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ular language; owing to all its words being contained within  the compass of six or seven letters; the demand for which is in  consequence tremendous。  With the Rommany I had no difficulty  whatever。  Within a week or two it is my intention to publish both  Gospels simultaneously。  With this preamble; I will now proceed to  other matters。

During the last two months I have been almost incessantly engaged  in negotiations with the Ministry of Count Ofalia; for the purpose  of obtaining permission to sell the New Testament in Madrid and the  nullification of the prohibition。  I have experienced; as might be  expected; great opposition; which I have not yet surmounted; but I  am by no means dispirited; as these obstacles are merely temporary。   I have had to contend against six Bishops at present resident in  Madrid; and amongst them him of Toledo; the Primate of Spain; who  have denounced the Bible; the Bible Society; and myself。   Nevertheless; notwithstanding their powerful and united efforts;  they have been unable to effect their principal object; namely; my  expulsion from Madrid and Spain。  The Count Ofalia is a very good  and excellent man; though weak and superstitious to an exceeding  degree; and notwithstanding he has permitted himself to be made the  instrument; to a certain extent; of these people; he will not  consent to be pushed to such a length。  Throughout this business;  as far as it has proceeded; I cannot find words sufficiently  strong; to do justice to the zeal and interest which Sir George  Villiers has displayed in the cause of the Testament。  He has had  six interviews with Ofalia on the subject; and in these he has  expressed to him his sense of the injustice and tyranny which have  been practised in this instance towards his countryman; as he does  me the honour of calling me。  Ofalia has been much moved by these  remonstrances; and on several occasions has promised to do all in  his power to oblige Sir George; but then the Bishops; and  particularly his confessor; whom he consults every night; again  beset him; and playing upon his religious fears; prevent him from  acting a just; honest; and honourable part。

At the desire of Sir George Villiers; I drew up; a little time  since; a brief account of the Bible Society and an exposition of  its views; especially in respect to Spain; which he himself  presented with his own hand to the Count。  Of this memorial I send  you a translation; and I think that you will do me the justice to  say that; if I have not flattered and cajoled; I have expressed  myself honestly and frankly; as a Christian ought。  Ofalia on  reading it; said; 'What a pity that this is a mixed society; and  that all its members are not Catholics。'  A few days subsequently;  to my great astonishment; he sent a message to me by a friend;  requesting that I would send him a copy of my Gypsy Gospel。  I may  as well here state that the fame of this work; although  unpublished; has spread like wildfire through Madrid; and every  person is passionately eager to possess a copy; indeed; several  grandees of Spain have sent messages with similar requests; all of  which I have; however; denied。  I instantly resolved to take  advantage of this overture on the part of Count Ofalia; and to call  on him myself。  I therefore caused a copy of the Gospel to be  handsomely bound; and proceeding to the palace; was instantly  admitted to him。  He is a dusky; diminutive person; between fifty  and sixty years of age; with false hair and teeth; but exceedingly  gentlemanly manners。  He received me with great affability; and  thanked me for my present; but on my proceeding to speak of the New  Testament; he told me that the subject was surrounded with  difficulties; and that the whole body of the clergy had taken up  the matter against me; but he conjured me to be patient and  peaceable; and he would endeavour to devise some plan to satisfy  me。  Amongst other things; he said that the Bishops hated a  sectarian more than an atheist; whereupon I replied; that; like the  Pharisees of old; they cared more for the gold of the Temple than  the Temple itself。  Throughout the whole of our interview he  evidently laboured under great fear; and was continually looking  behind and around him; seemingly in dread of being overheard; which  brought to my mind an expression of Sir George Villiers; that if  there be any truth in metempsychosis; the ANIMA of Count Ofalia  must have originally belonged to a mouse。  We parted in kindness;  and I went away wondering by what strange chance this poor man had  become Prime Minister of a country like Spain。

I have now given a plain narrative of what I have been about up to  the present moment; by which you will see that I have accomplished  all that lay within the circumscribed sphere of my ability; and  have brought every engine into play which it was in my power to  command。  Let it always be borne in mind that it was no fault of  mine that; immediately after my arrival in Madrid from my journey;  a retrograde Ministry came into power; the head of which is a weak;  timid; priest…ridden man。  Sir George has several times told me;  that had the Ministry of Calatrava and Mendizabal remained in  place; he himself would have answered that I should have received  no interruption in my labours; and that he will almost say the same  in respect to any future Ministry; and it is impossible that the  present can long maintain its ground; as it is disliked by the  Court and despised by the people。

I therefore write at present for instructions。  Shall I wait a  little time longer in Madrid; or shall I proceed at once on a  journey to Andalusia and other places?  I am in strength; health  and spirits; thanks be to the Lord! and am at all times ready to  devote myself; body and mind; to His cause。  Therefore I pray that  my friends at home will point out the course which they think I  ought to pursue under these circumstances。  In a few days I shall  send my account to Mr。 Hitchin。  I have hitherto delayed; not  having yet settled for the printing of the Basque St。 Luke。  I  received your kind letter of the 8th ultimo。

I remain; my dear Sir; most truly yours;

G。 B。

P。S。 … I have received the 500 Bibles in sheets from Barcelona。

Translation of a Memorial to his Excellence the Count D'Ofalia (ENDORSED: Memorial of Mr。 G。 Borrow to Count Ofalia; Madrid; recd。  March 28;1838。) To His Excellence The Count D'Ofalia

SIR; … I have the honour to inform you that; being a member and  Agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society; I some months since  printed; with permission; at Madrid; an edition of the New  Testament of Jesus Christ in the Castilian language according to  the authorised version of Father Felipe Scio; Confessor of the late  King Ferdinand of happy memory。

That to effect the sale of the said work; in which the Society had  subjected itself to an expense of more than 100;000 REALS; I  subsequently established a Despatch at Madrid; where the work was  publicly sold at a moderate price until the 12th of January last;  when the person intrusted with the management of the said Despatch  received a notice from Don Francisco Gamboa; Civil Governor of  Madrid; forbidding the further sale of the New Testament until  fresh information。

As very erroneous ideas are generally entertained in Spain  concerning the constitution of the Bible Society and the views in  which its proceedings originate; I will endeavour in a few words to  afford some correcting information respecting both。  I beg to state  that the Bible Society is composed of Christians attached to many  and various sects and forms of worship … for example; members of  the Roman; Greek; Anglican; Calvinistic; and Lutheran Churches; and  of all ranks and grades in society; who; though they may differ  from each other in points of religious discipline; form and  ceremony; agree in the one grand and principal point:  that there  is no salvation from the punishment due to original sin but through  vivid faith in Christ; manifested and proved by good works; such  being the amount of the doctrine found in those inspired writings  known as the New Testament which contain the words of the Saviour  whilst resident in flesh on earth; together with the revelations of  the Holy Spirit to His disciples after He had ascended to the  throne of His heavenly glory。

Having said thus much respecting those who constitute the Bible  Society and the religious feeling which unites them; I will now  devote a few words to the explanation of their views; than which  nothing can be more simple or easily defined。  They have no other  wish or intention in thus associating together than to assist; as  humble instruments under Christ; in causing His doctrine to be  propagated and known in all the regions of the vast world; the  greatest part of which is still involved in heathenism and  ignorance; and looking upon their earthly goods as of little or no  value in comparison with such a glorious end; they expend them in  printing editions of their Master's Word in all languages; and in  transporting them to the remotest corners of the earth; that their  benighted fellow…creatures may see the lamp of salvation; and enjoy  the same spiritual advantages 

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