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the peterkin papers-第16节

小说: the peterkin papers 字数: 每页4000字

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and spoons here。 In vain she looked at  her programme。 It was all reversed; everything was misplaced。 Mr。 Peterkin would  suppose they were to eat here and sleep here; and what had become of the little  boys?

Meanwhile the man with the first cart had returned。 They fell to packing the  dining…room china。

They were up in the attic; they were down in the cellar。 Even one suggested to  take the tacks out of the parlor carpets; as they should want to take them next。

Mrs。 Peterkin sunk upon a kitchen chair。

〃Oh; I wish we had decided to stay and be moved in the house !〃 she exclaimed。

Solomon John urged his mother to go to the new house; for Mr。 Peterkin would be  there for his 〃quiet hour。〃 And when the carters at last appeared; carrying the  parlor carpets on their shoulders; she sighed and said; 〃There is nothing left;〃

and meekly consented to be led away。

They reached the new house to find Mr。 Peterkin sitting calmly in a  rocking…chair on the piazza; watching the oxen coming into the opposite barn。 He  was waiting for the keys; which Solomon John had taken back with him。 The little  boys were in a horse…chestnut tree; at the side of the house。

 Agamemnon opened the door。 The passages were crowded with furniture; the floors  were strewn with books; the bureau was upstairs that was to stand in a lower  bedroom; there was not a place to lay a table;…there was nothing to lay upon it;  for the knives and plates and spoons had not come; and although the tables were  there they were covered with chairs and boxes。

At this moment came a covered basket from the lady from Philadelphia。 It  contained a choice supper; and forks and spoons; and at the same moment appeared  a pot of hot tea from an opposite neighbor。 They placed all this on the back of  a bookcase lying upset; and sat around it。 Solomon John came rushing in from the  gate。

〃The last load is coming! We are all moved!〃 he exclaimed; and the little boys  joined in a chorus; 〃We are moved! we are moved!〃

Mrs。 Peterkin looked sadly round; the kitchen utensils were lying on the parlor  lounge; and an old family gun on Elizabeth Eliza's hat…box。 The parlor clock  stood on a barrel; some coal…scuttles had been placed on the parlor table; a  bust of Washington stood in the door…way; and the looking…glasses leaned against  the pillars of the piazza。 But they were moved! Mrs。 Peterkin felt; indeed; that  they were very much moved。

 THE PETERKINS DECIDE TO LEARN THE LANGUAGES。  CERTAINLY now was the time to study the languages。 The Peterkins had moved into  a new house; far more convenient than their old one; where they would have a  place for everything and everything in its place。 Of course they would then have  more time。

Elizabeth Eliza recalled the troubles of the old house; how for a long time she  was obliged to sit outside of the window upon the piazza; when she wanted to  play on her piano。

Mrs。 Peterkin reminded them of the difficulty about the table…cloths。 The upper  table…cloth was kept in a trunk that had to stand in front of the door to the  closet under the stairs。 But the under table…cloth was kept in a drawer in the  closet。 So; whenever the cloths were changed; the trunk had to be pushed away  under some projecting shelves to make room for opening the closet…door (as the  under table…cloth must be taken out first); then the trunk was pushed back to  make room for it to be opened for the upper table…cloth; and; after all; it was  necessary to push the trunk away again to open the closet…door for the  knife…tray。 This always consumed a great deal of time。

Now that the china…closet was large enough; everything could find a place in it。

 Agamemnon especially enjoyed the new library。 In the old house there was no  separate room for books。 The dictionaries were kept upstairs; which was very  inconvenient; and the volumes of the Encyclop?dia could not be together。 There  was not room for all in one place。 So from A to P were to be found downstairs;  and from Q to Z were scattered in different rooms upstairs。 And the worst of it  was; you could never remember whether from A to P included P。 〃I always went  upstairs after P;〃 said Agamemnon; 〃and then always found it downstairs; or else  it was the other way。〃

Of course now there were more conveniences for study。 With the books all in one  room; there would be no time wasted in looking for them。

Mr。 Peterkin suggested they should each take a separate language。 If they went  abroad; this would prove a great convenience。 Elizabeth Eliza could talk French  with the Parisians; Agamemnon; German with the Germans; Solomon John; Italian  with the Italians; Mrs。 Peterkin; Spanish in Spain; and perhaps he could himself  master all the Eastern Languages and Russian。

Mrs。 Peterkin was uncertain about undertaking the Spanish; but all the family  felt very sure they should not go to Spain (as Elizabeth Eliza dreaded the  Inquisition); and Mrs。 Peterkin felt more willing。

Still she had quite an objection to going abroad。 She had always said she would  not go till a bridge was made across the Atlantic; and she was sure it did not  look like it now。

Agamemnon said there was no knowing。 There was something new every day; and a  bridge was surely not harder to invent than a telephone; for they had bridges in  the very earliest days。

Then came up the question of the teachers。 Probably these could be found in  Boston。 If they could all come the same day; three could be brought out in the  carryall。 Agamemnon could go in for them; and could learn a little on the way  out and in。

Mr。 Peterkin made some inquiries about the Oriental languages。 He was told that  Sanscrit was at the root of all。 So he proposed they should all begin with  Sanscrit。 They would thus require but one teacher; and could branch out into the  other languages afterward。

But the family preferred learning the separate languages。 Elizabeth Eliza  already knew something of the French。 She had tried to talk it; without much  success; at the Centennial Exhibition; at one of the side…stands。 But she found  she had been talking with a Moorish gentleman who did not understand French。 Mr。

Peterkin feared they might need more libraries; if all the teachers came at the  same hour; but Agamemnon reminded him that they would be using different  dictionaries。 And Mr。 Peterkin thought something might be learned by having them  all at once。 Each one might pick up something beside the language he was  studying; and it was a great thing to learn to talk a foreign language while  others were talking about you。 Mrs。 Peterkin was afraid it would be like the  Tower of Babel; and hoped it was all right。

Agamemnon brought forward another difficulty。 Of course they ought to have  foreign teachers; who spoke only their native languages。 But; in this case; how  could they engage them to come; or explain to them about the carryall; or  arrange the proposed hours? He did not understand how anybody ever began with a  foreigner; because he could not even tell him what he wanted。

Elizabeth Eliza thought a great deal might be done by signs and pantomime。

Solomon John and the little boys began to show how it might be done。 Elizabeth  Eliza explained how 〃langues 〃 meant both 〃languages〃 and 〃tongues;〃 and they  could point to their tongues。 For practice; the little boys represented the  foreign teachers talking in their different languages; and Agamemnon and Solomon  John went to invite them to come out; and teach the family by a series of signs。

 Mr。 Peterkin thought their success was admirable; and that they might almost go  abroad without any study of the languages; and trust to explaining themselves by  signs。 Still; as the bridge was not yet made; it might be as well to wait and  cultivate the languages。

Mrs。 Peterkin was afraid the foreign teachers might imagine they were invited  out to lunch。 Solomon John had constantly pointed to his mouth as he opened it  and shut it; putting out his tongue; and it looked a great deal more as if he  were inviting them to eat; than asking them to teach。 Agamemnon suggested that  they might carry the separate dictionaries when they went to see the teachers;  and that would show that they meant lessons; and not lunch。

Mrs。 Peterkin was not sure but she ought to prepare a lunch for them; if they  had come all that way; but she certainly did not know what they were accustomed  to eat。

Mr。 Peterkin thought this would be a good thing to learn of the foreigners。 It  would be a good preparation for going abroad; and they might get used to the  dishes before starting。 The little boys were delighted at the idea of having new  things cooked。 Agamemnon had heard that beer…soup was a favorite dish with the  Germans; and he would inquire how it was made in the first lesson。 Solomon John  had heard they were all very fond of garlic; and thought it would be a pretty  attention to have some in the house the first day; that they might be cheered by  the odor。

Elizabeth Eliza wanted to surprise the lady from Philadelphia by her knowledge  of French; and hoped to begin on her lessons before the Philadelphia family  arrived for their annual visit。

There were still some delays。 Mr。 Peterkin was very anx

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