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tarzan and the jewels of opar-第6节

小说: tarzan and the jewels of opar 字数: 每页4000字

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victim's warm blood; that they might fill their golden

goblets and drink to the glory of their Flaming God。

The brutal and bloody interruption by Tha; the mad

priest; passed vividly before the ape…man's

recollective eyes; the flight of the votaries before

the insane blood lust of the hideous creature; the

brutal attack upon La; and his own part of the grim

tragedy when he had battled with the infuriated Oparian

and left him dead at the feet of the priestess he would

have profaned。

This and much more passed through Tarzan's memory as

he stood gazing at the long tiers of dull…yellow metal。

He wondered if La still ruled the temples of the ruined

city whose crumbling walls rose upon the very

foundations about him。  Had she finally been forced

into a union with one of her grotesque priests?

It seemed a hideous fate; indeed; for one so beautiful。

With a shake of his head; Tarzan stepped to the

flickering candle; extinguished its feeble rays and

turned toward the exit。

Behind him the spy waited for him to be gone。  He had

learned the secret for which he had come; and now he

could return at his leisure to his waiting followers;

bring them to the treasure vault and carry away all the

gold that they could stagger under。

The Waziri had reached the outer end of the tunnel;

and were winding upward toward the fresh air and the

welcome starlight of the kopje's summit; before Tarzan

shook off the detaining hand of reverie and started

slowly after them。

Once again; and; he thought; for the last time; he

closed the massive door of the treasure room。  In the

darkness behind him Werper rose and stretched his

cramped muscles。  He stretched forth a hand and

lovingly caressed a golden ingot on the nearest tier。

He raised it from its immemorial resting place and

weighed it in his hands。  He clutched it to his bosom

in an ecstasy of avarice。

Tarzan dreamed of the happy homecoming which lay before

him; of dear arms about his neck; and a soft cheek

pressed to his; but there rose to dispel that dream the

memory of the old witch…doctor and his warning。

And then; in the span of a few brief seconds; the hopes

of both these men were shattered。  The one forgot even

his greed in the panic of terrorthe other was plunged

into total forgetfulness of the past by a jagged

fragment of rock which gashed a deep cut upon his head。


The Altar of the Flaming God

It was at the moment that Tarzan turned from the closed

door to pursue his way to the outer world。  The thing

came without warning。  One instant all was quiet and

stabilitythe next; and the world rocked; the tortured

sides of the narrow passageway split and crumbled;

great blocks of granite; dislodged from the ceiling;

tumbled into the narrow way; choking it; and the walls

bent inward upon the wreckage。  Beneath the blow of a

fragment of the roof; Tarzan staggered back against the

door to the treasure room; his weight pushed it open

and his body rolled inward upon the floor。

In the great apartment where the treasure lay less

damage was wrought by the earthquake。  A few ingots

toppled from the higher tiers; a single piece of the

rocky ceiling splintered off and crashed downward to

the floor; and the walls cracked; though they did not


There was but the single shock; no other followed to

complete the damage undertaken by the first。  Werper;

thrown to his length by the suddenness and violence of

the disturbance; staggered to his feet when he found

himself unhurt。  Groping his way toward the far end of

the chamber; he sought the candle which Tarzan had left

stuck in its own wax upon the protruding end of an


By striking numerous matches the Belgian at last found

what he sought; and when; a moment later; the sickly

rays relieved the Stygian darkness about him; he

breathed a nervous sigh of relief; for the impenetrable

gloom had accentuated the terrors of his situation。

As they became accustomed to the light the man turned

his eyes toward the doorhis one thought now was of

escape from this frightful tomband as he did so he

saw the body of the naked giant lying stretched upon

the floor just within the doorway。  Werper drew back in

sudden fear of detection; but a second glance convinced

him that the Englishman was dead。  From a great gash in

the man's head a pool of blood had collected upon the

concrete floor。

Quickly; the Belgian leaped over the prostrate form of

his erstwhile host; and without a thought of succor for

the man in whom; for aught he knew; life still

remained; he bolted for the passageway and safety。

But his renewed hopes were soon dashed。  Just beyond

the doorway he found the passage completely clogged and

choked by impenetrable masses of shattered rock。

Once more he turned and re…entered the treasure vault。

Taking the candle from its place he commenced a

systematic search of the apartment; nor had he gone far

before he discovered another door in the opposite end

of the room; a door which gave upon creaking hinges to

the weight of his body。  Beyond the door lay another

narrow passageway。  Along this Werper made his way;

ascending a flight of stone steps to another corridor

twenty feet above the level of the first。  The

flickering candle lighted the way before him; and a

moment later he was thankful for the possession of this

crude and antiquated luminant; which; a few hours

before he might have looked upon with contempt; for it

showed him; just in time; a yawning pit; apparently

terminating the tunnel he was traversing。

Before him was a circular shaft。  He held the candle

above it and peered downward。  Below him; at a great

distance; he saw the light reflected back from the

surface of a pool of water。  He had come upon a well。

He raised the candle above his head and peered across

the black void; and there upon the opposite side he saw

the continuation of the tunnel; but how was he to span

the gulf?

As he stood there measuring the distance to the

opposite side and wondering if he dared venture so

great a leap; there broke suddenly upon his startled

ears a piercing scream which diminished gradually until

it ended in a series of dismal moans。  The voice seemed

partly human; yet so hideous that it might well have

emanated from the tortured throat of a lost soul;

writhing in the fires of hell。

The Belgian shuddered and looked fearfully upward;

for the scream had seemed to come from above him。

As he looked he saw an opening far overhead; and a

patch of sky pinked with brilliant stars。

His half…formed intention to call for help was expunged

by the terrifying crywhere such a voice lived; no

human creatures could dwell。  He dared not reveal

himself to whatever inhabitants dwelt in the place

above him。  He cursed himself for a fool that he had

ever embarked upon such a mission。  He wished himself

safely back in the camp of Achmet Zek; and would almost

have embraced an opportunity to give himself up to the

military authorities of the Congo if by so doing he

might be rescued from the frightful predicament in

which he now was。

He listened fearfully; but the cry was not repeated;

and at last spurred to desperate means; he gathered

himself for the leap across the chasm。  Going back

twenty paces; he took a running start; and at the edge

of the well; leaped upward and outward in an attempt to

gain the opposite side。

In his hand he clutched the sputtering candle;

and as he took the leap the rush of air extinguished it。

In utter darkness he flew through space; clutching outward

for a hold should his feet miss the invisible ledge。

He struck the edge of the door of the opposite terminus

of the rocky tunnel with his knees; slipped backward;

clutched desperately for a moment; and at last hung

half within and half without the opening; but he was safe。

For several minutes he dared not move; but

clung; weak and sweating; where he lay。  At last;

cautiously; he drew himself well within the tunnel;

and again he lay at full length upon the floor;

fighting to regain control of his shattered nerves。

When his knees struck the edge of the tunnel he had

dropped the candle。  Presently; hoping against hope

that it had fallen upon the floor of the passageway;

rather than back into the depths of the well; he rose

upon all fours and commenced a diligent search for the

little tallow cylinder; which now seemed infinitely

more precious to him than all the fabulous wealth of

the hoarded ingots of Opar。

And when; at last; he found it; he clasped it to him

and sank back sobbing and exhausted。  For many minutes

he lay trembling and broken; but finally he drew

himself to a sitting posture; and taking a match from

his pocket; lighted the stump of the candle which

remained to him。  With the light he found it easier to

regain c

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