had given their congressmen察three weeks previous察in that talk which had not been written down。 Greatly excited and fearful of designs against them察the South Carolina commissioners held two conferences with the President on the 27th and 28th of December。 They believed that he had broken his word察and they told him so。 Deeply agitated and refusing to admit that he had committed himself at the earlier conference察he said that Anderson had acted on his own responsibility察but he refused to order him back to the now ruined Fort Moultrie。 One remark which he let fall has been remembered as evidence of his querulous state of mind此 You are pressing me too importunately; exclaimed the unhappy President察 you don't give me time to consider察you don't give me time to say my prayers察I always say my prayers when required to act upon any great state affair。; One remembers Hampden ;seeking the Lord; about ship money察and one realizes that the same act may have a vastly different significance in different temperaments。
Buchanan察however察was virtually ready to give way to the demand of the commissioners。 He drew up a paper to that effect and showed it to the Cabinet。 Then the turning´point came。 In a painful interview察Black察long one of his most trusted friends察told him of his intention to resign察and that Stanton would go with him and probably also the Postmaster´General察Holt。 The idea of losing the support of these strong personalities terrified Buchanan察who immediately fell into a panic。 Handing Black the paper he had drawn up察Buchanan begged him to retain office and to alter the paper as he saw fit。 To this Black agreed。 The demand for the surrender of the forts was refused察Anderson was not ordered back to Moultrie察and for the brief remainder of Buchanan's administration Black acted as prime minister。
A very powerful section of the Northern democracy察well typified by their leaders at Washington察had thus emerged from political evasion on the Northern side。 These men察known afterwards as War Democrats察combined with the Republicans to form the composite Union party which supported Lincoln。 It is significant that Stanton eventually reappeared in the Cabinet as Lincoln's Secretary of War察and that along with him appeared another War Democrat察Gideon Welles察Lincoln's Secretary of the Navy。 With them察at last察Douglas察the greatest of all the old Democrats of the North察took his position。 What became of the other factions of the old Democratic party remains to be told。
While Buchanan察early in the month察was weeping over the pitilessness of fate察more practical Northerners were grappling with the question of what was to be done about the situation。 In their thoughts they anticipated a later statesman and realized that they were confronted by a condition and not by a theory。 Secession was at last a reality。 Which course should they take
What strikes us most forcibly察as we look back upon that day察is the widespread desire for peace。 The abolitionists form a conspicuous example。 Their watchword was ;Let the erring sisters go in peace。; Wendell Phillips察their most gifted orator察a master of spoken style at once simple and melodious察declaimed splendidly against war。 Garrison察in ;The Liberator;察followed his example。 Whittier put the same feeling into his verse
They break the links of Union察shall we light The flames of hell to weld anew the chain On that red anvil where each blow is pain
Horace Greeley said in an editorial in the ;New York Tribune;此 If the cotton states shall decide that they can do better out of the Union than in it察we shall insist on letting them go in peace。 Whenever a considerable section of our Union shall deliberately resolve to go out察we shall resist all coercive measures designed to keep them in。 We hope never to live in a republic where one section is pinned to the residue by bayonets。;
The Democrats naturally clung to their traditions察and察even when they went over察as Black and Stanton did察to the Anti´Southern group察they still hoped that war would not be the result。 Equally earnest against war were most of the Republicans察though a few察to be sure察were ready to swing the ;Northern hammer。; Summer prophesied that slavery would ;go down in blood。; But the bulk of the Republicans were for a sectional compromise察and among them there was general approbation of a scheme which contemplated reviving the line of the Missouri Compromise察and thus frankly admitting the existence of two distinct sections察and guaranteeing to each the security of its own institutions。 The greatest Republican boss of that day察Thurlow Weed察came out in defense of thi