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tarzan and the jewels of opar-第14节

小说: tarzan and the jewels of opar 字数: 每页4000字

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Within the village Werper passed hurriedly toward the

silken tent of Achmet Zek。  The Arab arose as his

lieutenant entered。  His face showed surprise as he

viewed the tattered apparel of the Belgian。

〃What has happened?〃 he asked。

Werper narrated all; save the little matter of the

pouch of gems which were now tightly strapped about his

waist; beneath his clothing。  The Arab's eyes narrowed

greedily as his henchman described the treasure that

the Waziri had buried beside the ruins of the Greystoke


〃It will be a simple matter now to return and get it;〃

said Achmet Zek。  〃First we will await the coming of

the rash Waziri; and after we have slain them we may

take our time to the treasurenone will disturb it

where it lies; for we shall leave none alive who knows

of its existence。

〃And the woman?〃 asked Werper。

〃I shall sell her in the north;〃 replied the raider。

〃It is the only way; now。  She should bring a good


The Belgian nodded。  He was thinking rapidly。  If he

could persuade Achmet Zek to send him in command of the

party which took Lady Greystoke north it would give him

the opportunity he craved to make his escape from his

chief。  He would forego a share of the gold; if he

could but get away unscathed with the jewels。

He knew Achmet Zek well enough by this time to know

that no member of his band ever was voluntarily

released from the service of Achmet Zek。  Most of the

few who deserted were recaptured。  More than once had

Werper listened to their agonized screams as they were

tortured before being put to death。  The Belgian had no

wish to take the slightest chance of recapture。

〃Who will go north with the woman;〃 he asked; 〃while we

are returning for the gold that the Waziri buried by

the bungalow of the Englishman?〃

Achmet Zek thought for a moment。  The buried gold was

of much greater value than the price the woman would

bring。  It was necessary to rid himself of her as

quickly as possible and it was also well to obtain the

gold with the least possible delay。  Of all his

followers; the Belgian was the most logical lieutenant

to intrust with the command of one of the parties。  An

Arab; as familiar with the trails and tribes as Achmet

Zek himself; might collect the woman's price and make

good his escape into the far north。  Werper; on the

other hand; could scarce make his escape alone through

a country hostile to Europeans while the men he would

send with the Belgian could be carefully selected with

a view to preventing Werper from persuading any

considerable portion of his command to accompany him

should he contemplate desertion of his chief。

At last the Arab spoke: 〃It is not necessary that we

both return for the gold。  You shall go north with the

woman; carrying a letter to a friend of mine who is

always in touch with the best markets for such

merchandise; while I return for the gold。  We can meet

again here when our business is concluded。〃

Werper could scarce disguise the joy with which he

received this welcome decision。  And that he did

entirely disguise it from the keen and suspicious eyes

of Achmet Zek is open to question。  However; the

decision reached; the Arab and his lieutenant discussed

the details of their forthcoming ventures for a short

time further; when Werper made his excuses and returned

to his own tent for the comforts and luxury of a

long…desired bath and shave。

Having bathed; the Belgian tied a small hand mirror to

a cord sewn to the rear wall of his tent; placed a rude

chair beside an equally rude table that stood beside

the glass; and proceeded to remove the rough stubble

from his face。

In the catalog of masculine pleasures there is scarce

one which imparts a feeling of greater comfort and

refreshment than follows a clean shave; and now; with

weariness temporarily banished; Albert Werper sprawled

in his rickety chair to enjoy a final cigaret before

retiring。  His thumbs; tucked in his belt in lazy

support of the weight of his arms; touched the belt

which held the jewel pouch about his waist。  He tingled

with excitement as he let his mind dwell upon the value

of the treasure; which; unknown to all save himself;

lay hidden beneath his clothing。

What would Achmet Zek say; if he knew?  Werper grinned。

How the old rascal's eyes would pop could he but have a

glimpse of those scintillating beauties!  Werper had

never yet had an opportunity to feast his eyes for any

great length of time upon them。  He had not even

counted themonly roughly had he guessed at their


He unfastened the belt and drew the pouch from its

hiding place。  He was alone。  The balance of the camp;

save the sentries; had retirednone would enter the

Belgian's tent。  He fingered the pouch; feeling out the

shapes and sizes of the precious; little nodules

within。  He hefted the bag; first in one palm; then in

the other; and at last he wheeled his chair slowly

around before the table; and in the rays of his small

lamp let the glittering gems roll out upon the rough


The refulgent rays transformed the interior of the

soiled and squalid canvas to the splendor of a palace

in the eyes of the dreaming man。  He saw the gilded

halls of pleasure that would open their portals to the

possessor of the wealth which lay scattered upon this

stained and dented table top。  He dreamed of joys and

luxuries and power which always had been beyond his

grasp; and as he dreamed his gaze lifted from the

table; as the gaze of a dreamer will; to a far distant

goal above the mean horizon of terrestrial


Unseeing; his eyes rested upon the shaving mirror which

still hung upon the tent wall above the table; but his

sight was focused far beyond。  And then a reflection

moved within the polished surface of the tiny glass;

the man's eyes shot back out of space to the mirror's

face; and in it he saw reflected the grim visage of

Achmet Zek; framed in the flaps of the tent doorway

behind him。

Werper stifled a gasp of dismay。  With rare

self…possession he let his gaze drop; without appearing

to have halted upon the mirror until it rested again upon

the gems。  Without haste; he replaced them in the

pouch; tucked the latter into his shirt; selected a

cigaret from his case; lighted it and rose。  Yawning;

and stretching his arms above his head; he turned

slowly toward the opposite end of the tent。  The face

of Achmet Zek had disappeared from the opening。

To say that Albert Werper was terrified would be

putting it mildly。  He realized that he not only had

sacrificed his treasure; but his life as well。

Achmet Zek would never permit the wealth that he had

discovered to slip through his fingers; nor would he

forgive the duplicity of a lieutenant who had gained

possession of such a treasure without offering to share

it with his chief。

Slowly the Belgian prepared for bed。  If he were being

watched; he could not know; but if so the watcher saw

no indication of the nervous excitement which the

European strove to conceal。  When ready for his

blankets; the man crossed to the little table and

extinguished the light。

It was two hours later that the flaps at the front of

the tent separated silently and gave entrance to a

dark…robed figure; which passed noiselessly from the

darkness without to the darkness within。  Cautiously

the prowler crossed the interior。  In one hand was a

long knife。  He came at last to the pile of blankets

spread upon several rugs close to one of the tent


Lightly; his fingers sought and found the bulk beneath

the blanketsthe bulk that should be Albert Werper。

They traced out the figure of a man; and then an arm

shot upward; poised for an instant and descended。

Again and again it rose and fell; and each time the

long blade of the knife buried itself in the thing

beneath the blankets。  But there was an initial

lifelessness in the silent bulk that gave the assassin

momentary wonder。  Feverishly he threw back the

coverlets; and searched with nervous hands for the

pouch of jewels which he expected to find concealed

upon his victim's body。

An instant later he rose with a curse upon his lips。

It was Achmet Zek; and he cursed because he had

discovered beneath the blankets of his lieutenant only

a pile of discarded clothing arranged in the form and

semblance of a sleeping manAlbert Werper had fled。

Out into the village ran the chief; calling in angry

tones to the sleepy Arabs; who tumbled from their tents

in answer to his voice。  But though they searched the

village again and again they found no trace of the

Belgian。  Foaming with anger; Achmet Zek called his

followers to horse; and though the night was pitchy

black they set out to scour the adjoining forest for

their quarry。

As they galloped from the open gates; Mugambi; hiding

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