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history of friedrich ii of prussia v 16-第41节

小说: history of friedrich ii of prussia v 16 字数: 每页4000字

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 the meaning of it?〃and among others; to the above scandalous rumor; as some solacement to human malice and impertinent curiosity。   2。 That an opposite rumorwhich would indeed have been pretty fatal to this one; but perhaps still more disgraceful in the eyes of a Demon Newswriterwas equally current; and was much elaborated by the curious impertinent。 Till Nicolai got hold of it; in Herr Dr。 Zimmermann's responsible hands; and conclusively knocked it on the head。 'See Zimmermann's  Fragmente;  and Nicolai patiently pounding it to powder (whoever is curious on this disgusting subject)。'   3〃。 That; for me; proof in the affirmative; or probable indication that way; has not anywhere turned up。 Nowhere for me; in these extensive minings and siftings。 Not the least of probable indication; but contrariwise; here and there; rather definite indications pointing directly the opposite way。 'For example (〃CORRESPONDENCE WITH FREDERSDORF〃);  OEuvres;  xxvii。 iii。 145。' Friedrich; in his own utterances and occasional rhymes; is abundantly cynical; now and then rises to a kind of epic cynicism; on this very matter。 But at no time can the painful critic call it cynicism as of OTHER than an observer; always a kind of vinegar cleanness in it; EXCEPT in theory。 Cynicism of an impartial observer in a dirty element; observer epically sensible (when provoked to it) of the brutal contemptibilities which lie in Human Life; alongside of its big struttings and pretensions。 In Friedrich's utterances there is that kind of cynicism undeniable;and yet he had a modesty almost female in regard to his own person; 〃no servant having ever seen him in an exposed state。〃 'Preuss; i。 376。' Which had considerably strengthened rumor No。 2。 O ye poor impious Long…eared;Long…eared I will call you; instead of Two…horned and with only One hoof cloven! Among the tragical platitudes of Human Nature; nothing so fills a considering brother mortal with sorrow and despair; as this innate tendency of the common crowd in regard to its Great Men; whensoever; or almost whensoever; the Heavens do; at long intervals; vouchsafe us; as their all…including blessing; anything of such! Practical 〃BLASPHEMY;〃 is it not; if you reflect? Strangely possible that sin; even now。 And ought to be religiously abhorred by every soul that has the least piety or nobleness。 Act not the mutinous flunky; my friend; though there be great wages going in that line。   4。 That in these circumstances; and taking into view the otherwise known qualities of this high Fellow…Creature; the present Editor does not; for his own share; value the rumor at a pin's fee。 And leaves it; and recommends his readers to leave it; hanging by its own head; in the sad subterranean regions;till (probably not for a long while yet) it drop to a far Deeper and dolefuler Region; out of our way altogether。

〃Lamentable; yes;〃 comments Diogenes; 〃and especially so; that the idle public has a hankering for such things! But are there no obscene details at all; then? grumbles the disappointed idle public to itself; something of reproach in its tone。 A public idle…minded; much depraved in every way。 Thus; too; you will observe of dogs: two dogs; at meeting; run; first of all; to the shameful parts of the constitution; institute a strict examination; more or less satisfactory; in that department。 That once settled; their interest in ulterior matters seems pretty much to die away; and they are ready to part again; as from a problem done。〃Enough; oh; enough!

Practically we are getting no good of our Demon;and will dismiss him; after a taste or two more。

This Demon Newswriter has; evidently; never been to Potsdam; which he figures as the abode of horrid cruelty; a kind of Tartarus on Earth;where there is a dreadful scarcity of women; for one item; lamentable to one's moral feelings。 Scarcity nothing like so great; even among the soldier…classes; as the Demon Newswriter imagines to himself; nor productive of the results lamented。 Prussian soldiers are not encouraged to marry; if it will hurt the service; nor do their wives march with the Regiment except in such proportions as there may be sewing; washing and the like women's work fairly wanted in their respective Companies: the Potsdam First Battalion; I understand; is hardly permitted to marry at all。 And in regard to lamentable results; that of 〃LIEBSTEN…SCHEINE; Sweetheart…TICKETS;〃or actual military legalizing of Temporary Marriages; with regular privileges attached; and fixed rules to be observed;might perhaps be the notablest point; and the SEMI… lamentablest; to a man or demon in the habit of lamenting。 'Preuss; i。 426。' For the rest; a considerably dreadful place this Potsdam; to the flaccid; esurient and disorderly of mankind;〃and strict as Fate 'Demon correct for once' in inexorably punishing military sins。

〃This King;〃 he says; 〃has a great deal of ESPRIT; much less of real; knowledge (CONNAISSANCES) than is pretended。 He excels only in the military part; really excellent there。 Has a facile expeditious pen and head; understands what you say to him; at the first word。 Not taking nor wishing advice; never suffering replies or remonstrances; not even from his Mother。 Pretty well acquainted with Works of ESPRIT; whether in Prose or in Verse: burning 'very hot indeed' to distinguish himself by performance of that kind; but unable to reach the Beautiful; unless held up by somebody (ETAYE)。 It is said that; in a splenetic moment; his Skeleton of an Apollo 'SQUELETTE D'APOLLON; M。 de Voltaire; who is lean exceedingly' exclaimed once; some time ago; 'When is it; then; that he will have done sending me his dirty linen to wash?'

〃The King is of a sharp mocking tongue withal; pricking into whoever displeases him; often careless of policy in that。 Understands nothing of Finance; or still less of Trade; always looking direct towards more money; which he loves much; incapable of sowing 'as some of US do!' for a distant harvest。 Treats; almost all the world as slaves。 All his subjects are held in hard shackles。 Rigorous for the least shortcoming; where his interest is hurt:never pardons any fault which tends to inexactitude in the Military Service。 Spandau very full;〃though I did not myself count。 〃Keeps in his pay nobody but those useful to him; and capable of doing employments well 'TRUE; ALWAYS'; and the instant he has no more need of them; dismissing them with nothing 'FALSE; GENERALLY'。 The Subsidies imposed on his subjects are heavy; in constant proportion to their Feudal Properties; and their Leases of Domains (CONTRATS ET BAUX); and; what is dreadful; are exacted with the same rigor if your Property gets into debt;〃no remission by the iron grip of this King in the name of the State! Sell; if you can find a Purchaser; or get confiscated altogether; that is your only remedy。 Surely a tyrant of a King。

〃People who get nearest him will tell you that his Politeness is not natural; but a remnant of old habit; when he had need of everybody; against the persecutions of his Father。 He respects his Mother; the only Female for whom he has a sort of attention。 He esteems his Wife; and cannot endure her; has been married nineteen years; and has not yet addressed one word to her 'how true!'。 It was but a few days ago she handed him a Letter; petitioning some things of which she had the most pressing want。 He took the Letter; with that smiling; polite and gracious air which he assumes at pleasure; and without breaking the seal; tore the Letter up before her face; made her a profound bow; and turned his back on her。〃 Was there ever such a Pluto varnished into Literary Rose…pink? Very proper Majesty for the Tartarus that here is。

。。。 〃The Queen…Mother;〃 continues our Small Devil; 〃is a good fat woman; who lives and moves in her own way (RONDEMENT)。 She has l6;000 pounds a year for keeping up her House。 It is said she hoards。 Four days in the week she has Apartment 'Royal Soiree'; to which you cannot go without express invitation。 There is supper… table of twenty…four covers; only eight dishes; served in a shabby manner (INDECEMMENT) by six little scoundrels of Pages。 Men and women of the Country 'shivering Natives; cheering their dull abode' go and eat there。 Steward Royal sends the invitations。 At eleven; everybody has withdrawn。 Other days; this Queen eats by herself。 Stewardess Royal and three Maids of Honor have their separate table; two dishes the whole。 She is shabbily lodged 'in my opinion'; when at the Palace。 Her Monbijou; which is close to Berlin 'now well within it'; would be pretty enough; for a private person。

〃The Queen Regnant is the best woman in the world。 All the year 'NOT QUITE' she dines alone。 Has Apartment on Thursdays; everybody gone at nine o'clock。 Her morsels are cut for her; her steps are counted; and her words are dictated; she is miserable; and does what she can to hide it〃according to our Small Devil。 〃She has scarcely the necessaries of life allowed her;〃spends regularly two…thirds of her income in charitable objects; translates French…Calvinist Devotional Works; for benefit of the German mind; and complains to no Small Devil; of never so sympathizing nature。 〃At Court she is lodged on the second floor 'scandalous'。 Schonha

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