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d the morning star of  creedless faith察the last and brightest of the stars察the star that  owes its light to the coming sun is in the sky。 There is a stirring and a movement。  There is a stir察like the stir  before a breeze。  Men are beginning to speak of religion without the  bluster of the Christian formulae察they have begun to speak of God  without any reference to Omnipresence察Omniscience察Omnipotence。   The Deists and Theists of an older generation察be it noted察never  did that。  Their ;Supreme Being; repudiated nothing。  He was merely  the whittled stump of the Trinity。  It is in the last few decades  that the western mind has slipped loose from this absolutist  conception of God that has dominated the intelligence of Christendom  at least察for many centuries。  Almost unconsciously the new thought  is taking a course that will lead it far away from the moorings of  Omnipotence。  It is like a ship that has slipped its anchors and  drifts察still sleeping察under the pale and vanishing stars察out to  the open sea。 。 。 。


In quite a little while the whole world may be alive with this  renascent faith。 For emancipation from the Trinitarian formularies and from a belief  in an infinite God means not merely a great revivification of minds  trained under the decadence of orthodox Christianity察minds which  have hitherto been hopelessly embarrassed by the choice between  pseudo´Christian religion or denial察but also it opens the way  towards the completest understanding and sympathy and participation  with the kindred movements for release and for an intensification of  the religious life察that are going on outside the sphere of the  Christian tradition and influence altogether。  Allusion has already  been made to the sympathetic devotional poetry of Rabindranath  Tagore察he stands for a movement in Brahminism parallel with and  assimilable to the worship of the true God of mankind。 It is too often supposed that the religious tendency of the East is  entirely towards other´worldness察to a treatment of this life as an  evil entanglement and of death as a release and a blessing。  It is  too easily assumed that Eastern teaching is wholly concerned with  renunciation察not merely of self but of being察with the escape from  all effort of any sort into an exalted vacuity。  This is indeed  neither the spirit of China nor of Islam nor of the every´day life  of any people in the world。  It is not the spirit of the Sikh nor of  these newer developments of Hindu thought。  It has never been the  spirit of Japan。  To´day less than ever does Asia seem disposed to  give up life and the effort of life。  Just as readily as Europeans察 do the Asiatics reach out their arms to that fuller life we can  live察that greater intensity of existence察to which we can attain by  escaping from ourselves。  All mankind is seeking God。  There is not  a nation nor a city in the globe where men are not being urged at  this moment by the spirit of God in them towards the discovery of  God。  This is not an age of despair but an age of hope in Asia as in  all the world besides。 Islam is undergoing a process of revision closely parallel to that  which ransacks Christianity。  Tradition and mediaeval doctrines are  being thrust aside in a similar way。  There is much probing into the  spirit and intention of the Founder。  The time is almost ripe for a  heart´searching Dialogue of the Dead察 How we settled our religions  for ever and ever察─between察let us say察Eusebius of Caesarea and  one of Nizam´al´Mulk's tame theologians。  They would be drawn  together by the same tribulations察they would be in the closest  sympathy against the temerity of the moderns察they would have a  common courtliness。  The Quran is but little read by Europeans察it  is ignorantly supposed to contain many things that it does not  contain察there is much confusion in people's minds between its text  and the ancient Semitic traditions and usages retained by its  followers察in places it may seem formless and barbaric察but what it  has chiefly to tell of is the leadership of one individualised  militant God who claims the rule of the whole world察who favours  neither rank nor race察who would lead men to righteousness。  It is  much more free from sacramentalism察from vestiges of the ancient  blood sacrifice察and its associated sacerdotalism察than  Christianity。  The religion that will presently sway mankind can be  reached more easily from that starting´point than from the confused  mysteries of Trinitarian theology。  Islam was never saddled with a  creed。  With the very name ;Islam; submission to God there is no  quarrel for those who hold the new faith。 。 。 。 All the world over there is this stirring in the dry bones of the  old beliefs。  There is scarcely a religion that has not its Bahaism察 its Modernists察its Brahmo Somaj察its ;religion without theology察─ its attempts to escape from old forms and hampering associations to  that living and world´wide spiritual reality upon which the human  mind almost instinctively insists。 。 。 。 It is the same God we all seek察he becomes more and more plainly the  same God。 So that all this religious stir察which seems so multifold and  incidental and disconnected and confused and entirely ineffective  to´day察may be and most probably will be察in quite a few years a  great flood of religious unanimity pouring over and changing all  human affairs察sweeping away the old priesthoods and tabernacles and  symbols and shrines察the last crumb of the Orphic victim and the  last rag of the Serapeum察and turning all men about into one  direction察as the ships and houseboats swing round together in some  great river with the uprush of the tide。 。 。 。


Among those who are beginning to realise the differences and  identities of the revived religion that has returned to them察 certain questions of organisation and assembly are being discussed。   Every new religious development is haunted by the precedents of the  religion it replaces察and it was only to be expected that among  those who have recovered their faith there should be a search for  apostles and disciples察an attempt to determine sources and to form  original congregations察especially among people with European  traditions。 These dispositions mark a relapse from understanding。  They are  imitative。  This time there has been no revelation here or there察 there is no claim to a revelation but simply that God has become  visible。  Men have thought and sought until insensibly the fog of  obsolete theology has cleared away。  There seems no need therefore  for special teachers or a special propaganda察or any ritual or  observances that will seem to insist upon differences。  The  Christian precedent of a church is particularly misleading。  The  church with its sacraments and its sacerdotalism is the disease of  Christianity。  Save for a few doubtful interpolations there is no  evidence that Christ tolerated either blood sacrifices or the  mysteries of priesthood。  All these antique grossnesses were  superadded after his martyrdom。  He preached not a cult but a  gospel察he sent out not medicine men but apostles。 No doubt all who believe owe an apostolic service to God。  They  become naturally apostolic。  As men perceive and realise God察each  will be disposed in his own fashion to call his neighbour's  attention to what he sees。  The necessary elements of religion could  be written on a post card察this book察small as it is察bulks large  not by what it tells positively but because it deals with  misconceptions。  We may little doubt have I that we do need  special propagandas and organisations to discuss errors and keep  back the jungle of false ideas察to maintain free speech and restrain  the enterprise of the persecutor察but we do not want a church to  keep our faith for us。  We want our faith spread察but for that there  is no need for orthodoxies and controlling organisations of  statement。  It is for each man to follow his own impulse察and to  speak to his like in his own fashion。 Whatever religious congregations men may form henceforth in the name  of the true God must be for their own sakes and not to take charge  of religion。 The history of Christianity察with its encrustation and suffocation  in dogmas and usages察its dire persecutions of the faithful by the  unfaithful察its desiccation and its unlovely decay察its invasion by  robes and rites and all the tricks and vices of the Pharisees whom  Christ detested and denounced察is full of warning against the  dangers of a church。  Organisation is an excellent thing for the  material needs of men察for the draining of towns察the marshalling of  traffic察the collecting of eggs察and the carrying of letters察the  distribution of bread察the notification of measles察for hygiene and  economics and suchlike affairs。  The better we organise such things察 the freer and better equipped we leave men's minds for nobler  purposes察for those adventures and experiments towards God's purpose  which are the reality of life。  But all organisations must be  watched察for whatever is organised can be ;captured; and misused。   Repentance察moreover察is the beginning and essential of the  religious life察and organisations acting thr

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