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captains of the civil war-第32节

小说: captains of the civil war 字数: 每页4000字

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ttempt to pursue an army drawn up in line of battle。 Moreover; Jackson's position was not only strong in itself but well adapted for giving attackers a shattering surprise。 The left rested on Bull Run at Sudley Ford。 The center occupied the edge of the flat…topped Stony Ridge。 A quarter…mile in front of it; and some way lower down; were the embankments and cuttings of an unfinished railroad。 On the right was Stuart's Hill; where Lee was to join by sending Longstreet in。 The approaches in rear were hidden from the eyes of an enemy in front。 The cuttings and embankments made excellent field works for the defense。 And the forward edge of the Ridge was wooded enough to let counter…attackers mass under cover and then run down to surprise the attackers by manning the cuttings and embankments。

Sigel's Germans; supported by the splendid Pennsylvanians under Reynolds; advanced from the Henry Hill to hold Jackson till Pope could come up and finish him。 The numbers were about even; with slight odds in favor of Jackson。 But the shock was delivered piecemeal。 Each part was roughly handled and driven back in disorder。 And by the time Reynolds had come to the front Lee's advanced guard was arriving。 Then eighteen thousand Federals marched in from Centreville under Reno; Kearny; and 〃fighting Joe Hooker;〃 of whom we shall hear again。 Pope came up in person with the rest of his available command; rode along his line; and explained the situation as founded on his ignorance and colored by his fancy。 At this very moment Longstreet came up on Jackson's right。 Reynolds went into action against what he thought was Jackson's extended right but what was really Longstreet's left。 Meanwhile the Centreville troops attacked near Bull Run。 But that dashing commander; Philip Kearny; was held up by Jackson's concentrated guns; so Hooker and Reno advanced alone; straight for the railroad line。 The Confederates behind it poured in a tremendous hail of bullets; and the long dry grass caught fire。 But nothing stopped Hooker till bayonets were crossed on the rails and the Confederate line was broken。 Then the Confederate reserves charged in and drove the Federals back。 No sooner was this seen than; with a burst of cheering; another blue line surged forward。 Again the Confederate front was broken; but again their reserves drove back the Federals。 And so the fight went on; with stroke and counterstroke; till; at a quarter past five; twelve hours after Pope's first men had started from the Henry Hill; his thirty thousand attackers found themselves unable to break through。

Pope wished to make one more effort to round up Jackson's supposedly open right。 But Porter quite properly sent back word that it was far too strong for his own ten thousand。 In reply Pope angrily ordered an immediate attack。 But it was now too dark; and the battle ended for the day。

Strangely enough; Lee was also having trouble with his subordinate on the same flank at the same time; but with this difference; that Porter was right while Longstreet was wrong。 Lee saw his chance of rolling up Pope's left and ordered Longstreet to do it。 But; after reconnoitering the ground; Longstreet came back to say the chance was 〃not inviting。〃 Again Lee ordered an attack。 But Longstreet wasted time; looking for needlessly favorable ground till long after dark。 Meanwhile the Federals were also feeling their way forward over the same ground to get into a good flanking position for next day's battle。 So the two sides met; and it was past midnight when Longstreet settled down。 Lee wanted a sword thrust。 Longstreet gave a pin prick。 We shall meet Longstreet again; in the same character of obstructive subordinate; at Gettysburg。 But he was; for the most part; a very good officer indeed; and the South; with its scanty supply of trained leaders; could not afford to make changes like the North。 The fault; too; was partly Lee's; for his one weak point with good but wayward subordinates was a tendency to let his sensitive consideration for their feelings overcome his sterner insight into their defects。

At noon on the fatal thirtieth of August; Pope; selfdeluded and self…sufficient as before; dismayed his best officers by ordering his sixty…five thousand men to be 〃immediately thrown forward in pursuit of the enemy; 〃whose own fifty thousand were now far readier than on the previous day。

Then the dense blue masses marched to their doom。 Twenty thousand bayonets shone together from Groveton to Bull Run。 Forty thousand more supported them on the slopes in rear; while every Federal gun thundered forth protectingly from the heights behind。 The Confederate batteries were pointed out as the objective of attack。 Not one glint of steel appeared between these batteries and the glittering Federal host。 To the men in the ranks and to Pope himself victory seemed assured。 But no sooner had that brave array come within rifle range of the deserted railroad line than; high and clear; the Confederate bugles called along the hidden edges of the flat…topped Ridge; when instantly the great gray host broke cover; ran forward as one man; and held the whole embankment with a line of fire and steel。

A shock of sheer amazement ran through the Federal mass。 Then; knightly as any hero of romance; a mounted officer rode out alone; in front of the center; and; with his sword held high; continued leading the advance; which itself went on undaunted。 The Confederate flank batteries crossed their fire on this devoted center。 Bayonets flashed out of line in hundreds as their owners fell。 Colors were cut down; raised high; cut down again。 But still that gallant horse and man went on; unswerving and untouched。 Even the sweeping volleys spared them both; though now; as the Federals closed; these volleys cut down more men than the cross…fire of the guns。 At last the unscathed hero waved his sword and rode straight up the deadly embankment; followed by the charging line。 〃Don't kill him! Don't kill him!〃 shouted the admiring Confederates as his splendid figure stood; one glorious moment; on the top。 The next; both horse and man sank wounded; and were at once put under cover by their generous foes。

For thirty…five dire minutes the fight raged face to face。 One Federal color rose; fell; and rose again as fast as living hands could take it from the dead。 Over a hundred men lay round it when the few survivors drew back to re…form。 Pope fed his front line with reserves; who advanced with the same undaunted gallantry; but also with the same result。 As if to make this same result more sure he never tried to win by one combined assault; wave after crashing wave; without allowing the defense to get its second wind; but let each unit taste defeat before the next came on。 Federal bravery remained。 But Federal morale was rapidly disintegrating under the palpable errors of Pope。 Misguided; misled; and mishandled; the blue lines still fought on till four; by which time every corps; division; and brigade had failed entirely。

Then; at the perfect moment and in the perfect way; Lee's counterstroke was made: the beaten Federals being assailed in flank as well as front by every sword; gun; bayonet; and bullet that could possibly be brought to bear。 Only the batteries remained on the ridge; firing furiously till the Federals were driven out of range。 The infantry and cavalry were sent inwave after wave of them; without respite; till the last had hurled destruction on the foe。

As at the First Bull Run; so here; the regulars fell back in good order; fighting to the very end。 But the rest of Pope's Army of Virginia was no longer an organized unit。 Even strong reinforcements could do nothing for it now。 On the second of September; three days after the battle; its arrival at Washington; heralded by thousands of weary stragglers; threw the whole Union into gloom。

The first counter…invasion naturally followed。 Southern hopes ran high。 Bragg's invasion of Kentucky seemed to be succeeding at this time。 The trans…Mississippi line still held at Vicksburg and Port Hudson。 Richmond had been saved。 Washington was menaced。 And most people on both sides thought so much more of the land than of the sea that the Federal victories along the coast and up the Mississippi were half forgotten for the time being; and so was the strangling blockade。 Lee; of course; saw the situation as a whole; and; as a whole; it was far from bright。 But though the counter…invasion was now a year too late it seemed worth making。 Maryland was full of Southern sympathizers; and campaigning there would give Virginia a chance to recuperate; while also preventing the North from recovering too quickly from its last reverse。 Thus it was with great expectations that the Confederates crossed the Potomac singing 〃Maryland; my Maryland!〃

But Maryland did not respond to this appeal。 The women; it is true; were mostly Southern to the core and ready to serve the Confederate cause in every way they could。 But the men; reflecting more; knew they were in the grip of Northern seapower。 Nor could they fail to notice the vast difference between the warlike resources of the North and South。 Northern armies had been marching through for many months; well fed; well armed; and superabundantly supplied。 The Confederates; o

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