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小说: kwaidan 字数: 每页4000字

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At last there came to him a happy thought: he remembered a way by which

the perishing tree might be saved。 (It was the sixteenth day of the first

month。) Along he went into his garden; and bowed down before the withered

tree; and spoke to it; saying: 〃Now deign; I beseech you; once more to

bloom; because I am going to die in your stead。〃 (For it is believed that

one can really give away one's life to another person; or to a creature or

even to a tree; by the favor of the gods; and thus to transfer one's life

is expressed by the term migawari ni tatsu; 〃to act as a substitute。〃) Then

under that tree he spread a white cloth; and divers coverings; and sat down

upon the coverings; and performed hara…kiri after the fashion of a samurai。

And the ghost of him went into the tree; and made it blossom in that same


And every year it still blooms on the sixteenth day of the first month; in

the season of snow。


In the district called Toichi of Yamato Province; (1) there used to live a

goshi named Miyata Akinosuke。。。 'Here I must tell you that in Japanese

feudal times there was a privileged class of soldier…farmers;

free…holders; corresponding to the class of yeomen in England; and these

were called goshi。'

In Akinosuke's garden there was a great and ancient cedar…tree; under

which he was wont to rest on sultry days。 One very warm afternoon he was

sitting under this tree with two of his friends; fellow…goshi; chatting and

drinking wine; when he felt all of a sudden very drowsy; so drowsy that

he begged his friends to excuse him for taking a nap in their presence。

Then he lay down at the foot of the tree; and dreamed this dream:

He thought that as he was lying there in his garden; he saw a procession;

like the train of some great daimyo descending a hill near by; and that he

got up to look at it。 A very grand procession it proved to be; more

imposing than anything of the kind which he had ever seen before; and it

was advancing toward his dwelling。 He observed in the van of it a number of

young men richly appareled; who were drawing a great lacquered

palace…carriage; or gosho…guruma; hung with bright blue silk。 When the

procession arrived within a short distance of the house it halted; and a

richly dressed man  evidently a person of rank  advanced from it;

approached Akinosuke; bowed to him profoundly; and then said:

〃Honored Sir; you see before you a kerai 'vassal' of the Kokuo of Tokoyo。

'1' My master; the King; commands me to greet you in his august name; and

to place myself wholly at your disposal。 He also bids me inform you that he

augustly desires your presence at the palace。 Be therefore pleased

immediately to enter this honorable carriage; which he has sent for your


Upon hearing these words Akinosuke wanted to make some fitting reply; but

he was too much astonished and embarrassed for speech; and in the same

moment his will seemed to melt away from him; so that he could only do as

the kerai bade him。  He entered the carriage; the kerai took a place beside

him; and made a signal; the drawers; seizing the silken ropes; turned the

great vehicle southward; and the journey began。

In a very short time; to Akinosuke's amazement; the carriage stopped in

front of a huge two…storied gateway (romon); of a Chinese style; which he

had never before seen。 Here the kerai dismounted; saying; 〃I go to

announced the honorable arrival;〃 and he disappeared。 After some little

waiting; Akinosuke saw two noble…looking men; wearing robes of purple silk

and high caps of the form indicating lofty rank; come from the gateway。

These; after having respectfully saluted him; helped him to descend from

the carriage; and led him through the great gate and across a vast garden;

to the entrance of a palace whose front appeared to extend; west and east;

to a distance of miles。 Akinosuke was then shown into a reception…room of

wonderful size and splendor。 His guides conducted him to the place of

honor; and respectfully seated themselves apart; while serving…maids; in

costume of ceremony; brought refreshments。 When Akinosuke had partaken of

the refreshments; the two purple…robed attendants bowed low before him; and

addressed him in the following words; each speaking alternately;

according to the etiquette of courts:

〃It is now our honorable duty to inform you。。。 as to the reason of your

having been summoned hither。。。 Our master; the King; augustly desires that

you become his son…in…law;。。。 and it is his wish and command that you shall

wed this very day。。。 the August Princess; his maiden…daughter。。。 We shall

soon conduct you to the presence…chamber。。。 where His Augustness even now

is waiting to receive you。。。 But it will be necessary that we first invest

you。。。 with the appropriate garments of ceremony。〃 '2'

Having thus spoken; the attendants rose together; and proceeded to an

alcove containing a great chest of gold lacquer。 They opened the chest; and

took from it various roes and girdles of rich material; and a kamuri; or

regal headdress。 With these they attired Akinosuke as befitted a princely

bridegroom; and he was then conducted to the presence…room; where he saw

the Kokuo of Tokoyo seated upon the daiza; '3' wearing a high black cap of

state; and robed in robes of yellow silk。 Before the daiza; to left and

right; a multitude of dignitaries sat in rank; motionless and splendid as

images in a temple; and Akinosuke; advancing into their midst; saluted the

king with the triple prostration of usage。 The king greeted him with

gracious words; and then said:

〃You have already been informed as to the reason of your having been

summoned to Our presence。 We have decided that you shall become the adopted

husband of Our only daughter; and the wedding ceremony shall now be


As the king finished speaking; a sound of joyful music was heard; and a

long train of beautiful court ladies advanced from behind a curtain to

conduct Akinosuke to the room in which he bride awaited him。

The room was immense; but it could scarcely contain the multitude of

guests assembled to witness the wedding ceremony。 All bowed down before

Akinosuke as he took his place; facing the King's daughter; on the

kneeling…cushion prepared for him。 As a maiden of heaven the bride appeared

to be; and her robes were beautiful as a summer sky。 And the marriage was

performed amid great rejoicing。

Afterwards the pair were conducted to a suite of apartments that had been

prepared for them in another portion of the palace; and there they received

the congratulations of many noble persons; and wedding gifts beyond


Some days later Akinosuke was again summoned to the throne…room。 On this

occasion he was received even more graciously than before; and the King

said to him:

In the southwestern part of Our dominion there is an island called Raishu。

We have now appointed you Governor of that island。 You will find the people

loyal and docile; but their laws have not yet been brought into proper

accord with the laws of Tokoyo; and their customs have not been properly

regulated。 We entrust you with the duty of improving their social condition

as far as may be possible; and We desire that you shall rule them with

kindness and wisdom。 All preparations necessary for your journey to Raishu

have already been made。〃

So Akinosuke and his bride departed from the palace of Tokoyo; accompanied

to the shore by a great escort of nobles and officials; and they embarked

upon a ship of state provided by the king。 And with favoring winds they

safety sailed to Raishu; and found the good people of that island assembled

upon the beach to welcome them。

Akinosuke entered at once upon his new duties; and they did not prove to

be hard。 During the first three years of his governorship he was occupied

chiefly with the framing and the enactment of laws; but he had wise

counselors to help him; and he never found the work unpleasant。 When it was

all finished; he had no active duties to perform; beyond attending the

rites and ceremonies ordained by ancient custom。 The country was so healthy

and so fertile that sickness and want were unknown; and the people were so

good that no laws were ever broken。 And Akinosuke dwelt and ruled in Raishu

for twenty years more; making in all twenty…three years of sojourn;

during which no shadow of sorrow traversed his life。

But in the twenty…fourth year of his governorship; a great misfortune came

upon him; for his wife; who had borne him seven children; five boys and

two girls; fell sick and died。 She was buried; with high pomp; on the

summit of a beautiful hill in the district of Hanryoko; and a monument;

exceedingly splendid; was placed upon her grave。 But Akinosuke felt such

grief at her death that he no longer ca

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