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小说: kwaidan 字数: 每页4000字

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 Evil winds from the West are blowing over Horai; and the magical

atmosphere; alas! is shrinking away before them。 It lingers now in patches

only; and bands; like those long bright bands of cloud that train across

the landscapes of Japanese painters。 Under these shreds of the elfish vapor

you still can find Horai  but not everywhere。。。 Remember that Horai is

also called Shinkiro; which signifies Mirage; the Vision of the

Intangible。 And the Vision is fading; never again to appear save in

pictures and poems and dreams。。。




Would that I could hope for the luck of that Chinese scholar known to

Japanese literature as 〃Rosan〃! For he was beloved by two spirit…maidens;

celestial sisters; who every ten days came to visit him and to tell him

stories about butterflies。 Now there are marvelous Chinese stories about

butterflies  ghostly stories; and I want to know them。 But never shall I

be able to read Chinese; nor even Japanese; and the little Japanese poetry

that I manage; with exceeding difficulty; to translate; contains so many

allusions to Chinese stories of butterflies that I am tormented with the

torment of Tantalus。。。 And; of course; no spirit…maidens will even deign to

visit so skeptical a person as myself。

I want to know; for example; the whole story of that Chinese maiden whom

the butterflies took to be a flower; and followed in multitude; so

fragrant and so fair was she。 Also I should like to know something more

concerning the butterflies of the Emperor Genso; or Ming Hwang; who made

them choose his loves for him。。。 He used to hold wine…parties in his

amazing garden; and ladies of exceeding beauty were in attendance; and

caged butterflies; se free among them; would fly to the fairest; and then;

upon that fairest the Imperial favor was bestowed。 But after Genso Kotei

had seen Yokihi (whom the Chinese call Yang…Kwei…Fei); he would not suffer

the butterflies to choose for him; which was unlucky; as Yokihi got him

into serious trouble。。。 Again; I should like to know more about the

experience of that Chinese scholar; celebrated in Japan under the name

Soshu; who dreamed that he was a butterfly; and had all the sensations of a

butterfly in that dream。 For his spirit had really been wandering about in

the shape of a butterfly; and; when he awoke; the memories and the feelings

of butterfly existence remained so vivid in his mind that he could not act

like a human being。。。 Finally I should like to know the text of a certain

Chinese official recognition of sundry butterflies as the spirits of an

Emperor and of his attendants。。。

Most of the Japanese literature about butterflies; excepting some poetry;

appears to be of Chinese origin; and even that old national aesthetic

feeling on the subject; which found such delightful expression in Japanese

art and song and custom; may have been first developed under Chinese

teaching。 Chinese precedent doubtless explains why Japanese poets and

painters chose so often for their geimyo; or professional appellations;

such names as Chomu (〃Butterfly…Dream);〃 Icho (〃Solitary Butterfly);〃 etc。

And even to this day such geimyo as Chohana (〃Butterfly…Blossom〃); Chokichi

(〃Butterfly…Luck〃); or Chonosuke (〃Butterfly…Help〃); are affected by

dancing…girls。 Besides artistic names having reference to butterflies;

there are still in use real personal names (yobina) of this kind; such as

Kocho; or Cho; meaning 〃Butterfly。〃 They are borne by women only; as a

rule; though there are some strange exceptions。。。 And here I may mention

that; in the province of Mutsu; there still exists the curious old custom

of calling the youngest daughter in a family Tekona; which quaint word;

obsolete elsewhere; signifies in Mutsu dialect a butterfly。 In classic time

this word signified also a beautiful woman。。。

It is possible also that some weird Japanese beliefs about butterflies are

of Chinese derivation; but these beliefs might be older than China herself。

The most interesting one; I think; is that the soul of a living person may

wander about in the form of a butterfly。 Some pretty fancies have been

evolved out of this belief; such as the notion that if a butterfly enters

your guest…room and perches behind the bamboo screen; the person whom you

most love is coming to see you。 That a butterfly may be the spirit of

somebody is not a reason for being afraid of it。 Nevertheless there are

times when even butterflies can inspire fear by appearing in prodigious

numbers; and Japanese history records such an event。 When Taira…no…Masakado

was secretly preparing for his famous revolt; there appeared in Kyoto so

vast a swarm of butterflies that the people were frightened; thinking the

apparition to be a portent of coming evil。。。 Perhaps those butterflies were

supposed to be the spirits of the thousands doomed to perish in battle; and

agitated on the eve of war by some mysterious premonition of death。

However; in Japanese belief; a butterfly may be the soul of a dead person

as well as of a living person。 Indeed it is a custom of souls to take

butterfly…shape in order to announce the fact of their final departure from

the body; and for this reason any butterfly  which enters a house ought to

be kindly treated。

To this belief; and to queer fancies connected with it; there are many

allusions in popular drama。 For example; there is a well…known play called

Tonde…deru…Kocho…no…Kanzashi; or; 〃The Flying Hairpin of Kocho。〃 Kocho is a

beautiful person who kills herself because of false accusations and cruel

treatment。 Her would…be avenger long seeks in vain for the author of the

wrong。 But at last the dead woman's hairpin turns into a butterfly; and

serves as a guide to vengeance by hovering above the place where the

villain is hiding。

 Of course those big paper butterflies (o…cho and me…cho) which figure

at weddings must not be thought of as having any ghostly signification。 As

emblems they only express the joy of living union; and the hope that the

newly married couple may pass through life together as a pair of

butterflies flit lightly through some pleasant garden; now hovering

upward; now downward; but never widely separating。


A small selection of hokku (1) on butterflies will help to illustrate

Japanese interest in the aesthetic side of the subject。 Some are pictures

only; tiny color…sketches made with seventeen syllables; some are nothing

more than pretty fancies; or graceful suggestions; but the reader will

find variety。 Probably he will not care much for the verses in themselves。

The taste for Japanese poetry of the epigrammatic sort is a taste that must

be slowly acquired; and it is only by degrees; after patient study; that

the possibilities of such composition can be fairly estimated。 Hasty

criticism has declared that to put forward any serious claim on behalf of

seventeen…syllable poems 〃would be absurd。〃 But what; then; of Crashaw's

famous line upon the miracle at the marriage feast in Cana?

Nympha pudica Deum vidit; et erubuit。 '1'

Only fourteen syllables  and immortality。 Now with seventeen Japanese

syllables things quite as wonderful  indeed; much more wonderful  have

been done; not once or twice; but probably a thousand times。。。 However;

there is nothing wonderful in the following hokku; which have been selected

for more than literary reasons:

     Nugi…kakuru '2'

Haori sugata no

     Kocho kana!

'Like a haori being taken off  that is the shape of a butterfly!'

     Torisashi no

Sao no jama suru

     Kocho kana!

'Ah; the butterfly keeps getting in the way of the bird…catcher's pole! '3''

      Tsurigane ni

Tomarite nemuru

     Kocho kana!

'Perched upon the temple…bell; the butterfly sleeps:'

     Neru…uchi mo

Asobu…yume wo ya 

     Kusa no cho!

'Even while sleeping; its dream is of play  ah; the butterfly of the

grass! '4'

     Oki; oki yo!

Waga tomo ni sen;


'Wake up! wake up!  I will make thee my comrade; thou sleeping

butterfly。 '5''

     Kago no tori

Cho wo urayamu

     Metsuki kana!

'Ah; the sad expression in the eyes of that caged bird!  envying the


     Cho tonde 

Kaze naki hi to mo

     Miezari ki!

'Even though it did not appear to be a windy day; '6' the fluttering of

the butterflies !'

     Rakkwa eda ni

Kaeru to mireba 

     Kocho kana!

'When I saw the fallen flower return to the branch  lo! it was only a

butterfly! '7''

     Chiru…hana ni 

Karusa arasou

     Kocho kana!

'How the butterfly strives to compete in lightness with the falling

flowers! '8''

     Chocho ya!

Onna no michi no

     Ato ya saki!

'See that butterfl

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