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estaments having been seized throughout Spain; with the exception of my stock in Madrid (upwards of 3000) … Count Ofalia having in a communication to Sir George declared that he had full confidence in my honour and good faith; being well persuaded that I harboured no designs but those I professed。
I send you on the other side some extracts from one of the tracts which purports to be 'A true history of the Virgin of Sorrows; to whom Don Carlos; the Rebel and Fanatic; has dedicated his cause; and the ignorance which he trumpets。' The one; however; which has given most offence is 'A Catechism on the Principal Controversies between Protestants and Catholics;' translated from the English。
I now await your orders。 I wish to know whether I am at liberty to pursue the course which may seem to me best under existing circumstances; and which at present appears to be to mount my horses which are neighing in the stable; and once more to betake myself to the plains and mountains of dusty Spain; and to dispose of my Testaments to the muleteers and peasants。 By doing so I shall employ myself usefully; and at the same time avoid giving offence。 Better days will soon arrive; which will enable me to return to Madrid and reopen my shop; till then; however; I should wish to pursue my labours in comparative obscurity。
I remain; Revd。 and dear Sir; most truly yours;
P。S。 … I am engaged in translating the Acts of the Apostles into Basque。
On the fly…leaf of this letter appear the following extracts。
Historia Verdadera de la Virjen Dolorosa a Quien el rebelde y fanatico D。 Carlos Ha Dedicado su causa y la ignorancia que Pregona。
P。 17。 'Echase de ver en todos estos epitetos grandiosos prodigados a Maria la obra del enemigo de Dios; el cual; ensencialmente idolatra; ha sabido introducir la idolatria bajo las apariencias del Cristianismo; y se esfuerza en desviar sobre una criatura; y hasta en la imagen de esta; la adoracion que se debe a Dios tan solo。 Sin duda que con igual objeto se colocan por todas partes las estatuas de Maria; adornadas con una corona; y llevando en brazos un tierno infante; como para acostumbrar al pueblo al concepto entranable de 'la superi' oridad de Maria sobre Jesus。'
P。 30。 'Tal es nuestra conclusion。 Reconociendo y sancionando este culto; la Iglesia de Roma se constituye iglesia IDOLATRA; y todos sus miembros que no saben buscar la verdad detras del monstruos…o hacinamiento de impiedad con que la oculta; son supuestos por la misma condenados a la perdicion。 El caudillo de esta Iglesia; que no se averguenza de prohibir y hacer que se prohiba; por donde quiera alcanza su ferula; la palabra de Dios; debiera saber cuando menos; se atesorase el espiritu de Cristo; que mejor empleara sus bulas barriendo la Iglesia Romana de todas sus iniquidades; que no promulgando tan injustas prohibiciones。 Pero ya que; afferrandose contra mejora; esta iglesia proteje y consagra por todas partes un sinnumero de supersticiones y cultos erroneos; claro esta que con esto se alza y caracteriza como uno de los principales ajentes del Anticristo。'
LETTER: 9th July; 1838
To Mr。 W。 Hitchin (ENDORSED: recd。 July 20; 1838) MADRID; JULY 9; 1838。
ON the other side I beg leave to present my account。 One or two items require some explanation。
1st; Mr。 Borrego's bill of 3084 REALS; of which 1760 are for the printing of the Basque Gospel; the remainder is for advertisements; boxes; package and freight of books to various parts of Spain; namely; to Valencia; Malaga; Santander; Corunna; etc。 The original bill I shall forward as soon as it has been signed and vouched for by Messrs。 O'Shea; who paid the money。
2nd; As to prison expenses; I must observe that the Government after placing me at liberty offered to indemnify me for all the expense I had incurred in prison; but I refused to accept their offer; should; however; the Committee think that I ought to have done so; they will deduct the amount。
3rd; 60 REALS for porterage; on receiving intelligence that my depots had been seized in various parts of the country; I thought it advisable to place my stock in Madrid in safety; and in consequence under cover of night removed it from the shop; and concealed it in portions in the houses of various friends。
In conclusion; I must beg that you will collate my present account with my last; as I am apprehensive that I may have charged the same outlay twice; the copy of my last account was lost when my papers were seized。
I make an excursion to…morrow to the rural districts of New Castile; which will probably occupy a fortnight。 I have sent before me two hundred Testaments。
I remain; etc。;
LETTER: 14th July; 1838
To the Rev。 A。 Brandram (ENDORSED: recd。 July 28; 1838) VILLA SECA; DISTRICT OF TOLEDO; JULY 14; 1838。
REVD。 AND DEAR SIR; … I write these lines from Villa Seca; a village situated on the bank of the Tagus about nine leagues from Madrid。 A few minutes before my departure I received your letter of the 29th June; in which you mention letters being on the way for me。 I; however; could not wait for them for many reasons; principally because in that event I should have lost a considerable number of Testaments; which I had sent before me。 I am moreover tolerably well acquainted with the contents 'of' those communications from the one which I have already received。
For some time past I have been determined at whatever risk to make an effort to circulate the Scriptures in the rural districts of New Castile; where I am grieved to say the most profound ignorance of true religion prevails。 I have been induced to take up my quarters for the present in Villa Seca; from being well acquainted with a labourer of the place; moreover its situation is favourable to my views as there are many other villages in its vicinity。 Poverty it is true abounds; but I am perfectly sure that our friends at home are disposed to make every reasonable sacrifice; and not for a moment to balance the dust of Mammon against the eternal welfare of their fellow…creatures。
For the last two days I have been riding in various directions。 It is a great blessing that heat agrees with me wonderfully; as we have no less than thirty…six degrees according to Reaumur; otherwise it would be impossible for me to accomplish anything; the atmosphere resembling the flickering glow about the mouth of an oven。 I have already disposed of about thirty Testaments; of course at exceedingly low prices。 To…day; however; I have commenced a new course; and have sent abroad various peasants with some parcels of Testaments; my host; whom it has pleased the Lord to render favourable to the cause; has himself taken the field; and has proceeded to the neighbouring village of Vargas mounted on his donkey。 If success do not attend my efforts; the Lord knows that it will be no fault of mine。 It will be the working of His own holy will。
I had scarcely written the above lines when I heard the voice of the donkey in the court…yard; and going out I found my host returned。 He had disposed of his whole cargo of twenty Testaments at the old Moorish village of Vargas; distant from hence about two leagues; and all in the space of about half an hour。 Eight poor harvest…men; who were refreshing themselves at the door of the wine…house; purchased each a copy; whilst the village schoolmaster took all the rest for the little ones beneath his care; lamenting at the same time the great difficulty he had long experienced in obtaining religious books; owing to their scarcity and extravagant price。 Many other persons were also anxious to procure Testaments; but my envoy (Juanito Lopez) was unable to supply them。 At his departure they requested him to return within a few days。
I will not conceal from you that I am playing a daring game; and it is very possible that when I least expect it I may be seized; tied to the tail of a mule; and dragged either to the prison of Toledo or Madrid。 Yet such a prospect does not discourage me in the least; but rather urges me on to persevere; for I assure you … and in this assertion there lurks not the slightest desire to magnify myself and produce an effect … that I am eager to lay down my life in this cause; and whether a Carlist's bullet or the jail…fever bring my career to an end; I am perfectly indifferent。 But I have other matters now to speak of。
You hint that a desire is entertained at home to have a personal conference with me。 In the name of the Highest I entreat you all to banish such a preposterous idea。 A journey home (provided you intend that I should return to Spain) could lead to no result but expense and the loss of precious time。 I have nothing to explain to you which you are not already perfectly well acquainted with by my late letters。 I was fully aware at the time I was writing them that I should afford you little satisfaction; for the plain unvarnished truth is seldom agreeable。 But I now repeat; and these are perhaps among the last words which I shall ever be permitted to pen; that I cannot approve; and I am sure no Christ