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ced quite simply and honestly that God has been  persistently rigging the weather against the Germans。  He points out  that the absence of mist on the North Sea was of great help to the  British in the autumn of 1914察and declares that it was the wet  state of the country that really held up the Germans in Flanders in  the winter of 1914´15。  He ignores the part played by the weather in  delaying the relief of Kut´el´Amara察and he has not thought of the  difficult question why the Deity察having once decided upon  intervention察did not察instead of this comparatively trivial  meteorological assistance察adopt the more effective course of察for  example察exploding or spoiling the German stores of ammunition by  some simple atomic miracle察or misdirecting their gunfire by a  sudden local modification of the laws of refraction or gravitation。 Since these views of God come from Anglican vicarages I can only  conclude that this kind of belief is quite orthodox and permissible  in the established church察and that I am charging orthodox  Christianity here with nothing that has ever been officially  repudiated。  I find indeed the essential assumptions of Mr。 Landseer  Mackenzie repeated in endless official Christian utterances on the  part of German and British and Russian divines。  The Bishop of  Chelmsford察for example察has recently ascribed our difficulties in  the war to our impatience with long sermonsamong other similar  causes。  Such Christians are manifestly convinced that God can be  invoked by ritualfor example by special days of national prayer or  an increased observance of Sundayor made malignant by neglect or  levity。  It is almost fundamental in their idea of him。  The  ordinary Mohammedan seems as confident of this magic pettiness of  God察and the belief of China in the magic propitiations and  resentments of ;Heaven; is at least equally strong。 But the true God as those of the new religion know him is no such  God of luck and intervention。  He is not to serve men's ends or the  ends of nations or associations of men察he is careless of our  ceremonies and invocations。  He does not lose his temper with our  follies and weaknesses。  It is for us to serve Him。  He captains us察 he does not coddle us。  He has his own ends for which he needs  us。 。 。 。


Closely related to this heresy that God is magic察is the heresy that  calls him Providence察that declares the apparent adequacy of cause  and effect to be a sham察and that all the time察incalculably察he is  pulling about the order of events for our personal advantages。 The idea of Providence was very gaily travested by Daudet in  ;Tartarin in the Alps。;  You will remember how Tartarin's friend  assured him that all Switzerland was one great Trust察intent upon  attracting tourists and far too wise and kind to permit them to  venture into real danger察that all the precipices were netted  invisibly察and all the loose rocks guarded against falling察that  avalanches were prearranged spectacles and the crevasses at their  worst slippery ways down into kindly catchment bags。  If the  mountaineer tried to get into real danger he was turned back by  specious excuses。  Inspired by this persuasion Tartarin behaved with  incredible daring。 。 。 。  That is exactly the Providence theory of  the whole world。  There can be no doubt that it does enable many a  timid soul to get through life with a certain recklessness。  And  provided there is no slip into a crevasse察the Providence theory  works well。  It would work altogether well if there were no  crevasses。 Tartarin was reckless because of his faith in Providence察and  escaped。  But what would have happened to him if he had fallen into  a crevasse拭There exists a very touching and remarkable book by Sir Francis  Younghusband called ;Within。; Williams and Norgate察1912。А It is  the confession of a man who lived with a complete confidence in  Providence until he was already well advanced in years。  He went  through battles and campaigns察he filled positions of great honour  and responsibility察he saw much of the life of men察without  altogether losing his faith。  The loss of a child察an Indian famine察 could shake it but not overthrow it。  Then coming back one day from  some races in France察he was knocked down by an automobile and hurt  very cruelly。  He suffered terribly in body and mind。  His  sufferings caused much suffering to others。  He did his utmost to  see the hand of a loving Providence in his and their disaster and  the torment it inflicted察and being a man of sterling honesty and a  fine essential simplicity of mind察he confessed at last that he  could not do so。  His confidence in the benevolent intervention of  God was altogether destroyed。  His book tells of this shattering察 and how labouriously he reconstructed his religion upon less  confident lines。  It is a book typical of an age and of a very  English sort of mind察a book well worth reading。 That he came to a full sense of the true God cannot be asserted察but  how near he came to God察let one quotation witness。

;The existence of an outside Providence察─he writes察 who created  us察who watches over us察and who guides our lives like a Merciful  Father察we have found impossible longer to believe in。  But of the  existence of a Holy Spirit radiating upward through all animate  beings察and finding its fullest expression察in man in love察and in  the flowers in beauty察we can be as certain as of anything in the  world。  This fiery spiritual impulsion at the centre and the source  of things察ever burning in us察is the supremely important factor in  our existence。  It does not always attain to light。  In many  directions it fails察the conditions are too hard and it is utterly  blocked。  In others it only partially succeeds。  But in a few it  bursts forth into radiant light。  There are few who in some heavenly  moment of their lives have not been conscious of its presence。  We  may not be able to give it outward expression察but we know that it  is there。; 。 。 。

God does not guide our feet。  He is no sedulous governess  restraining and correcting the wayward steps of men。  If you would  fly into the air察there is no God to bank your aeroplane correctly  for you or keep an ill´tended engine going察if you would cross a  glacier察no God nor angel guides your steps amidst the slippery  places。  He will not even mind your innocent children for you if you  leave them before an unguarded fire。  Cherish no delusions察for  yourself and others you challenge danger and chance on your own  strength察no talisman察no God察can help you or those you care for。   Nothing of such things will God do察it is an idle dream。  But God  will be with you nevertheless。  In the reeling aeroplane or the dark  ice´cave God will be your courage。  Though you suffer or are killed察 it is not an end。  He will be with you as you face death察he will  die with you as he has died already countless myriads of brave  deaths。  He will come so close to you that at the last you will not  know whether it is you or he who dies察and the present death will be  swallowed up in his victory。


God comes to us within and takes us for his own。  He releases us  from ourselves察he incorporates us with his own undying experience  and adventure察he receives us and gives himself。  He is a stimulant察 he makes us live immortally and more abundantly。  I have compared  him to the sensation of a dear察strong friend who comes and stands  quietly beside one察shoulder to shoulder。 The finding of God is the beginning of service。  It is not an escape  from life and action察it is the release of life and action from the  prison of the mortal self。  Not to realise that察is the heresy of  Quietism察of many mystics。  Commonly such people are people of some  wealth察able to command services for all their everyday needs。  They  make religion a method of indolence。  They turn their backs on the  toil and stresses of existence and give themselves up to a delicious  reverie in which they flirt with the divinity。  They will recount  their privileges and ecstasies察and how ingeniously and wonderfully  God has tried and proved them。  But indeed the true God was not the  lover of Madame Guyon。  The true God is not a spiritual troubadour  wooing the hearts of men and women to no purpose。  The true God goes  through the world like fifes and drums and flags察calling for  recruits along the street。  We must go out to him。  We must accept  his discipline and fight his battle。  The peace of God comes not by  thinking about it but by forgetting oneself in him。


Man is a social animal察and there is in him a great faculty for  moral indignation。  Many of the early Gods were mainly Gods of Fear。   They were more often ;wrath; than not。  Such was the temperament of  the Semitic deity who察as the Hebrew Jehovah察proliferated察perhaps  under the influence of the Alexandrian Serapeum察into the Christian  Trinity and who became also the Moslem God。*  The natural hatred of  unregenerate men against everything that is unlike themselves察 against strange people and cheerful people察against unfamiliar  usages and things they do not understand察embodied itself in this  conception of a malignant and pa

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