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小说: 18_the_end_of_the_circle 字数: 每页4000字

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own and down their ship plummeted; into the breast of Haydon IV like an avenging et。 The detonations it set off sent the artifact worldlet into lethal convulsions。

Quartzstar and Valivarre; carrying out repairs to restore life support and some measure of maneuvering power; were lit by the distant nova of Haydon IV's death blow。 Prah watched sadly and was about to turn away; when someone said; 〃I'm scanning spacecraft…many of them!〃

Prah rapped; 〃Origin?〃

〃They are sphere ships; I believe they emerged from the far side; just before the end。〃

For a moment Prah thought that it was to be the end of her vessel; after all。 But the swarm of sphere ships; a hundred and more; formed up and set off without paying Quartzstar or Valivarre any heed。

Their course pointed straight for Tirol。


This cadet…graduate will make either a passable officer or a very troublesome convict。
Final evaluation from the file of Southern Cross Lieutenant Dana Sterling 

There was nothing for the ground party to do but return to the landing zone; the Regis ignored their demands that she e back; listen to reason; answer their questions; show some mercy。

The quietest among them were the children; who seemed distracted and unmunicative。 Scott noticed that Marlene was very much like them。 He realized he had been holding his breath; dreading the moment when arcane forces would suck her soul and body into the oneness of the Invid race that was the Regis。

But apparently the trauma she had undergone had insulated her from that for good。 She really was herself。 He was grateful for that but furious at the trick of fate that had put them back together at last only to schedule Armageddon a few days or hours away。

Still; when he reached tentatively for her hand and she smiled bittersweetly; taking his hand fondly; there was a lightness to his soul that had not been there since the death of Marlene Rush on a day long gone。

There wasn't much vigilance to their withdrawal in spite of Rick and Lisa's disspirited promptings。 What good to keep your guard up when all of newspace might well attack at any moment?

Rick thought twice before approaching Louie Nichols; the Regis might be listening in。 But then; the same could be said about the deepest security vault on the SDF…3。

〃Louie? What about the Peter Pan? Can we make a run for it if we have to?〃

Louie worked his shoulders; adjusted his goggles; and went through some more of his repertoire as they walked along。 〃I doubt it。 It turns out that the sphere ships aren't exactly like I thought they were。 Not really built with a return trip in mind。

〃Think of 'em as bobsleds; created for a single voyage along a particular flow of force…down a snowy hill; if you see what I mean。 The Peter P。 might be forced up the hill; but I wouldn't bet on it。〃

He looked so downcast that Rick figured Louie was regretting that he had ever gotten involved in the rescue attempt。 He patted one skinny shoulder。 〃I don't know if I ever said thanks; Louie。 I'm grateful for your being here to help; grateful as an officer and grateful as a man with a family in danger。〃

That seemed to take Louie by surprise; but he mumbled some acknowledgment。 Then he picked up his pace; head bent in thought。

Max Sterling had to restrain himself from grabbing Aurora and clasping her to him; shielding her with his body。 That way; the Black Knight mecha…or whatever it was that his bat skills had brought into existence in newspace…would have to e through him to get her。 But she was so fragile; so ethereal that he didn't want to frighten her。 And so he hung near her like a shadow; peering and glaring in all directions; sweat running down his face。

He was a fighter jock; a mecha warrior; his talents lay elsewhere; and he always; felt insufficient to cope with the expanded powers and perceptions of his youngest。 And now he had sensed some terrible peril; bee its focus; and there was little; perhaps nothing; he could do to help。 Nothing but protect my daughter with my life。

At least one person in the group had kept her training in mind and was maintaining a high level of alertness as she went; though。 Dana was carrying a Wolverine rifle at the ready; more than willing to open up if a target presented itself; wishing for one; if the truth be known。

She had fallen far back to walk rear guard; relieving Lron。 The sight of Minmei and Rem leaning on each other had abraded her nerve endings and left her in an empty; murderous mood。 Even in the worst of those days after her parents had left on the SDF…3…times when she had found herself in some agency…sponsored home or care institution…she hadn't felt quite so resentful and drained。

That was because she hadn't met Zor Prime yet; no doubt。 And once in a while she got a visit from a friend who loved her unconditionally。

She heard the chirping yip faintly。 The person ahead of her…Dr。 Penn; his mind apparently a million parsecs away did not seem to notice it。 But Dana recognized it at once。

〃Polly! 〃 She said it softly; not wanting the others to e barging back to her。 The Pollinator was her pet; her lifelong friend。

Only; how had Polly gotten there? He had disappeared let's see…back on Tirol; just before she'd lifted for Haydon IV。 Well; if walls and doors were no barrier to him or his kin; why should space be?

Manifestly; it wasn't; because there he sat; like an animated mophead; thirty feet back the way she had just e。 His head was tilted to one side; and he gazed at her bemusedly; as if she were the one who'd disappeared without warning and he was the aggrieved party。

SOP said that she should signal for a halt and request permission and backup before fetching him; but by that time Polly might take it into that cute knob…horned head of his to vanish again。 Dana glanced to make sure Harry Penn hadn't noticed…he was still going his way deep in thought…and turned back to make the pickup on the Pollinator。

〃Don't give me that innocent look; you little deserter!〃 She knelt by him; shifting her rifle so that she had a free hand to scoop him up。 〃Maybe I oughta tie a bell to your collar。 Or better yet; get a spacefold leash…he…eeyy!〃

Wait a minute! Polly had somehow gotten himself not just across space but into newspace。 That must mean there was some way back out!

〃Oh; baby! Wait'll Louie and Lang hear this…umph! You been puttin' on weight; or what?〃

The Pollinator dragged at her arm; nearly pulling her to her knees; the sheer mass of him unbelievable。 〃What's wrong…holy f…fff…〃

Polly; back on his little muffin feet; was no longer the adorable teleporting pet she loved。 His feet sprouted black claws; and his sheepdog face took on an evil leer。 What really sent shivers down her spine; though; was that he was growing like an inflating life raft; only faster。

Dana gave a yell and stumbled back; bringing her rifle up; wondering if the Pollinator had fallen prey to some weird newspace rabies。 Her finger was on the trigger; but she hesitated; this was one of her few true friends; after all; and friends meant everything to her。

Polly's hide showed through the molting white pelt as the creature grew: black; smooth; and hard…looking。 Polly heightened and broadened; bigger than Dana already; rearing back on two lengthening hind legs。

Dana had hesitated to give the alarm; fearing that someone would shoot her dog; but that ceased to matter。 The Pollinator let out an eerie inorganic sound; like a processed challenge roar。

〃Polly; stop! Stay back!〃 She had the Wolverine up; centered; backing away herself。 The thing in front of her took a step toward her; though; and when its massive black foot pouched down; there was a distinct metallic sound。

It leaned toward her; and from its sheepdog face there appeared a single red…yellow lens。

Dana howled fiercely for a universe that would turn a dear pet and friend into a deadly foe。 She brought the Wolverine up and fired a sustained burst at the thing that had been the Pollinator。

Farther up the line; everybody froze。 Harry Penn blinked; caning out of his distraction; getting his bearings。 〃It's Dana!〃 he yelled to those ahead of him; and turned back; drawing his Badger。

Max; farther toward the front of the column; caught the news as it was passed along。 People were yelling conflicting questions; answers; and orders。

Max moaned aloud。 〃Dana!〃 He pressed Aurora into Miriya's arms。 〃Hang on to her!〃 Rick and Lisa had e hurrying back down the column; berating people to set up security and guard against a surprise attack from another quarter。 Lisa was calling in air cover; Rick was trying to find out what was going on at the rear。

People formed up to defend the children; Kazianna towering among them and unlimbering her oversized weapons。 Max shoved his wife and daughter toward them。 〃Vince! Don't let anything happen to them!〃

Then he was off to the rear; leaving Louie and his cyberteam where they had set up rifle positions; dodging Scott Bernard; who had Marlene clasped to him protectively。

Max broke through the final screen of foliage to see something immense and black standing with its back to him; the sun of Omphalos doing little to relieve its intense darkness。

Those who had al

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