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history of friedrich ii of prussia v 16-第4节

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in this Period of TEN…YEARS PEACE; and in which mankind still take interest; we purpose mostly to devote ourselves here。

Ten years of a great King's life; ten busy years too; and nothing visible in them; of main significance; but a crash of Author's Quarrels; and the Crowning Visit of Voltaire? Truly yes; reader; so it has been ordered。 Innumerable high…dressed gentlemen; gods of this lower world; are gone all to inorganic powder; no comfortable or profitable memory to be held of them more; and this poor Voltaire; without implement except the tongue and brain of him;he is still a shining object to all the populations; and they say and symbol to me; 〃Tell us of him! He is the man!〃 Very strange indeed。 Changed times since; for dogs barking at the heels of him; and lions roaring ahead;for Asses of Mirepoix; for foul creatures in high dizenment; and foul creatures who were hungry valets of the same;this man could hardly get the highways walked! And indeed had to keep his eyes well open; and always have covert within reach;under pain of being torn to pieces; while he went about in the flesh; or rather in the bones; poor lean being。 Changed times; within the Century last past! For indeed there was in that man what far transcends all dizenment; and temporary potency over valets; over legions; treasure…vaults and dim millions mostly blockhead: a spark of Heaven's own lucency; a gleam from the Eternities (in small measure);which becomes extremely noticeable when the Dance is over; when your tallow…dips and wax…lights are burnt out; and the brawl of the night is gone to bed。

                           Chapter II。


Public European affairs require little remembrance; the War burning well to leeward of us henceforth。 A huge world of smoky chaos; the special fires of it; if there be anything of fire; are all the more clear far in the distance。 Of which sort; and of which only; the reader is to have notice。 Marechal de SaxeKing Louis oftenest personally there; to give his name and countenance to things done is very glorious in the Netherlands; captures; sometimes by surprisal; place after place (beautiful surprisal of Brussels last winter); with sieges of Antwerp; Mons; Charleroi; victoriously following upon Brussels: and; before the end of 1746; he is close upon Holland itself; intent on having Namur and Maestricht; for which the poor Sea…Powers; with a handful of Austrians; fight two Battles; and are again beaten both times。 '1。 Battle of Roucoux; 11th October; 1746; Prince Karl commanding; English taking mainly the stress of fight;Saxe having already outwitted poor Karl; and got Namur。 2。 Battle of Lawfelt; or Lauffeld; called also of VAL; 2d July; 1747; Royal Highness of Cumberland commanding (and taking most of the stress; Ligonier made prisoner; &c。);Dutch fighting ill; and Bathyani and his Austrians hardly in the fire at all。' A glorious; ever…victorious Marechal; and has an Army very 〃high…toned;〃 in more than one sense: indeed; I think; one of the loudest…toned Armies ever on the field before。 Loud not with well… served Artillery alone; but with play…actor Thunder…barrels (always an itinerant Theatre attends); with gasconading talk; with orgies; debaucheries;busy service of the Devil; AND pleasant consciousness that we are Heaven's masterpiece; and are in perfect readiness to die at any moment;our ELASTICITY and agility (〃ELAN〃 as we call it) well kept up; in that manner; for the time being。

Hungarian Majesty; contrary to hope; neglects the Netherlands; 〃Holland and England; for their own sake; will manage there!〃and directs all her resources; and her lately Anti…Prussian Armies (General Browne leading them) upon Italy; as upon the grand interest now。 Little to the comfort of the Sea…Powers。 But Hungarian Majesty is decided to cut in upon the French and Spaniards; in that fine Country;who had been triumphing too much of late; Maillebois and Senor de Gages doing their mutual exploits (though given to quarrel); Don Philip wintering in Milan even (1745…1746); and the King of Sardinia getting into French courses again。

Strong cuts her Hungarian Majesty does inflict; on the Italian side; tumbles Infant Philip out of Milan and his Carnival gayeties; in plenty of hurry; besieges Genoa; Marquis Botta d'Adorno (our old acquaintance Botta) her siege…captain; a native of this region; brings back the wavering Sardinian Majesty; captures Genoa; and much else。 Captures Genoa; we say;had not Botta been too rigorous on his countrymen; and provoked a revolt again; Revolt of Genoa; which proved difficult to settle。 In fine; Hungarian Majesty has; in the course of this year 1746; with aid of the reconfirmed Sardinian Majesty; satisfactorily beaten the French and Spaniards。 Hasafter two murderous Battles gained over the Maillebois…Gages peopledriven both French and Spaniards into corners; Maillebois altogether home again across the Var;nay has descended in actual Invasion upon France itself。 And; before New…year's day; 1747; General Browne is busy besieging Antibes; aided by English Seventy… fours; so that 〃sixty French Battalions〃 have to hurry home; from winter…quarters; towards those Provencal Countries; and Marechal de Belleisle; who commands there; has his hands full。 Triumphant enough her Hungarian Majesty; in Italy; while in the Netherlands; the poor Sea…Powers have met with no encouragement from the Fates or her。 '〃Battle of Piacenza〃 (Prince Lichtenstein; with whom is Browne; VERSUS Gages and Maillebois); 16th June; 1746 (ADELUNG; v。 427); 〃Battle of Rottofreddo〃 (Botta chief Austrian there; and our old friend Barenklau getting killed there); 12th August; 1746 (IB。 462); whereupon; 7th SEPTEMBER; Genoa (which had declared itself Anti…Austrian latterly; not without cause; and brought the tug of War into those parts) is coerced by Botta to open its gates; on grievous terms (IB。 484…489); so that; NOVEMBER 30th; Browne; no Bourbon Army now on the field; enters Provence (crosses the Var; that day); and tries Antibes: 5th…11th DECEMBER; Popular Revolt in Genoa; and Expulsion of proud Botta and his Austrians (IB。 518…523); upon which surprising event (which could not be mended during the remainder of the War); Browne's enterprise became impossible。 See Buonamici;  Histoire de la derniere Revolution de Genes;  Adelung; v。 516; vi。 31; &c。 &c。' All which the reader may keep imagining at his convenience;but will be glad rather; for the present; to go with us for an actual look at M。 de Voltaire and the divine Emilie; whom we have not seen for a long time。 Not much has happened in the interim; one or two things only which it can concern us to know;scattered fragments of memorial; on the way thus far:

1。 M。 DE VOLTAIRE HAS; IN 1745; MADE WAY AT COURT。 Divine Emilie picked up her Voltaire from that fine Diplomatic course; and went home with him out of our sight; in the end of 1743; the Diplomatic career gradually declaring itself barred to him thenceforth。 Since which; nevertheless; he has had his successes otherwise; especially in his old Literary course: on the whole; brighter sunshine than usual; though never without tempestuous clouds attending。 Goes about; with his divine Emilie; now wearing browner and leaner; both of them; and takes the good and evil of life; mostly in a quiet manner; sensible that afternoon is come。

The thrice…famous Pompadour; who had been known to him in the Chrysalis state; did not forget him on becoming Head…Butterfly of the Universe。 By her help; one long wish of his soul was gratified; and did not hunger or thirst any more。 Some uncertain footing at Court; namely; was at length vouchsafed him:uncertain; for the Most Christian Majesty always rather shuddered under those carbuncle eyes; under that voice 〃sombre and majestious;〃 with such turns lying in it:some uncertain footing at Court; and from the beginning of 1745; his luck; in the Court spheres; began to mount in a wonderful and world…evident manner。 On grounds tragically silly; as he thought them。 On the Dauphin's Wedding;a Termagant's Infanta coming hither as Dauphiness; at this time;there needed to be Court…shows; Dramaticules; Transparencies; Feasts of Lanterns; or I know not what。 Voltaire was the chosen man; Voltaire and Rameau (readers have heard of RAMEAU'S NEPHEW; and musical readers still esteem Rameau) did their feat; we may think with what perfection; with what splendor of reward。 Alas; and the feat done was; to one of the parties; so unspeakably contemptible! Voltaire pensively surveying Life; brushes the sounding strings; and hums to himself; the carbuncle eyes carrying in them almost something of wet:         〃MON Henri Quatre ET MA Zaire;          ET MON AMERICAIN Alzire;          NE M'ONT VALU JAMAIS UN SEUL REGARD DU ROI;          J'AVAIS MILLE ENNEMIS AVEC TRES PEU DE GLOIRE:          LES HONNEURS ET LES BIENS PLEUVENT ENFIN SUR MOI                 POUR UN FARCE DE LA FOIRE。〃  '〃My HENRI QUATRE; my ZAIRE; my ALZIRE 'high works very many'; could never purchase me a single glance of the King; I had multitudes of enemies; and very little fame:honors and riches rain on me; at last; for a Farce of the Fair〃 ( OE

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