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小说: 18_the_end_of_the_circle 字数: 每页4000字

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T。R。 Edwards holds secret talks with the Regent and begins a personal campaign to capture Lynn…Minmei。

Wolff and Janice Em return to Tirol。 The Invid Tesla murders a simulagent sent to Tirol by the Regent。

T。 R。 Edwards begins to hold sway over the REF'S Plenipotentiary Council。 Wolff is accused of murder and piracy。 Control of the Fantoma mining operations passes to Edwards。

Garuda is liberated。 Rick; Lisa; Rem; and Karen Penn suffer the nearly fatal effects of the planet's atmosphere。

Baldan II is 〃shaped〃 by Teal。

The Zentraedi leave Tirolspace with the monopole ore needed for the fleet's warships。

2027 (Earth actual)
The Sentinels arrive on Haydon IV shortly after the Regis's departure and 〃surrender〃 themselves to the occupying Invid troops。 Rem learns that he is actually a clone of Zor。 Janice Em reveals herself to be an android。 Sarna is killed。

The enigmatic Haydon bees a source of interest to Lang and others。

A prototype ship under the mand of Major Carpenter leaves Tirol for Earth。 Edwards loses his grip on the Council after troops sent out to hunt down the Zentraedi side with them instead。 Wolff; Breetai; and Grant return to Tirol and clear the Sentinels of all charges。

Haydon IV and Spheris are liberated。 Tesla leaves the Ark Angel for Optera to have it out with the Regent。

Aurora is born to Miriya Sterling on Haydon IV。

Edwards and his Ghost Riders flee Tirol for Optera; taking Lynn…Minmei and the reawakened Invid living puter from Tiresia with them。

2028 (Earth actual)
Jonathan Wolff leaves for Earth。 

Edwards arrives on Optera。 Tesla is chased off; Breetai and the Regent die together。 Exedore arrives on Haydon IV with the Council's peace proposal for the Regent。 The Sentinels move against Peryton。 Tesla and Burak sacrifice themselves to end the planet's curse。

2029 (Earth actual)
The battle for Optera。 Edwards; Arla…non; Teal; and Janice Em die。

Dr。 Lang makes a series of shattering discoveries about the spacefold generators his teams have used in Carpenter and Wolff's ships。

Exedore makes a startling discovery involving Zor and the historical Haydon。

Ark Angel begins a slow return to Tirol。 Breetai's son; Drannin; is born to the Zentraedi Kazianna Hesh。

2030 (Earth actual)
Roy Hunter is born in Tiresia。 The REF and Karbarrans begin work on the main fleet ships。 Lang's Robotech teams perfect an integrated system of body armor and reconfigurable cycles known as Cyclones。 

2031 (Earth actual)
Dana Sterling and Bowie Grant turn 18; graduate from the Academy; and are assigned to the 15th Alpha Tactical Armored Corps; which includes Sean Phillips; Angelo Dante; and Louie Nichols。

The Robotech Masters arrive in Earthspace; and the Second Robotech War begins。

Major Carpenter's ship returns from Tirol。 Zor Prime is introduced to the 15th ATAC。

2032 (Earth actual)
End of the Second Robotech War。 Zor Prime's attempt at destroying the Masters' flagship' results in the loosing of the Flowers of Life from the Protoculture matrix concealed within the spacefold drives of the buried SDF…1; spores cover the planet; and the Flower takes root; alerting the Regis's sensor nebula。

The Invid 〃disappear〃 from Tirol's corner of the galaxy。 It is assumed that the Regis has begun her move against Earth。 The Mars Group leaves Tirol with 18…year…old Scott Bernard aboard。

Lazlo Zand dies。

Jonathan Wolff's ship returns to Earth。 An anti…Invid underground is established before the Regis arrives。 Dana mandeers Wolff's ship after the drives are retrofitted with a device perfected by former 15th ATAC whiz kid Louie Nichols。

The Robotech factory satellite returns to Earthspace。

Optera is fully seeded with the Flowers of Life and given over to the homeless Praxians; who rename the planet New Praxis。 The Flowers bee the crop for a new Protoculture matrix created by Rem; who has managed to tap some of his progenitor's…Zor's…memories。

Max; Miriya; and Aurora Sterling arrive on Tirol from Haydon IV。

2033 (Earth actual)
The Invid Regis arrives on Earth。 Her newly hatched army of soldiers and mecha destroys the factory satellite and easily defeats Earth's depleted defenses。 Hives and farms are set up worldwide; and some Terran captives are forced to work in labor camps; harvesting Flowers and processing nutrient for use in the Regis's terror weapons and battlecraft。

Arrival of Dana Sterling on Tirol。 With her are Bowie Grant; Sean Phillips; Angelo Dante; Musica and Allegra; and many of the Masters' clones。

Shadow Fighters and neutron 〃S〃 missiles are developed by the REF for use in the assault against Earth。 Nearly instantaneous spacefold bees a reality for the main…fleet ships。

2034 (Earth actual)
Arrival and defeat of the Mars Attack

Group sent by the REF。

Scott Bernard and his ragtag band of freedom fighters…Rook; Rand; Lancer; Lunk; and Annie…begin a journey toward the Regis's central hive plex; known as Reflex Point。

Marlene; Sera; and Corg are birthed by the Regis。

2035 (Earth actual)
The Jupiter attack wing arrives in Earthspace。 Photojournalist Sue Graham dies on Earth。

The REF main…fleet ships are folded from Tirol to Earth。 The Regis and her children take leave of the planet in the form of a phoenix of mindstuff; annihilating the returning ships in the process and ending the Third Robotech War。

On Haydon IV; Veidt and Exedore are present at the reawakening of the planet's artificial sentience; the Awareness。 (Max and his family are also on…planet。 Cabell is on Tirol。)

The SDF…3 fails to remanifest in Earthspace。 Rick turns 40 (or 45 by chronological reckoning); Lisa turns 45 (or 50)。 Aboard the Ark Angel; which has been spared the fate of the rest of the main…fleet ships; Scott Bernard and Vince and Jean Grant mence a search for the missing fortress。

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