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'El que es de Dios; oye las palabras de Dios。 Por eso vosotros no las ois; porque no sois de Dios。'
What could induce him to speak of Luther and his works? What does he; what do his abettors; know of Luther and his writings; or of the ideas which the heretics entertain respecting either? I will instruct them。 Luther was a bold inquiring man; with some learning; he read the Scriptures in the original tongues; and found that their contents were in entire variance with the doctrines of the Church of the Seven Hills; he told the world so; as other men had done; with feebler voices; before; and the best part of the world believed … not him … but the Scripture; for he gave it to them in a shape which they could understand。 The heretics look not for salvation by the merits either of Luther or Calvin; for merits they had none … being merely the instruments which Providence selected to commence a great work which He has hitherto not thought proper to perfect。 The heretics look for salvation to Christ and hope to be forgiven by lively faith in Him and by virtue of His blood…shedding。 They trust not in Peter nor in Paul … both men and sinners … in Luther nor in Calvin … greater sinners still … but in Christ alone。 They trust not in stick nor stone; in picture nor in image; in splinter of cross nor bone of saint; but in Christ alone … not in His mother or His brother … He Himself has said: 'those that do the will of my Father that is in heaven; they are my mother; they are my brethren。'
Quae est mater mea; et qui sunt fratres mei? 。 。 。
Quicumque fecerit voluntatem Patris mei; qui in coelis est; ipse meus frater et soror et mater est。 … Matt。 cap。 xii。 vers。 48…50。
Christ alone is the foundation and cope…stone of the true Church。
LETTER: 28th November; 1837
To the Rev。 A。 Brandram (ENDORSED: recd。 Dec。 8; 1837) 28TH NOVR。 1837; MADRID; No。 16 CALLE ST。 IAGO; PISO 3RO。
REVD。 AND DEAR SIR; … I have just received your letter 'of Nov。 15th'; for which I thank you heartily。 I write these lines in a great hurry; as no time must be lost。 The shop opened yesterday; and several Testaments have been sold; but three parts of the customers departed on finding that only the New Testament was to be obtained; and I may here state that if the books which I carried to the provinces had been Bibles; I could have sold ten times the amount of what I did。 I must therefore be furnished with Bibles instanter。 Send me therefore the London edition; bad as it is; say 500 copies。 I believe you have a friend at Cadiz; the consul; who would have sufficient influence to secure their admission into Spain。 But the most advisable way would be to pack them in two chests; placing at the top Bibles in English and other languages; for there is a demand; viz。: 100 English; 100 French; 50 German; 50 Hebrew; 50 Greek; 10 Modern Greek; 10 Persian; 20 Arabic。 PRAY DO NOT FAIL。
Direct the books thus:…
I start to…morrow for Toledo with 100 Testaments; for I must spare no exertion in such a cause。 I go as usual on horseback。 I am in a great hurry and can write no more。
Yours most truly;
(Send; with the books; a Modern Greek grammar and dictionary。 You must likewise renew my credit on Messrs。 O'Shea & Compy。)
LETTER: 25th December; 1837
To the Rev。 A。 Brandram (ENDORSED: recd。 Jany。 8; 1838) MADRID; CALLE SANTIAGO No。 16; DEC。 25; 1837。
REVD。 AND DEAR SIR; … I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 5th instant; and also my friend Mr。 Jackson's of the 8th。 I should have replied ere this; had not my time been entirely occupied since my return from Toledo。 The versions of St。 Luke in Gitano and Basque have been committed to the press; and as the compositors are entirely ignorant of these languages a most strict surveillance is required; which I hope will be admitted as an excuse for having so long delayed to answer。 I expect that within a fortnight my task will be completed。
You are aware that I have established in Madrid a shop; or DESPACHO; as it is here called; for the sale of Testaments; and you are doubtless anxious to receive information as to its success。 It succeeds well; nay; I may say very well; when all circumstances are taken into consideration; for it ought to be known that I have ventured upon this step in the very place which of all in Spain; affords the least chance of a successful issue; yet at the same time in the place where such a step was most needed; provided it be the imperative duty of Christians to make the Word of their Master known in the dark portions of the earth。 It was a step fraught with difficulties of every kind。 Madrid; it is true; is the capital of Spain; yet let no one for a moment suppose that being so it is consequently the largest; richest and most enlightened town in the Peninsula。 In the first place; it is inferior in population to Valencia and Barcelona; in the second; misery and distress reign here to an extent unknown elsewhere; and so far from its being peculiarly enlightened; I believe that of all places in the Peninsula it is the least so。 It is the centre of old; gloomy; bigoted Spain; and if there be one inveterate disgusting prejudice more prevalent and more cherished in one spot than another; it is here; in this heart of old; popish; anti…christian Spain; always difficult of access; but now peculiarly so; as it is scarcely possible to travel a league from its gates without being stript naked and murdered。 Yet in this singular capital; in the midst of furious priests and Carlists; I have ventured upon establishing a shop which bears on its front in large letters: 'Despatch of the British and Foreign Bible Society。' To call the attention of the people to this establishment; I printed three thousand advertisements on paper; yellow; blue; and crimson; with which I almost covered the sides of the streets; and besides this inserted notices in all the journals and periodicals; employing also a man after the London fashion to parade the streets with a placard; to the astonishment of the populace。
The consequence has been that at present every person in Madrid; man; woman; and child; is aware of the existence of the establishment。 You must feel convinced that such exertions would in London or in Paris have insured the sale of the whole edition of the New Testament within a few days。 But hitherto I have had to contend with ignorance … and such ignorance; with bigotry … and such bigotry; and with great and terrible distress。 So that since the opening of the establishment; which I hope the Lord will deign to bless; I have contrived to sell; and I may say that every copy sold has cost me an exertion; and no slight one; between 70 and 80 New Testaments (3) and 10 Bibles。 You will doubtless wonder where I obtained the latter: in the shop of a bookseller who dared not sell them himself; but who had brought them secretly from Gibraltar。 Of these Bibles there were two of the large edition; printed by William Clowes; 1828 (I would give my right hand for a thousand of them); these I sold (on the bookseller's account) for 70 REALS or 17 shillings each; and the others; which were of the very common edition; for 7 shillings; which is; however; far too dear。 My own Testament I sell for 10 REALS; which every person allows to be unaccountably cheap; but I deem it best to be moderate; on account of the distress of the times。 Permit me here to observe that this Testament has been allowed by people who have perused it; and with no friendly feeling; to be one of the most correct works that have ever issued from the press in Spain; and to be an exceedingly favourable specimen of typography and paper: and lucky it is for me that it is impossible to say anything against the edition。 (4) You will easily suppose that such an establishment in Madrid has caused a great sensation。 The priests and bigots are teeming with malice and fury; which hitherto they have thought proper to exhibit only in words; as they know that all I do here is favoured by Mr。 Villiers; (5) but there is no attempt; however atrocious; which may not be expected from such people; and were it right and seemly for ME; the most insignificant of worms; to make such a comparison; I would say that; like Paul at Ephesus; I am fighting with wild beasts。
I receive daily a great many applications for copies gratis; as it is here the generally received opinion that the Bible Society invariably gives away its publications; and I must confess that this opinion; however it may have originated; is very prejudicial to the sale of the Testament。
'Wait a while;' say many; 'and these books may be had for nothing。 Friends of ours who have been in England have had them pressed upon them; and CART…LOADS have been given away in Cadiz and other places。' Such a conversation was related to me yesterday; by my excellent friend and coadjutor Doctor Usoz; who had just heard it in a coffee…house。 Of this gentleman I cannot speak in too high terms of admiration; he is one of the most learned men in