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heartbreak house-第16节

小说: heartbreak house 字数: 每页4000字

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'but Dunn has vanished'。 We had better all go out and look for
some tea。 We never have regular tea; but you can always get some
when you want: the servants keep it stewing all day。 The kitchen
veranda is the best place to ask。 May I show you? 'She goes to
the starboard door'。

RANDALL 'going with her'。 Thank you; I don't think I'll take any
tea this afternoon。 But if you will show me the garden

MRS HUSHABYE。 There's nothing to see in the garden except papa's
observatory; and a gravel pit with a cave where he keeps dynamite
and things of that sort。 However; it's pleasanter out of doors;
so come along。

RANDALL。 Dynamite! Isn't that rather risky?

MRS HUSHABYE。 Well; we don't sit in the gravel pit when there's a

LADY UTTERORRD。 That's something new。 What is the dynamite for?

HECTOR。 To blow up the human race if it goes too far。 He is
trying to discover a psychic ray that will explode all the
explosive at the well of a Mahatma。

ELLIE。 The captain's tea is delicious; Mr Utterword。

MRS HUSHABYE 'stopping in the doorway'。 Do you mean to say that
you've had some of my father's tea? that you got round him before
you were ten minutes in the house?

ELLIE。 I did。

MRS HUSHABYE。 You little devil! 'She goes out with Randall'。

MANGAN。 Won't you come; Miss Ellie?

ELLIE。 I'm too tired。 I'll take a book up to my room and rest a
little。 'She goes to the bookshelf'。

MANGAN。 Right。 You can't do better。 But I'm disappointed。 'He
follows Randall and Mrs Hushabye'。

Ellie; Hector; and Lady Utterword are left。 Hector is close to
Lady Utterword。 They look at Ellie; waiting for her to go。

ELLIE 'looking at the title of a book'。 Do you like stories of
adventure; Lady Utterword?

LADY UTTERWORD 'patronizingly'。 Of course; dear。

ELLIE。 Then I'll leave you to Mr Hushabye。 'She goes out through
the hall'。

HECTOR。 That girl is mad about tales of adventure。 The lies I
have to tell her!

LADY UTTERWORD 'not interested in Ellie'。 When you saw me what
did you mean by saying that you thought; and then stopping short?
What did you think?

HECTOR 'folding his arms and looking down at her magnetically'。
May I tell you?


HECTOR。 It will not sound very civil。 I was on the point of
saying; 〃I thought you were a plain woman。〃

LADY UTTERWORD。 Oh; for shame; Hector! What right had you to
notice whether I am plain or not?

HECTOR。 Listen to me; Ariadne。 Until today I have seen only
photographs of you; and no photograph can give the strange
fascination of the daughters of that supernatural old man。 There
is some damnable quality in them that destroys men's moral sense;
and carries them beyond honor and dishonor。 You know that; don't

LADY UTTERWORD。 Perhaps I do; Hector。 But let me warn you once
for all that I am a rigidly conventional woman。 You may think
because I'm a Shotover that I'm a Bohemian; because we are all so
horribly Bohemian。 But I'm not。 I hate and loathe Bohemianism。 No
child brought up in a strict Puritan household ever suffered from
Puritanism as I suffered from our Bohemianism。

HECTOR。 Our children are like that。 They spend their holidays in
the houses of their respectable schoolfellows。

LADY UTTERWORD。 I shall invite them for Christmas。

HECTOR。 Their absence leaves us both without our natural

LADY UTTERWORD。 Children are certainly very inconvenient
sometimes。 But intelligent people can always manage; unless they
are Bohemians。

HECTOR。 You are no Bohemian; but you are no Puritan either: your
attraction is alive and powerful。 What sort of woman do you count

LADY UTTERWORD。 I am a woman of the world; Hector; and I can
assure you that if you will only take the trouble always to do
the perfectly correct thing; and to say the perfectly correct
thing; you can do just what you like。 An ill…conducted; careless
woman gets simply no chance。 An ill…conducted; careless man is
never allowed within arm's length of any woman worth knowing。

HECTOR。 I see。 You are neither a Bohemian woman nor a Puritan
woman。 You are a dangerous woman。

LADY UTTERWORD。 On the contrary; I am a safe woman。

HECTOR。 You are a most accursedly attractive woman。 Mind; I am
not making love to you。 I do not like being attracted。 But you
had better know how I feel if you are going to stay here。

LADY UTTERWORD。 You are an exceedingly clever lady…killer;
Hector。 And terribly handsome。 I am quite a good player; myself;
at that game。 Is it quite understood that we are only playing?

HECTOR。 Quite。 I am deliberately playing the fool; out of sheer

LADY UTTERWORD 'rising brightly'。 Well; you are my
brother…in…law; Hesione asked you to kiss me。 'He seizes her in
his arms and kisses her strenuously'。 Oh! that was a little more
than play; brother…in…law。 'She pushes him suddenly away'。 You
shall not do that again。

HECTOR。 In effect; you got your claws deeper into me than I

MRS HUBHABYE 'coming in from the garden'。 Don't let me disturb
you; I only want a cap to put on daddiest。 The sun is setting;
and he'll catch cold 'she makes for the door leading to the

LADY UTTERWORD。 Your husband is quite charming; darling。 He has
actually condescended to kiss me at last。 I shall go into the
garden: it's cooler now 'she goes out by the port door'。

MRS HUSHABYE。 Take care; dear child。 I don't believe any man can
kiss Addy without falling in love with her。 'She goes into the

HECTOR 'striking himself on the chest'。 Fool! Goat!

Mrs Hushabye comes back with the captain's cap。

HECTOR。 Your sister is an extremely enterprising old girl。
Where's Miss Dunn!

MRS HUSHABYE。 Mangan says she has gone up to her room for a nap。
Addy won't let you talk to Ellie: she has marked you for her own。

HECTOR。 She has the diabolical family fascination。 I began making
love to her automatically。 What am I to do? I can't fall in love;
and I can't hurt a woman's feelings by telling her so when she
falls in love with me。 And as women are always falling in love
with my moustache I get landed in all sorts of tedious and
terrifying flirtations in which I'm not a bit in earnest。

MRS HUSHABYE。 Oh; neither is Addy。 She has never been in love in
her life; though she has always been trying to fall in head over
ears。 She is worse than you; because you had one real go at
least; with me。

HECTOR。 That was a confounded madness。 I can't believe that such
an amazing experience is common。 It has left its mark on me。 I
believe that is why I have never been able to repeat it。

MRS HUSHABYE 'laughing and caressing his arm'。 We were
frightfully in love with one another; Hector。 It was such an
enchanting dream that I have never been able to grudge it to you
or anyone else since。 I have invited all sorts of pretty women to
the house on the chance of giving you another turn。 But it has
never come off。

HECTOR。 I don't know that I want it to come off。 It was damned
dangerous。 You fascinated me; but I loved you; so it was heaven。
This sister of yours fascinates me; but I hate her; so it is
hell。 I shall kill her if she persists。

MRS。 HUSHABYE。 Nothing will kill Addy; she is as strong as a
horse。 'Releasing him'。 Now I am going off to fascinate somebody。

HECTOR。 The Foreign Office toff? Randall?

MRS HUSHABYE。 Goodness gracious; no! Why should I fascinate him?

HECTOR。 I presume you don't mean the bloated capitalist; Mangan?

MRS HUSHABYE。 Hm! I think he had better be fascinated by me than
by Ellie。 'She is going into the garden when the captain comes in
from it with some sticks in his hand'。 What have you got there;


MRS HUSHABYE。 You've been to the gravel pit。 Don't drop it about
the house; there's a dear。 'She goes into the garden; where the
evening light is now very red'。

HECTOR。 Listen; O sage。 How long dare you concentrate on a
feeling without risking having it fixed in your consciousness all
the rest of your life?

CAPTAIN SHOTOVER。 Ninety minutes。 An hour and a half。 'He goes
into the pantry'。

Hector; left alone; contracts his brows; and falls into a
day…dream。 He does not move for some time。 Then he folds his
arms。 Then; throwing his hands behind him; and gripping one with
the other; he strides tragically once to and fro。 Suddenly he
snatches his walking stick from the teak table; and draws it; for
it is a swordstick。 He fights a desperate duel with an imaginary
antagonist; and after many vicissitudes runs him through the body
up to the hilt。 He sheathes his sword and throws it on the sofa;
falling into another reverie as he does so。 He looks straight
into the eyes of an imaginary woman; seizes her by the arms; and
says in a deep and thrilling tone; 〃Do you love me!〃 The captain
comes out of the pantry at this moment; and Hector; caught with
his arms stretched out and his fists clenched; has to account for
his attitude by going through a series of gymnastic exercises。

CAPTAIN SHOTOVER。 That sort of strength is no good。 You will
never be as strong as a gorilla。

HECTOR。 What is the dynamite for?

CAPTAIN SHOTOVER。 To kill fellows like Mangan。

HECTOR。 No use。 They will 

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